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Everything posted by thedontcarebear

  1. It's Stripy Ebony, the back is the same too.
  2. Sorry for the not great photo's, camera isn't amazing!
  3. So here are some pictures!
  4. Think I might just get a neck then, there is a mighty mite one for cheap from America, that seems okay and very cheap. Nick (doctor of the bass) has a fretless with a mighty mite neck and that was really nice.
  5. I really want a fretless, I just got 2 "new" basses, a Warmoth Jazz and an American ash bodied Fender Precision. Should I get a fretless neck and turn one of them into a fretless, or sell them, even though I just got them and get an awesome fretless, or just buy a cheap fretless next month when I have the cash? Or offer one for trade in return for a fretless?
  6. Anyone recommend any good cheapish ones? I put CTS pots in my Warmoth, got some knobs from the same company and was told they would fit, only for them to be wonky on 2, and split the shaft on the 3rd, costing me £4 for a new pot, and a waste of a fiver for the knobs, so any recommendations? A link would be good, and even better if the place sells the pots too, so I don't have to use axesrus again.
  7. Is the Jaydee you are looking at that yellow one?
  8. I actually sort of agree with the who needs them title, I am getting a bit annoyed with bands, and think I may retire from playing in bands soon, and I've not even hit 30 yet, it's just a lot of hassle, and I don't think it's much fun anymore.
  9. [quote name='OldGit' post='517150' date='Jun 18 2009, 08:58 AM']Forum induced GAS syndrome [/quote] I think mine is just internet in general induced from looking at websites while bored at work, not just this specific forum.
  10. Does anyone else do this? Keep buying expensive basses but always end up going back to an old bass because it's just so awesome? I've tried loads of stuff, Vigier, Fender etc and now I have my ACG, but I still play my Sandberg in my band because it's just so good. Just got my old Warmoth back and a Fender P too, but already thinking about just selling them as I just can't see how they will get used, I buy them thinking that they will, then a few days later I'm not so sure, so I think that I should probably just get another Sandberg.
  11. Has anyone here got one or played one? I am thinking about getting one, but worried the 2x10 is a bit underpowered at 250 watts.
  12. Probably around £650, although, I am not sure it will be the most popular finish.
  13. That's a bargain, looks awesome. It's Sunset Orange though not Red?
  14. I much prefer maple fretboards personally, think they look nicer, not too bothered about a difference in sound!
  15. The cheaper of the 2 zoom's is good, my drummer and housemate has one, he has recorded us at practice a few times and I am always impressed with the recording, it picks up bass well, which I think is often lacking on these kind of things. [url="http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodid=1916"]http://www.samsontech.com/products/product...cfm?prodid=1916[/url]
  16. Why don't you e-mail Sandberg for a price on a fretless neck?
  17. It should be here tomorrow, will post some pictures if it is!
  18. Got it working, got a new soldering iron too, but now the tip is broke on that! Anyone know is there are any universal tips? Both my irons need them.
  19. Here is a picture, don't think it will do to tell the truth.
  20. 2 band preamp, see link here: - [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/basslines/cutting-edge-1/stc2_stc32_3ban/"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/bass...tc2_stc32_3ban/[/url] Used in a warmoth which I built, didn't gig, sold, then the person who bought it didn't gig it either, then I bought it back! Changed it to passive, so no need for this! Has a slap switch, and comes with the matt black knobs. Will get a picture of it all sometime. £50 posted.
  21. Think I might just take it apart and redo it all later and see if it works then, works direct to the jack, gave that a go to check the pickups.
  22. [quote name='Hamster' post='512874' date='Jun 13 2009, 05:25 PM']On that diagram there is no earth wire to the jack socket earth. They are expecting the metal socket to make a good contact with ground via the metal control plate. Check your jack socket for a good earth contact, or run a ground link to it to be sure.[/quote] Already did that one!
  23. I am sure I posted on this already?! How can I tell which pot is for what? It's just 3 pots, with a bunch of numbers being the only difference, I assumed the one with the number different to the other two was for tone, but I am not sure if they sent 2 tone by accident instead?
  24. It all seems fine, not sure why, just no sound from the pickups at all, any idea? It's wired up as per this: - [url="http://www.fender.com/support/diagrams/pdf_temp1/basses/0131800A/SD0131800APg2.pdf"]http://www.fender.com/support/diagrams/pdf...0131800APg2.pdf[/url]
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