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Posts posted by TheseGlyphs

  1. Hi everyone

    I have a maintenance question that I was hoping I could get a bit of advice on...

    So my Schecter Stiletto  has recently developed a bit of a problem in the bridge pickup. When I dial in just the bridge pickup it's noticeably quieter and quite crackly / buzzy. The pickups are both EMG 35Hz humbuckers (passive), the bass itself has an active EQ which at first I thought might be the problem as it sounds a bit like when the batteries are going, but I've replaced all the batteries and it's still there. Not sure what's causing the problem - has the pickup cracked maybe? I read that ceramics are a bit more delicate. Or could it be a wiring issue? 

    I should of course just take it to my local guitar shop but I'm pretty hard up at the moment having just had to repair my amp...

    Thanks :)


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