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Posts posted by Dr.Dave

  1. From block 105 and considering the place is a shed I thought Geddy sounded pretty good , nice to see the Rick come out but the fretless was the best sounding of the lot - and , yes , somebody should have pulled the fader for the bass pedals.

    Don't know about Alex looking grumpy , maybe slightly peeved but so would you be if you were morphing into Peter Schmeicel !!!

    What did we think of 'Lil' Rush' doing Tom Sawyer , I thought it was well funny!!

  2. You should have asked me - I'm crap!!!

    Crete's great - big too. You enjoy your hol and forget about it. Either he left your band or they chucked him out , it follows there's some sort of prob so he's hardly likely to be invited to , or want to , come back full time.

    Happy anniversary to you and your lady too.

  3. Great amps , these. I'd buy it if I wasn't sorted and so should you.

    If anyone is put off by the fact that the screws holding the corners on are odd - don't be. I had my rack mounted 3500 stolen and consequently all the corners , screws,handle etc are packed away in a box that I still have. If you buy this amp and you want them , PM me. No charge but you can get me a pint sometime.

  4. I'm after buying some individual goldo saddles , they'll cost £33.73 delivered so whoever wants to give me that for my badass can have it.

    It's a black 4-string badass 2. Saddles have never been filed though you can see where the strings have seated on them. Not had much use in the year or so I've had it so is in top nick.

  5. There's a version of 'Something Else' by Slade , recorded live at the Reading fest , done as a medley with 'pistol packing mama' which turns into a bass solo starting with 'purple haze'. !!

    It came out as the 'Slade alive at Reading EP' and it's on various CD compilatons these days.

  6. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='50956' date='Aug 26 2007, 04:49 PM']:) you've shaved your beard off!!![/quote]

    You're not wrong - happens a lot these days because the false , glued-on trib band beard won't stick over my goatee. You get the 'tache' along with the beards but we keep our own - day after I shave the tache down too and grow the lot back at the same rate. Must have been about 2 days after a gig looking at that pic.

    Anyway - you want a beard...here you go !!! £50 they are , from a Dutch bloke.
    Apologies for shameless 'gunslinger' pose. It's in chapter 4 of 'how to pose like a proper rock star' !!!

  7. It's done a few shows now , thought I'd give an update on it.

    It's awesome - sounds a toss off word but I can't think of a better one. I've gotten used to it's weight - light it aint - and the sound...well.
    I've had to drop the bass side of both pickups - to save lives! - it has so much power and tone available. Rolling the pup swing forward towards neck pup only is scary.

    Like my previous Status it's a breeze to play , the neck is a little less flattened out too which is more comfortable to me.

    Long story but I took a train to the gig last night - the ZZ trib band. I took the Status rather than the Epiphone Explorer I use for the trib because it's easier to carry. The difference it made to our sound was a revelation. It's also fattened up Dr Blue. My Shuker bolt on is a bit 'stingray growly middley' - which it what it's supposed to be - but the raw power of the Status fits our sound better.

    It's rapidly becoming my fave bass.

    I'll wait til we have some kind of gigging break before sending it of for the side LEDs. Can't bare to be without it at the mo and that's from a bloke with a custom Shuker and a vintage P.

    Just took this - sorry about the flash reflections. If I shuffle off this mortal coil you can tell everyone I died a happy man.

  8. I've been playing bass in local bands since I was 17. I'm now 45. Although I've tried 5 strings and fretless I'm essentially at home on a fretted 4. I sing too so playing being second nature is important and it never happens with a 5.
    These days I play fingerstyle almost 100%. In earlier rock band years I used a pick. I've done a little slapping on demos and home recordings but it just doesn't excite me. I have huge admiration for those who took the trouble to become competent slappers but I didn't.

    I'm in 2 bands , featuring the same 3 people. A blues band that tries not to be just another pub blues band , and a ZZ Top trib band. I'm a huge fan of the music we play - or I wouldn't be involved - but my musical taste is usually more towards intelligent , adult pop.

