Stuart Clayton
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Everything posted by Stuart Clayton
Hi everyone, As some of you know, for some time I've been working sporadically on a book called [b]Solo Arrangements for Electric Bass[/b]. The idea of the book is to feature solo arrangements (surprise surprise) of well-known popular songs with in-depth notes about how to play them, general technique instruction, and how to go about arranging solo music for the bass. I've finally managed to start recording these pieces, and have decided to offer one up for a free download. The piece in question is a Jazz Medley and features four songs: My funny Valentine, Serenade to a Cuckoo, Take The A Train, and St Thomas. As you'll hear, it's highly complex and requires a good working knowledge of several techniques. Here's the link: [url="http://www.basslinepublishing.com/solos.html"]http://www.basslinepublishing.com/solos.html[/url] I'd love to get some feedback on this piece, and the book in general. I'm very excited about it, and have been trying to let the music happen at its own speed - this is why the book is taking so long, I think you have to let these pieces evolve naturally. In a few weeks time I will also be uploading some videos of me performing some of the pieces so you can get an idea of what's to come. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy, and please do let me know what you think, either by replying here, or emailing me at [email protected] Cheers! Stu
[quote name='Rich' post='21897' date='Jun 22 2007, 01:50 PM']Well, I like it pretty much as it is, especially now the Warwick fixation has been toned down a bit. The slagging received by that hyper-expensive blue 5 string has probably seen them off! And there's a case in point -- there [i]have[/i] been negative reviews in the past, and there will be in the future, you just have to look for it. Don't judge by the stars, just read the lines (and between them, sometimes). There are far better ways to say something's crap than just saying "it's crap"..! +1 for elom's "Reader's Wives" idea. Bassist had such a thing, and Bass Player still does. I'd like to see one in BGM too. I reckon the members of this august gathering have got enough subject matter to keep it going for the next 10 years! [/quote] I believe the 'readers wives' thing is being looked into, so who knows? Stu
[quote name='MB1' post='21741' date='Jun 22 2007, 10:04 AM']MB1. I used to subscribe to the bass guitarist magazine but stopped when it became blatantly obvious i was reading BASSIST with a different cover.I also agree with the fact that reviewers in the bass guitarist magazine seem unwilling to actually slag anything off,i thought the magazine was supposed to be a voice for bassists,but that voice isnt much of a help ,especially to new and younger bassists on a budget , if you consider every bass/cab/amp/effect/ to be great,or is this just the backhander from the advertisers talking? MB1.[/quote] As a reviewer for the mag - and I'm sure Dave Marks and Mike Brooks will back me up here - I've never been put under any pressure to review something in a certain way. We all say what we think, and for the most part the things we review are good stuff and are more than fit for the purpose which they were created for. I'll draw your attention once again to the fact that some products have scored badly in the past! Bear in mind also that even if something is reviewed well, we always say if we think it's overpriced for the market sector, or if better alternatives exist. I was not a fan of Bassist at all, although I bought it at the time since it was the only UK bass mag around. I think BGM is a far better read - at least there are no cartoon strips and jokes pages in BGM! That's not to knock the people that wrote Bassist, I just think it was targetted differently. Remember that BGM listens carefully to critiscisms from it's readers, and where appropriate addresses the issues raised. Stu
[quote name='PaulMartin' post='21578' date='Jun 21 2007, 08:35 PM']+1 to all of this. I used to really enjoy the "My Bass is" feature in the old Bassist Magazine, (but leaving out the dodgy poses). I find the gear and experiences of amateurs and semi pros more interesting than just reading about celebs all the time. These days the gear market is so competitive I think it'd be unlikely to see a piece of gear get a really bad review, although the aforementioned Bassist did once give an Ampeg rig a real good slagging. All in all though a good mag. I read it from cover to cover the day I get it[/quote] While it's true that a lot of gear is reviewed at 3 stars and above, it's largely the case the most things are pretty well made and are good value for money. There are exceptions of course, and I think I'm right in saying that there have been a few 2 star reviews in the past. Stu
[quote name='elom' post='21132' date='Jun 20 2007, 11:44 PM']Okay three things I'd like to see in BGM:[list=1] [*]Blind comparisons - seriously! Go on, blindfold a reviewer and give him a Squier, MIM, MIJ & MIA (or any variations) and lets have a shootout where you don't know what you've got! [*]Reader's wives. No not that, but why not feature one of the readers and their kit for a change? Some (not all) of the celeb interviews are so dull and uninformative that I reckon regular Joes would be just as interesting. [*]A review with less than 3 stars. It's almost as if they are afraid to do it for fear of annoying the advertisers. The Gibson SG review is a good example I reckon [/list]For what it's worth, I am a subscriber and I really like the mag so I'm not dissing it - just making some suggestions.[/quote] I've sent all this to the powers that be... Stu
[quote name='alexclaber' post='20854' date='Jun 20 2007, 04:48 PM']I am a HUGE supporter of hearing protection, having bought musicians' earplugs relatively soon after joining my first band. Before spending your next £150 on a bass, amp or pedals, go and get some custom plugs made, their are truly the best thing since sliced bread. You will not believe how much clearer everything sounds - simply because your ears are distorting much less. And bear in mind that when your ears are distorting they are being damaged and they never recover. Alex[/quote] I'm off for a hearing test tomorrow as I am starting to suspect my hearing has suffered in recent years. After that, I'm definately going for some full-on protection, probably from here: [url="http://www.soundguard.co.uk/one.htm"]http://www.soundguard.co.uk/one.htm[/url]. I'll let you all know how I get on with them! Stu
