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Posts posted by Dr.Dave

  1. In a bassy sense I find I feel better if I only own gear I use. I'm a gigging player first and foremost and taking my tools of the trade out with me makes me happy.

    I also like seeing the 20 spots stuffed in the pot on the mantleshelf. Not because I'm greedy or a 'bread head' but because it feels like a tangible reward for the work I've put in over the years. It makes me feel relevant.

    I've been skint and I've been wedged. Neither was the be all and end all of life but wedged is better.

  2. I think your plan's sound , maybe the stumbling block being the sawdust and glue part. I'd either fill the holes from the drilled out dots with plugs of wood , maybe stained to match the fingerboard colour. Or use a matching strip of the dot material.

    Glue wise. If I were doing the job as I outline I'd probably use a dab of epoxy.

    The 'cut to size' stuff looks less fiddly to me than the smaller dot inserts.

  3. [quote name='budget bassist' post='232056' date='Jul 3 2008, 03:06 PM']We've got a pretty cool pre-recorded intro sorted too

    we'll be playing thrash metal/hardcore sort of stuff, we're covering bullet for my valentine's scream aim fire, lord of hate by death angel and we've got two slightly more thrashy originals called sacrifice and from the ashes.[/quote]

    Prokofiev - Dance of the Knights from Romeo and Juliet. That would be perfect. Clip it in the pause at around 40 secs or at the stop at 1min 57sec , in with the first big chord. Sorted.


  4. [quote name='OldGit' post='231978' date='Jul 3 2008, 01:33 PM']4 songs? Brilliant
    and leave space for an encore (yes, play 3 songs and one encore :))

    Top call - 3 songs and an encore.

  5. Dare I say it looks more striking to my eyes with the black guard. But that doesn't matter a toss , you have it how you want it.

    Fine looking bass , is it lightweight. I played a really light red one at the Yorks Bass Bash last Sun and now some fried brain cell tells me all red ones must be light!!

    Whatever - cracking 'Ray , mate

  6. Copied from Wiki


    Lea used a cherry Gibson EB-3 from the late sixties until it was stolen in the mid seventies. It was refinished in white when Lea had it in to get some minor things done to it. It is unclear if this was Leas first bass but it is seen in Slades (probably) first TV-performance in 1969. From 1976 and onwards Leas main bass was a sunburst custom made John Birch bass. He also had an John Birch JB2 bass as backup bass on some tours. Other notable basses that Leas has or have had is a Jaydee bass (which, uncommon on bass guitars, has a tremolo arm), A pre-1981 Gibson Flying-V bass (which was used a lot in studio in the seventies). Lea has also been seen using a lot of different basses on mimed TV-performances, most notable Fender Precision Bass , Fender Jazz bass and a Rickenbacker type of bass. However it is unclear if Leas has owned any of them since Slade often used hired/borrowed instrument in mimed performances

    Brilliant - everybody's opinion turned out to be right !!!!!!

    The 3 times I saw him with Slade I'm sure he was using the Sunburst JB - early 80's.

    And he used a custom Framus for the Slade movie 'Flame' , as did the rest of Slade , though maybe it was just a movie mock up.

    He could have had my mates Precision. He tried to buy it from him when Alan's band , Vardis , supported Slade. Alan wouldn't sell and the P was nicked from his garage years later. Alan also had a few goes on the JB through Jim's huge rig during soundchecks on the tour but didn't rate it much. Maybe a bit of 'pride' going on.

  7. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='231826' date='Jul 3 2008, 10:37 AM']Thanks to Dave and his Security Cat for such excellent service.[/quote]

    Here he is - coiling your strings up !!!!

  8. For sure - Jim Lea played a lot of J Bs , but I too have a recollection of a Gibbo flying V bass on TOTP. Or , at least , one that SAID Gibson.

