I bought a red vigier from Nick, not sure who I sold it to, must have been someone on here! Should have kept that one. He bought a Tokai Jazz from me many years ago too.
True Peterborough legend, and a nice bloke. Actually inspiring with his playing, he's the reason I play light strings after I played his bass in a lesson.
Resurrection of this old thread!
Do people still have theirs? I've never ever seen one for sale and I look at things for sale alot!
Mines my favourite bass nowadays.
Spotted a bass for sale on here that I knew my mate (who isn't a member) would like, facilitated that and my mate had no issues at all with the purchase.
Would recommend Chris as a seller, fast to ship and good Comms.
Been playing years, although bands took a back seat for years.
Into most music but especially Rock and Funk, from Clutch to Deftones to Stevie Wonder.
Not wanting to play Reading Festival or support Madonna, or, join an Oasis tribute band.