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Everything posted by javi_bassist

  1. I use the compressor when I use the amp with no pedals. It sounds really good with just a bit of drive and just a bit of compression.
  2. I own a Jack Casady, but just because I love the bass. The name didn't have anything to do with me buying the bass. Being signature doesn't really mean anything to me. Basses, amps, pedals... if they are great by its own, then I'll get one.
  3. They made that mistake in some Dr Green pedals... I hope it's not the case this time. I still have my Bearded Lady and using it live was difficult sometimes.
  4. I completely agree. But even with older pedals. Their OriginAL preamp has really few videos and it's an awesome preamp. They should really work on this.
  5. Just curious. do you know if there is much difference between the ABM600 and the ABM Dual VU? I think it's just the look and the place where it is built, but I don't know if there is any more difference. I've always liked the blue.
  6. Actually I was just thinkig the same. It's not much different from an ABM, I think the only difference is the Taurus input. Besides, I thought there was no comp nor sub-harmonics (which I'd prefer, because I don't use any of that in my amp) but it seems that the amp has both, but not they are not configurable, which I think it's worse. I cannot say that I wouldn't buy one, but for that amount of money, I'd probably get a Dual VU ABM. PS Maybe the valve drive is different. I'm not sure about that.
  7. And I admit that I like it more than I expected
  8. As long as you sound good. It's true that 99% of the audience doesn't notice when the bass has overdrive, fuzz or anything. But they care about the overall mix. These changes may suit the song more than just playing a dry signal of the bass.
  9. I really like these EQ (in theory). If the highs were 3.8kHZ it would be better, but it seems like a really cool amp.
  10. I'm really excited about this one. It looks pretty amazing
  11. I have a question for you guys. Does any of you combine the HX Stomp with an external preamp? How do you do it? I have a preamp that I love and I've been trying with the HX lately. Since it has DI out, I tried it at the end of the chain. However, I have also experimenting with IRs and I like come cab simulation blended with some dry signal. The amps in the HX are great (I've used the SVT4 and the SVT Nrm in many shows) but I still prefer the sound of my preamp. For those of you who uses the HX with another preamp, do you use it at the end of chain or in the FX loop?
  12. I've used a lot of compressors in my years playing. As a cheap comp pedal, I'd go with the TC Electronic Hypergravity. I've used one for many years with really good results. I've also used the EHX Bass Preacher and I really liked it. It'd be my second choice.
  13. I've never used an FRFR, but I'm curious about them. I have my in ears in case I don't have monitors. Begore going to the venue I usually ask about the backline they have, just in case I have to take my amp.
  14. Yes! It happened to me haha
  15. I've been an amp geek since I started playing bass. Even more excited about amps than basses. I tried a lot of amps and now, it makes me a little sad, but I leave it at home if I can (99% of the time actually). I switched to a Line 6 HX Stomp, some pedals and IEM. If I can't use IEM, I have monitors from FOH. Being able to go to play by train or bus is great. I still have a couple of amps, but they rarely leave my house. However, playing with what you like I think it makes play better (or more comfortable at least). 99% of the audience won't notice if you're using Fender, Yamaha, Ashdown, Orange, Ampeg... But they will notice if you are enjoying the gig.
  16. Everytime I pick up and play my Fender Dimension MP I love it more and more. I have to find a 5 string version.

  17. I'll try to lower the the Rochester. I tried to set it as I used to run my JHS Pulp'NPeel in the studio for parallel compresion. The LA2A is set to Compression, no Limiter. And I always create my patches at gig volume.
  18. I played a gig on Saturday. Small venue, no amps, everything had to go to FOH. Guitarists and I (bass of course) have HX Stomps. While doing the soundcheck, the sound guy asked me if that was my sound, that it was really compressed. I've been using the same preset for many gigs and I never noticed anything. I don't know if the soundguy is not used to receive some "worked" signal or that my signal is not that good (even though it sounds good to me). My preset goes like this: Rochester comp (heavily compressed, ratio 10/1, but 35% of wet signal to have some parallel compression)->Simple pitch->Split at 120Hz (soft Teemah in the bass part, nothing above the 120Hz)->Signal merges again->Ampeg SVT4->IR->LA Comp (peak 2.5, mix 85%). The LA Comp was just not to have great peaks sent to FOH. I've been toying with the LA to set the peak at 1.5-1.6 to be more subtle. How do you use your compressors?
  19. Yes! They have some really good offers. I got myself a RM112 too haha.
  20. Hi everyone, For some time I've been toying with the idea of starting playing the synth (the bass synth actually). However, I'm not sure how to start. I bought a Korg Microkorg from a friend (not the best idea though. The learning curve of that thing is high). However, I'm not sure how to start. I can play some (basic) piano so I have the basics to play keys. But I don't know how to learn what does that, the different parts of the synth, songs I should learn... How do you guys started?
  21. I think it that now there are also many more "boutique" brands that make their pedals for more than 200 bucks. So "normal" brands also want to make these "boutique" pedals and they rise the price. It's true that the Helix it's not for everyone, but even adding "extra" pedals, you decrease the cost of your pedalboard. And it also gives you the freedom to use effects that you don't have in pedals without the need of buying the effect to try it. But as I said, it's not for everyone of course. There are sounds that you need the specific pedal that it's not in the Helix.
  22. The Source Audio Aftershock made me stopped looking at dirt pedals. I have one more overdrive and two fuzzes, but the Aftershock was the last one and it has every sound I want and need. But the true pedal killer has been the Line6 HX Stomp. I don't feel the need to have any more pedals.
  23. I did that with a step down on a song. I was very skeptical, but the simple pitch is pretty awesome.
  24. I followed your piece of advice. It worked perfectly. Here's is a pìc of my RM500 paired with the RM112 I used yesterday. I am considering getting another RM112, but this one is already really loud. Besides, I also have an old RM210 (the first generation) and I'm also happy with it, so I'm not sure about anopther one.
  25. A crappy pic, but here's my current rig: Ashdown RM500, Ashdown RM112T and my Fender MP Dimension bass.
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