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Everything posted by javi_bassist

  1. I do the same in most of my patches. I never use cabs or IRs, with the exception of one of my patches built for my acoustic bass.
  2. A week ago I bought a Fender American Ultra and I can't believe how good this bass is.

    1. gjones


      I have the Elite Precision (the version before the Ultra). It's a great bass except for the jack input which is a cheapo plastic component which failed a couple of years after I bought the bass new. Remember to always use right angled jacks as mine failed after I used a straight jack and it got knocked by accident. 

  3. I've been playing my BB414 lately and I am liking it more. It just feels good. And it sounds amazing. I have used it in a couple of recordings and people loved it. Anyway, I am posting a pick because it's orange and it can be seen from the distance and I find it funny. Sounds cool, plays awesome and it's sexy.
  4. Your videos are always great and I always enjoy them! I must admit that, even though I am a Yamaha fan, in this video, the Sandberg sounded a little bit better for me. But probably in a mix, the Yamaha would win (I have a Fender jazz bass that I love but, when it comes to play with other people, my Yamaha is a better choice). I'd also pick the Yamaha because I really really want a BBP34 in that colour
  5. Yesterday I took my Original again for a gig. I left my pedalboard at home and I played my Yamaha BB414 to the Original to FOH. It sounded amazing. Really fat but also punchy. With the Valve always on.
  6. I have been watching some people playing BB605s because I was thinking about selling it. I really like the feel but I am not really happy with the sound. My fault because I changed the stock pickups for Delanos. So, I watched two musicians in Instagram who uploaded some covers and the sound was just pretty amazing. One of them told me that the bass was 100% stock. The other one told me that he changed the pickups for Sadowsky pickups. The latter sounded like a pretty amazing jazz bass, so I pulled the trigger and I bought the Sadowsky pickups. I will be selling the Delanos. Nothing wrong with them really (I have Delanos in my BB735) but I wanted a more classic jazz bass sound. If I don't like them, the stock picukps will come back haha.
  7. They both look amazing. Man, I just love Yamaha basses... I want them all xD.
  8. I replaced both pickups with Delano. It is an awesome bass.
  9. Guys one question. In my Yamaha BB414, the tuner of the E string is bent (I bought it like that already). It works, but I would like to replace it. Since it must be difficult to find a similar tuner, which tuners are a direct replacement?
  10. I have been playing my BB735 with Ernie Ball Cobalts. I have to admit that I really like them. Now I have changed them to Ernie Ball Cobalt flats (I bought them for my Mustang and I bought a 5 string set... expensive mistakes). The sound is pretty good. I am not used to the feeling of flats (I have cobalt flats in my Mustang and Chromes in my Jack Casady), but I must admit that they sound good. Since the BB is my main bass for almost anything, I will see how it sits now in the mix. Last Saturday I played in a weeding gig and it sounded good. The drummer did ask if I could increase some mids (it was completely flat) but the rest of the band liked it.
  11. I have an orange 414, but everytime I see one, I want it :P. For those of you who have a 415/425, how is the 5th string? I have a 735 and I love it, but I was considering getting an older one as a backup
  12. I have one, actually. But for that project, I only use one patch so I don't really need it. The thing about the polytune is that I don't really like the tuner of the HX and I prefer to have a third switch rather than a tuner.
  13. Simple and effective. Actually the HX can complicate things
  14. I had that exact comb, sold it, and got the HD400 (just the head). I really like the amps and I wish Line6 included them in the Helix.
  15. Mini pedalboard for most of the gigs. D'addario XPND 1 so that I can add a couple of more pedals (Relay G30, Aguilar Fuzzistor and MXR Poly Octave Blue).
  16. Considering an Ashdown The Grail 5. That 35" scale is probably a win

  17. I also wish they offered higher end instruments with maple fretboard. But I also agree about the headstocks. The black with black headstock might be cool, but the rest... The new vintage white BBP34 with maple fretboard and no paint on the headstock could be my dream bass.
  18. I always have a Radial SB2 just in case. Small and good sounding.
  19. I set mine 35Hz and from 7kHZ to 10kHZ. And I really notice when it's off.
  20. I think it lookes pretty cool and it may compete with "premium" manufacturers. Finally, Ampeg seems to create an Ampeg preamp with great quality.
  21. I'm still deciding wether I keep the Vintage Pre preamp on the board. I usually use the HX Stomp as a preamp and I have a couple of presets that I like. I don't usually use many effects so it might be redundant to have both. Still trying. Also, I am also testing the compressor in different places.
  22. I could take care of that Pulp N Peel... I have bought and sold that pedal three times and I always come back to it. I'd probably get another one...
  23. Man I've always loved that finish. I was about to buy one on Reverb but I finally didn't and I regret it
  24. Yamaha has released two new finishes for the Pro series. And I love both.
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