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About javi_bassist

  • Birthday 26/05/1992

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  1. The red one seems really really cool
  2. I bought the V1 because Thomman had a discount on a special edition that I love. The V2 seems more similar to the amp heads. I used to have the V1 (and I sold it, which I shouldn't have done) and I it sounded great. With the AGS on, it was amazing. However, I could never replicate the same sound with the heads and the Drive knob. And I think this preamp is similar to them. I'll stick to my V1 (when it arrives)
  3. I bought one but it won't arrive until next month. I must say that I didn't know it was a Solid State Preamp with a Valve Power Amp section. I know that the previous model was, but I thougth this one wasn't. The valve in the preamp is just for overdrive (just like in their OriginAL preamp). However, I heard many Demos on Youtube (mostly about the previous version) and it sounds pretty good. I already think about swapping the valve (I did the same in the Preamp). Dave said it was fine, but that it won't make much of a difference. I expect to get more sweet spots with the Gain, since I prefer mostly clean with some hair. I will report back when I have the amp. @steviedee how are you enjoying yours?
  4. Yes, and I already have one. However, I prefer having a tuner than the switch since I won't be needing the additional switch. I just prefer to have a tuner... I don't know exactly why hehe
  5. I made a few changes because of the next gigs that I have. I removed the Wireless and the Midi controller, since I won't need them. The comp is back again and it will stay. I added a tuner because I like to have a mute switch.
  6. I haven't tried the Pro-DI, but reading the specs, it seems the same than the OriginAL without the Valve (as you said). IMO it is a good move, since the OriginAL is in a price point competing with more loved preamps with much more features. And the valve doesn't help, since it is only used for overdrive (and it is too much overdrive). Don't get me wrong, it sounds great just clean, but for clean, you can now get a much cheaper Pro-DI. I do miss the VU meter in my OriginAL. The design is beautiful, but I like the VU meter in Ashdown products hehe.
  7. I don't really know if there is love for this pedal anymore, but I still love mine. However, I wanted it to be more clean. I swapped valves again. I tried a 5751. Too much overdrive (coming from a 12AT7). I got myself today a 12AY7. I love it. Now I can get some clean tones or overdriven sounds, but the Drive Gain is useful (before it was almost all the way down always). If you guys feel like experimenting (and prefer a little bit of a cleaner sound) I really recommend you to put a 12AY7. You won't regret it.
  8. Heads: Ashdown RM500 EVO Markbass Little Mark Tube Ashdown Spyder 330 Cabs: Markbass Traveler 210 Eden EX112
  9. Are you using the EBS preamp with electric bass? I had only seen people using it with double bass or acoustic!
  10. One tuner: TC Electronic Polytune 3 One drive: Ampeg Scrambler One fuzz/distortion: Aguilar Fuzzistor One envelope filter: I've never had one proper envelope filter. I have always used a Line 6 M5. I f I had to get one, I'd go MXR or Source Audio. One octave: MXR Octave Deluxe One modulation: Mooer Ensemble Queen One preamp (doesn't have to have DI out): Aguilar Tone Hammer One pedal that does reverb or delay (or both): I have a Dr Green Waiting Room but I don't use it much. and one wildcard...: this one is tricky. My first thought would be a DCX Bass and I'd pick that probably. However, when I didn't have the Helix, I paired the Tone Hammer with a MXR Microamp. With the AGS always one on the limit of breakup, I had the Microamp to give it a little boost before the Tone Hammer to drive it when I needed an overdrive.
  11. Little update and I am done (for now)
  12. A pedalboard is never finished... But I am happy with what I use right now. First time programing MIDI. With no idea of what I was doing and watching youtube videos. Now, it activates the tuner, FS4 and FS5. It was what I wanted it to do, so 100% success. However, I'd like it to scroll preset up and down and also activate or deactivate a block. I am not sure if this can be done, but so far, so good. I don't have a proper MIDI cable so I used what I had xD. There is a project that I play in with very limited room on stage. In that project, I won't be needing the DI nor the MIDI pedal, so the idea is that I can remove it from the pedalboard easily. Since the pedalboard is a D'addario XPND, removing those two pedals it gets really small.
  13. I know that it is not that big. The guitarist in my band has one. However, when I compare my pedalboard with her Helix LT, it is much bigger. But I know I will het one eventually.
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