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Everything posted by thedontcarebear

  1. You should still be able to get another one to match this one: - [url="http://www.lean-business.co.uk/eshop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=43&products_id=367&zenid=8e05f0d2672bceb5974681b74bddfbe5"]http://www.lean-business.co.uk/eshop/index...74681b74bddfbe5[/url]
  2. I bought this from bass merchant, duct tape was on to stop the air pushing out the back via the non used sockets as it doesn't half move some air despite weighing pretty much nothing.
  3. That is a cool project, will be interested to see the end product!
  4. Bump!
  5. Reduced the price to make it more attractive too!
  6. Some pictures, sorry they aren't great, but no natural light!
  7. This is a sweet bass, but I rarely play it, I always use the Sandberg and would only need this if that breaks, which I am hoping it won't (and I have my Conklin just in case it does). Preamp is especially impressive. Minor buckle rash on the back, and just some general playing wear. It has 40-95 strings on it, which are pretty new. £280 collected from Peterborough (which is preferred), postage depends on whether I can find a box big enough to post it (assume I can though!).
  8. I'll give you £90 posted if you are interested?
  9. Is it not sold then?
  10. All the pedals are ones I own, its just the board itself coming soon, the white finger and harazai both do have their own PSU's at the moment.
  11. My new board should arrive soon, and I will mainly have electro harmonix pedals on it, can anyone recommend a PSU for it? I think so far it will contain: - 1 - EH White Finger 2 - EH Mini Q-tron 3 - Boss TU2 4 - EH Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai Might get a Sansamp Bass Driver pedal for it too.
  12. He promised me I would get first call on the brazilian ladyboy
  13. Trade pending at the moment.
  14. PM me an offer if you like! I do want a microbass or bass driver though, so would prefer a trade but might just sell it.
  15. Is this a 70s reissue? Going purely by the logo that is?
  16. Bump for a trade for a pedal, see first post!
  17. I like this photo from a show on Thursday, so had to post: -
  18. Decided that I can't let this go, so will keep and look for something else as well and be greedy.
  19. 2 years? He gets a bill every 2 years then?
  20. I've only ever seen Nick play really, and Geoff and MZivtins over the years, but they don't post here much.
  21. If I can sell my Yamaha BB1500A or Cort B5, or both, I may well have this off you.
  22. Yes to a demo and a CD, no-one is going to want a tape!
  23. I put a bass on ages ago and just got idiots moaning about it not having a price, I just didn't know the value and wanted to get as much as possible! But it wasn't the mod's etc moaning, just the usual busy bodies who have nothing better to do.
  24. [quote name='fletchbass' post='426432' date='Mar 5 2009, 04:53 PM']Well now, Simon, I blame you for me being a lot poorer but very excited. I went to Jon's workshop on Tuesday, and as you said, the singlecut 4 stock bass looked and played like a dream, and I go back to pick it up tomorrow night. No need to post pics as it is on Jon's website - www.shukerguitars.co.uk the 6th one in the stock section, in imbuya with a satin finish. Hope the family don't want to see much of me this weekend... Thanks to you and the other Shuker fans on basschat - I knew nothing about Jon and his amazing basses before joining up.[/quote] I'm glad you bought that as I was thinking about it! Haha, saves me buying another bass.
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