    My technique isn't brilliant - I'm right hand heavy and my left hand isn't open enough (I play right handed). I've been around a long time though and , like anyone who's done anything for a long time , I'm pretty good at what I do. I do not have a 'gift' for it. I worked and practised hard esp in the early years and if I have a lay off of a few weeks my playing suffers.

    I'm an advocate of first and foremost supporting the song I'm playing. I left being flash behind in my toy box years ago but I'm glad I learned enough to be flash - I still show off an odd trick when my mates are in though!

    if I have a problem it's with concentration. I tend to get carried away being an entertainer and often drop a howler because of it.
    I've never been one to stand still at the back of the stage and never will be.

    My influences tend to be musicians , entertainers and songwriters - it's that that got me interested in playing myself - so I'm not one for bass playing heros. I did however learn much from watching and listening to Jim Lea of Slade , Geddy Lee and certainly not least steady old John McVie.

    The fact that other musicians that I admire rate my playing enough to want to make music with me has been one of the best ongoing experiences in my life , and the fact that my hobby/interest/life choice , whatever you want to call it , has made me money over the years is a wonderful bonus for which I consider myself blessed. It feels like a tangible reward for the efforts I've made and a 'thankyou' from the people I've entertained.

    My advice to young players would be - if you're being paid (even is it's just a tenner and a free pint) , that makes you a professional ..so act like one.

    And , if you stay fit and well . don't stop. Ever.

  9. [quote name='Merton' post='40085' date='Aug 1 2007, 04:55 PM']Been told by my chiropractor I'm actually right hand-dominant, which makes sense. Can't play bass left-handed at all, or squash.[/quote]

    Right - I'm a Doctor , me , so I know these things.

    Without thinking about it , clasp your hands together like you were praying but with your fingers wrapped round to form a balled double fist.

    Which thumb is on top? That's your dominant side. If you have the other thumb on top it feels uncomfortable. If they both feel OK you're ambidextrous.

    As to the 'which hand do you masturbate with' test - got me thinking......

    If you lie on your arm for a bit before you play bass - does it feel like somebody else is playing it ?? :)

  10. I had a GK combo - same head as the 400RB. Loved it but it got tatty and had to go.

    Of late I've been using an 400RB Mk3 head I bought used - it was meant to be a short term thing until I got something more powerful and 'hi-fi' sorted. I got an Eden , didn't care for it - tried an EBS , didn't care for it , a Mark bass , didn't care for it - so I came up with the correct solution for me...and bought a new Mk4 !!

    It's core sound is very me , it's facilities are handy and it didn't cost a packet. Be nice if it had a tuner out on the back too but the tuner in on the back of my Korg is knackered so I just link it at the front which looks a bit scruffy in the rack. That's the only crit I can think of.

  11. Thanks for all your comments.

    I do like the idea of it being a Stuker - even better , a Stuka !!!

    The painting behind me I got at a craft fair a bit back - no idea what it is but Mrs Doc et moi both went 'I like that' at the same time so we bought it.

  12. It cost £250 - though would have been much less if I hadn't wanted the high gloss finish.

    No plans to upgrade the EQ...............................................for the mo!!

    I am going to send the neck off to Sims for side LEDs though , probably fairly soon. I spoke to them and can keep the cost down by doing the final wiring myself , doesn't seem too difficult.

  13. Anybody remember this??....

    It's the Status series 3000 I picked up off the bay for a reasonable ammount of brick early this year.

    Anyway - Mr Shuker has had it for the past few months but inally got it back today with it's nice new top.

    It's spalted beech - the bit of maple we chose was gouged by a faulty machine. I hated it's MFI look and the
    top covers the nasty dings that used to be in the body. I like the high gloss finish too.

    Next stage is sending the neck off to Sims to have side lights installed.

    Here it is today.

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