    Anyway - I have an Epi Explorer bass. It doesn't sit that well on a strap so I moved the button onto the back of the body. Big improvement amd no neck dive now. It actually sounds pretty good - big full tone. The problem is playing it. It would play fine if it wasn't for the stretch to the first couple of frets.

    I would think most of that would be similar with a bass V - though the V would have further issues with playing sitting down - not that you're likely to want to use a V for that.

    Gig bags are another consideration. Hard cases are just so huge. I have an explorer guitar gig bag with 2 walking socks covering the 3 " of headstock that stick out of the end!!

    BTW - the EpiEx is here to do a specific job - ie. the ZZ trib. Although it's a bit of fun and didn't cost the earth I wouldn't keep it otherwise. I don't think it's worth getting something a bit mad and cumbersome unless it's going to get some work.

  9. I don't know if it's common practise amongst custom luthiers but Jon's 'free MOTs' as he explained it to me make his basses an even better bargain than they generally are.

    The sound crew at the Colne Blues fest blew the electrics out of mine (remember that , Rayman and Homer??) and Jon just sorted it while I played with his mutt. No charge.

    I digress.

    It's a quality instrument - I know it seems a lot of money , though it's a bargain when you think about it , but someone out there deserves this one.

    Trade in your car for a cheaper model and test drive it round to soggs place

  10. To be fair (to it , not Julio) - it might be a halfway decent bass to hawk around the boozer circuit for a hundred and fifty quid or so. Bang it about a bit. Talking point and all that.

    If it was just down the road for that sort of cash I'd def. have it.

    Has he actually told any fibby wibs?? He's just expressed opinions really. Ony exception might be if there is a hard and fast definition of 'vintage'.

    But I could say 'Fender Mex Jazz - 2006 vintage' and actually use the word without telling porkies. I know that's a bit thin but if you mix it up with a guy who'll likley as not say his command of English isn't great, the translation was poor or his literacy skills are a bit lacking.............has he actually lied???

    To be honest - I'm just made up that I spotted it before any of you lot. First time I've managed that and been trying for ages!!!!

  11. A '54 according to the serial number and at this price , we can all have one !!!!!


    I might get 2 - one for Sundays.

  12. I can sum up what I think the majority of folk will say.

    Wizard 84s - UK made fabbo jobs and not silly money

    SD Basslines range - notably the quarterpounder

    Some folk - me included - like Bartolinis but they can be hard to source.

    Lindy Fralin pups have a good rep

    There are others , all of which make upgrade pups which make a bigger difference depending on the ones you use at the mo. In your case , the Fender US jobs should be pretty good so don't expect a miracle from the upgrade.

    As always , if you can - try things out

  13. The seller has been in contact with me.

    He seems a genuine guy and is inviting me to go view it so obviously he has nothing to hide.Says some music shops have advised him the bass dates from 1978.

    Maybe he's been the victim at some point , and is selling what he believes to be - and had been advised is - the real deal.

    The problem is the serial number. It doesn't fit with any info I have.

    Anybody here got a more expert view??

    He's asked that I let him know on which forum this is being discussed. We're in the public domain , with nothing to hide , and with the intention of protecting those who view the site - or reporting obvious scammers.

    I'm happy to point him in this direction.

  14. My max was £376.66 on an auctionsteal , so I can't be unhappy can I.

    So - straw poll - red dice knobs or not ??????
    pink furry strap or not??????
    and last , and obviously least
    Seymour QP or not ?????????

    This is my wife's doing. When I got the Jazz she said 'what do you want another bass for' etc etc - usual girly comment.

    I thought about it though , and she was right. What did I want another bass for???

    To have a non precious Fender sound for Dr Blue and something striking but very playable simple sounder for Eliminator. That's the correct answer , and the Jazz wasn't it. Should have thought about it more , but I enjoyed fiddling with the Jazz and getting the bits together.

  15. Just got this from Ebay for £270 - happy with that.

    One, number, 'Crafted' (can't they spell 'made') in Japan 54 reissue Fender Precision bass. Not very old I don't think , certainly nothing much short of spotless.