[quote name='bassfunk' post='20700' date='Jun 20 2007, 12:22 PM']Stanley Clarke interview is good. But does anyone else think they could do with more exercises/transcriptions? They have 2 months to write the bloody thing. The American bass magazine i sometimes buy normally has a couple of song transcriptions and just as many exercises if not more as BGM, and it's monthly. Is it a lack of contributors?[/quote] We'd all like to see more transcriptions in the mag, and there are several writers, myself included, who are more than up for doing them. The problem is print licenses are very expensive, and mean that they can't happen in every issue. Bear in mind that the US bass mag is run by an enormous company that is undoubtedly more able to do such things. One of the reasons for revamping the columns last year was to get more music into the mag in a different way. While they may not feature all your favourite riffs, there's plenty of musical content - Steve Lawson has looked at a variety of interesting melodic applications, Dave Marks has covered several different musical styles, and my column provides some ammunition for general improvisation. Stu
[quote name='Alun' post='19254' date='Jun 17 2007, 08:00 PM']Ignore me, just found the answer on your site. For anyone else who's interested, more info here... [url="http://www.basslinepublishing.com/stuhamm.html"]http://www.basslinepublishing.com/stuhamm.html[/url] Cheers, Alun[/quote] Thanks for the mention Alun! The book should be out by now, but has been delayed by two things. First is a licensing issue that should get resolved very soon, the second is the fact that Stuart (Hamm) has offered to check the transcriptions himself, so that's what's happening at the moment. Good news is that it should be out in late July, and the first 20 copies will be signed by Stu. I'll mailshot everyone on my mailing list, and post here (if I'm allowed) once it's available. Cheers Stu
[quote name='Hamster' post='18987' date='Jun 16 2007, 11:42 PM']Ah, the joys of subscription - but I bet Stuart gets a free one [/quote] Well i do write for them quite a lot...! Stu
[quote name='Paul Cooke' post='18964' date='Jun 16 2007, 10:51 PM']wasn't in Smiths today... still had the May/June issue there...[/quote] Bear in mind subscribers get their copies a week or so early... Stu
[quote name='Waldo' post='9811' date='May 31 2007, 12:12 PM']The problem I've found with some tab books is that they contain mistakes, which is unacceptable quite frankly. If the music industry wants people to buy tab books rather than downloading them off a site, they better damn well make sure that they're correct![/quote] I tell you what, my books are always painstakingly accurate. I know, many tab books that are on sale are rubbish (some of the Jaco ones spring to mind), but I take pride in getting the transcriptions absolutely spot on. Stu
[quote name='lukeward2004' post='9249' date='May 30 2007, 03:04 PM']+1 - I get really wound up by the lack of tabs these days, however it has done me a favour in the sense that it makes me use my ear and this has meant that my overall ear for a bassline has improved. Record labels make me sick - rather than take a proactive approach they decide to simply attack the very musos who provide thier profits in the first place. They close these tab sites as they deem it to be taking money away from the original performer - but I am yet to see a comprehensive "official" tab book for sale with the tabs I need.[/quote] That's a void I'm attempting to fill with the transcription books I publish through Bassline Publishing. Luke - if you or anyone else can suggest books you'd like to see, I'll look into doing them. The whole idea of my company is to publish books that would be considered too 'niche-market' for the big publishers, but which would still be of interest to bassists. Incidentally, I am currently going through the possibilities of the Bernard Edwards book that was suggested, and will let you all know soon whether it's a goer or not. Cheers Stuart
[quote name='Pbassred' post='5634' date='May 24 2007, 11:54 AM']Good luck with the site Stu it looks good. Perhaps you should run an ebay site too. That Bernard Edwards book will be great went you get it (if its notation). I'm not so interested in tab by itself, though alongside notation its great. (I know that this could open up the whole tab versus notation debate but they each have their place.) It would be great to be able to just pick up individual song scores. Do bass scores even exist? Would that be a bussines for someone? No better way to become proficient than to write each line out, but I expect that there would be troubles with publishing houses .[/quote] Thanks - I'm working on finding out about the Bernard Edwards book at the moment. All the books I publish are in standard notation AND tab - while i obviously prefer notation, you have to include tab in order to reach the widest audience. Glad you liked the site! Stu
[quote name='Pbassred' post='3115' date='May 20 2007, 10:36 PM']I was thinking more about books with songs in them ( that we might know).[/quote] Check out my publishing site www.basslinepublishing.com. We do a series of Level 42 books, KISS books and have a Stu Hamm book coming out next month. Not the biggest range in the world at the moment, but we're working on it, and there are plans for a Red Hot Chili Peppers book (covering early stuff), a Bernard Edwards book and a general bass theory book. Aside from that, Simon Merrick published some Jamiroquai books (which I think are currently sold out), and I'd recommend checking out the Bass Tab White Pages (TONS of stuff), the Jaco books, and there's some great Hal Leonard books with playalong CD's that are well worth a look. Cheers Stu
[quote name='Gizmo' post='1801' date='May 18 2007, 10:21 PM']Hey Rich Thx for the heads up i look forward to your mini review Cheers Gizmo[/quote] I have Pondering Bass Technique and it's very good indeed. Norm has developed some great techniques and he explains everything very clearly. I recommend them for sure. Stu