Very interesting topic. It's always nice to learn new things from you guys.
In my case, with a new project, I have the Boss LS-2. I've been thinking about going digital with the Line 6 HX Stomp. My thinking was to split the signal in two, like a Blend control from all the effects. Then, selecting frequencies etc.
However, since I have a full board of analog effects (and I love pedals!), I tried to do it simpler with just the Boss LS-2. My loops are:
Bass-->Compressor-->Octaver-->Boss LS-2-->HPF&LPF-->Preamp
Loop of the Boss: Fuzz-->Overdrive-->Chorus
I really thought if I should include the octaver in the loop. I finally let it out because sometimes I just use the octave, not the real note, so I would lose the possibility of using the effect just for the octave. The Fuzz, the overdrive and the chorus sound much better in parallel IMO. Especially the fuzz. I'm really happy with this board.
I have to say that when I play with my rock cover band, I just go series with Comp-->Overdrive-->Preamp