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Everything posted by RossHetherington

  1. Are people still using these cabs the Evo ii Super Lightweight 210 is appealing to me.
  2. Arg just ordered some more of these from Dave.
  3. A great seller bought Andy's Genzler amp head and the whole process was painless. Communication was superb.
  4. I meant with Sabbath but that is me told 🤗
  5. Soooo following on from the headphones conversation, I'm looking for a low cost budget option say £30-50. I don't use them for recording so open/closed in sort of irrelevant but would like to use it for listening to music as well as my bass. The two options mentioned previously are Samson SR850 and Superlux HD681.
  6. Its a bit odd as Geezer I don't think has ever used the head but seperate preamps and power amps by Ashdown.
  7. I do like the look of the new Super Lightweight 210s especially as they come in a range of colours.
  8. Where did you get the black plate from, I will add it to my Christmas list? Haha
  9. My basses lived up the loft for about 10 years through extreme heat and cold. The neck didn't move and the pickups were fine.
  10. I've got a maple buttercream one and it's lovely.
  11. I work in Leamington.... Itchy purchase finger must be contained.
  12. He did that's why they just mess with the design. Seems a step back from the previous range.
  13. I live down the road pretty much
  14. I've often fancied a Jackson JS Series Concert Bass Minion for many giggles it's like a 28" scale length.
  15. If I hadn't just bought and amp and a bass and Christmas they would be mine.
  16. Go all Whiplash on them and scream that's not my tempo and throw a chair at the drummer....
  17. It's a great concert. Spoiled slightly when he gets his Aston Villa Lakland out at the end....
  18. I'm a total convert to Dunlop Flats, quite bright but you just roll the tone down and you get the thud.
  19. I've just removed the La Bella's and put some Dunlop Flats on my P bass and it is a revelation. The strings sound consistent and even and there is a nice feeling tension. So far so good.
  20. They don't really seem readily available from shops yet.
  21. The walls still reverberating.
  22. Yes I saw that one might explore them. Won't buy headphones second hand unless I can replace the pads ear juice and all.
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