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Everything posted by javi_bassist

  1. The Russian muff is incredibly good when used in series. But in parallel it goes to a whole new level. I really love it. I also kept the overdrive and the chorus in the loop, but my main thought it was to try it with the muff.
  2. The first time I didn't use an amp I didn't like it. But now, I'm going ampless everywhere I go if I can. I guess it also depends on the venues you usually play. In my case, the sound guys always give me a DI or I go to the PA from my board or amp. So, I build a board to go ampless and I'm pretty happy with it. I also have IEM system. It's the best option I think.
  3. I have used the ABM Evo II for years. Last year I got the RM and I absolutely love it. To me, the ABM has more low end and a better EQ. However, the RM is the best class D amp I have ever tried. The EQ is really good and the sound is Ashdown. If I had to choose, I'd go with the ABM. But since I play a lot lately, the weight of the RM is impressive. I only gig with it now.
  4. Very interesting topic. It's always nice to learn new things from you guys. In my case, with a new project, I have the Boss LS-2. I've been thinking about going digital with the Line 6 HX Stomp. My thinking was to split the signal in two, like a Blend control from all the effects. Then, selecting frequencies etc. However, since I have a full board of analog effects (and I love pedals!), I tried to do it simpler with just the Boss LS-2. My loops are: Bass-->Compressor-->Octaver-->Boss LS-2-->HPF&LPF-->Preamp Loop of the Boss: Fuzz-->Overdrive-->Chorus I really thought if I should include the octaver in the loop. I finally let it out because sometimes I just use the octave, not the real note, so I would lose the possibility of using the effect just for the octave. The Fuzz, the overdrive and the chorus sound much better in parallel IMO. Especially the fuzz. I'm really happy with this board. I have to say that when I play with my rock cover band, I just go series with Comp-->Overdrive-->Preamp
  5. The MXR is really good, but more expensive. The TC Corona Chorus is really nice too. With the chorus I'm in the same situation as you, I'm never entirely sure where it will sound good. However, the best option is to try.
  6. With the MojoMojo you get a lot for just a little money. However, my favourite is the Ampeg Scrambler. It is a little more expensive, but to me it's far better. It has replaced the MojoMojo on my board
  7. Last gig I went to see Snarky Puppy in Madrid. I just love them. Everyone there was so talented. Earlier that day I saw Morgan. They are a Spanish band (they sing in English). You should guys check them out.
  8. I started classic guitar lessons. But I got bored very soon. I wanted to switch to electric guitar. So I went to the local music store to see what they had. I got to the store and there was random guy playing bass. I listened to him for about 20 minutes while pretending to be looking at guitars. He then finished, bought the bass and left. I was just blown away. I loved what I heard. I wanted to play that sexy instrument...so I changed my mind and I told my dad that I needed a bass. Funny thing though I realised some years after: while in classic guitar lessons, I always played the bass part of the song, while my friend played the upper register. I used to choose that part.
  9. I'm leaning towards the Ashdown actually, but I still have my doubts... I tried the EBS too but I wasn't impressed. It sounded really good, but it wasn't what I was looking for
  10. I have to admit that it sounds better than I expected...
  11. So my pedalboard is complete...until I think of buying something else. Probably in the next two days or so

  12. Hello guys, I have been looking for information, demos or whatever info about this pre amp. I've always loved the Ashdown tone and I'd love to have it on my board since I'm going ampless lately. But there are no demos or anything. The tube drive is something that I like and the EQ is the same than in the RM, which is very flexible. The rest of the features are not that important to me. I'm also considering the Shift Line MKIIIs, which has a much worse EQ but a really nice warm tube sound. Do you guys use the Ashdown?
  13. I've finally finished the board inside my head!! I'm really proud and it sounds really good. TC Electronic Polytune 2-->Pigtronix Philosopher Bass Compressor-->MXR Octave Deluxe-->Boss LS-2-->HPF-->LPF-->Aguilar Tone Hammer Boss LS-2-->EHX Big Muff-->Ampeg Scrambler-->Line 6 M5-->Boss LS-2
  14. There are also some pedals which reproduce drums in that way. We wish we could get rid of them...but we still need them haha. I'd "worry" more about sampled bass in modern recordings. But nothing is like the real thing. A fun pedal though
  15. Ok guys, I solved it. As you said, it was an electrical issue. The adapter I used was kind of broken. I build my pedalboard and when it's plugged to the Power Plant it doesn't make any noise. So now it's perfect Thank you for your replies and for your help
  16. Actually they were all plugged to independent power supplies. But I will check what you say, because it may be an electrical issue in the house. I will keep you posted. Thank you
  17. I am a happy user of the Ashdown RM500. I get a lot of compliments on my tone when I use it. The EQ is very powerful. I had never used the "effects" that come with the amp. However, I have started setting just a little bit of comp and a little bit of Drive and the sound is even more impressive. It's the best Class D amp I have ever tried. I must say though, that I am also a happy user of the Aguilar Tone Hammer pre amp. I use it when I don't take the amp with me. The EQ is also amazing and very flexible. When I used to use the Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 I was also very happy. I prefer the Ashdown, but just my personal taste. I have never used the Genz Benz, so I can't comment on this one. You won't get wrong with any of these options.
  18. Hello guys! I have recently buy an EHX Big Muff which I love. The sound I get out of it is exactly what I thought a Fuzz should sound. However, it has a very loud noise. I know all fuzzes tend to be noisy. However, my two other fuzzes (a Dr Green Bearded Lady and an Aguilar Fuzzistor) do a noise when not played, but as soon as I play, they are "quiet" (or maybe the noise it is very very low). But not the Big Muff. There are certain parts of one song that I play at a lower volumes and the noise is louder than what I play. Do you know if this is normal? Or what kind of problem it can have? Muff.mp4
  19. Hahahahaha, true Ok, so the crappy pic (my phone updated its version and it does weird things with the light in the pics)
  20. That's an awesome pedalboard! Can you explain it?
  21. Helix or not Helix...that's the question

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. geoham


      Had my LT for a week. Seems awesome, really seems a tool without limits. I've got my first rehearsal in two days and a gig on Saturday - can't wait to play with it properly!

    3. bassnut68


      Been gigging with an HX Stomp for a couple of weeks now. No regrets. None at all.

    4. javi_bassist


       @CameronJ I'll get the HX Stomp once my bass cab is sold.

  22. I joined some classic rock cover band, so this is my pedalboard now.
  23. They look really good. I prefer this to the Vintera (I know the Vintera looks more like the original) The Mex already sound pretty good. I was about to buy one
  24. Well, I have 6 and sometimes I think they are too many...but I never stop thinking of a new model I want Squier Affinity P-Bass (my first bass) Fender MIJ Classic 60 Fender MP Dimension Bass Epiphone Jack Casady Yamaha BB735a Yamaha BB734a
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