    The bridge is off , and replaced by my Badass 2 (third Fender it's been on) though I am hawking round for a Badass 3 as you can see from my sig. Got the string through option then which the bass obviously has already.

    The Dunlops are on so it won't be falling on my foot this WE in Bradford and making me look stupid.

    The Dr Dave patented 2nd string guide is too. Might be more than habit this time because the tuners (reverse) have very straight shafts and anything short of perfect stringing might cause a bit of slippy slidey in my opinion.

    A bugger , that , because I was going to put my set of US series 'big F' jobbies on it. Can't. There's a rdge cut in the wood halfway down the hole.
    You'll find the big F's in the for sales if you're interested - good bit of kit and it's had me gnashing and wailing a bit that I can't have them.

    At some point - I may well make it sound less trebly and more like a night club bouncer with a QP.

    This is going to do 2 jobs for me , and from my initial fiddle around with it I know it'll do them well. It'll give me an option to take a Fender to Dr Blue gigs - nice old fashioned basic sound - without having to risk my 73P in some of the Mary Whitehouses we play.

    It'll also be invaluable with the ZZ trib. An hour of fighting the EpiEx is crunching my shoulders and wrists up. This will come in after a couple of numbers of 'visual effect' and stay for the rest of the set.

    It's look will suit the ZZ thing perfectly.

    Ah yes - it's look !!!!!

    Well , I can't offer you a pic yet because my good lady has our camera on her jollies in Devon. Some of you may well be relieved that she has , but , everyone to their own and I love these guys - always fancied one and having a 'purpose' for it's unusual finish is great.

    So - (cheap) sunglasses on , and here's the pics from the ebay ad.

  16. That's very kind , Sir. I'm humbled.

    I enjoyed meeting you and your wonderful tools of the trade. Still raving about that PJB.

    Just wondering if this makes me the first person on the site to have a character witness in the feedback section!!!
    I think it's really meant like the ebay thing - for folk who've had financial dealings with each other to give references.

    But that's in no way to belittle your kind gesture and just goes to show what a fantastic place Basschat is to make such great new friends.

  17. Double,treble and...if I may....quadruple ARSE.

    These guys were destined for my new toy and they won't bloody fit. A ridge in the headstock hole stops them fitting 'home' properly and I'm not about to visit the headstock decimation dept.

    They're fab tuners - very like the beloved Schaller M3S's I have on my P and am always raving about.

    Here they are on Bass Parts Resource.

    Right hand side - top row.

    They'd be about 60 brick (for 4) then new wouldn't they. And , to all intents and purposes , they are.Bought new from BPR in April they were put on the Jazz I was fettling a few weeks back , did 2 gigs , then sat in the rack behind me.
    Upshot of that is - they're like new. Mrs Doc has my camera in Devon at the mo. or I'd prove it to you.

    But. I'm not asking 60. I'm not asking 50. I'm not asking.....well , to be honest I'm not asking at all just yet because I have to give someone first refusal - but if he does refuse then you can have them for 35 quid , and I'm robbing meself guvnor.

    UPDATE - now def for sale to the first person to ask.

  18. [quote name='plasson' post='230752' date='Jul 1 2008, 06:23 PM']Scaring output volume.[/quote]

    Doesn't f****g 'scaring' me !!!

    Used to have a fella like this. All the vintage you could want , but be sure you like the bassy,muddy tone from the single up front humbucker.

    Good luck , Plasson , with this one. The right buyer will love this forever.

  19. A green stained ancient P...............

    It actually sounds brilliant to me!!! Got any pics (presume you don't have the bass anymore)

    Back to topic -
    he's pick-up only , good sign in my eyes but you never know. No worries if he'll go cash on collection and invite inspection. His feedback's bang on. Better than mine, thanks to a f*****g 3 quid alarm clock.

    He's also inviting emails - so I've sent him one and asked about the issues we're raising here.

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