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Everything posted by Folkesy

  1. Nice looking BB604 on eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-Bb604-Bass-/114878061346?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  2. This sounds very interesting. Which Delano preamp did you use? Was it easy to fit?
  3. @Ricky Rioli @ChrisJaxon thanks for the reply. I know what you mean with the BB growl that you get from the nickel rounds. I do like that sound but I find the nickel strings it came with sound a little dull in tone. I might have to give some chrome's a try. I have stainless steel rounds on my BB604 and 605 which I love but I do like the idea of a classic sound with the P pickup (this is my only non jazz configuration).
  4. They sound incredible and look so good too. Enjoy 🙂!
  5. Really enjoying the new BB734A. I love the fact you can run it passive or active (something my BB604 & BB605 can't do). The build quality and attention to detail is superb. Has anyone used flatwound strings on this bass or a similar model? And would you recommend it? Thanks 👍
  6. Another one for the stable 😍
  7. All sorted guitar guitar were brilliant and offered a replacement JMJ when they come back into stock or an alternative bass. I was really impressed with their response. I have decided to get a BB734 as I've had really good experiences with Yamaha's in the past.
  8. Thanks Reggaebass. Yes, I think it needs to be sorted. Definitely will be staying with one of these models though as the sound from the pickup really is special. Thanks all for the replies 👍.
  9. Yes, it almost feels like they should have put some longer springs in there, as they really buzz when using the low frequencies. It is such a shame as in all other aspects the bass is phenomenal. It is just when you get to the part of the neck with the bump its quite distracting. If it was secondhand it probably wouldn't bother me at all but feels a bit sloppy on a brand new bass.
  10. Thanks for the reply SpongeBob. I dropped an email to Guitar guitar earlier today, I'm sure they will be really helpful (I've been very impressed with them in the past). Thanks Nilebodgers, the setup feels ok and the intonation sounds ok. This model comes with flats which have been strung through the body. Maybe the springs are more for when top loading through the bridge. I think the knot/bump I can feel on the neck is the biggest issue that is bugging me. It's frustrating as these have only just come into stock and probably won't be back in stock until August 😔.
  11. Hi, Similar thread to SpongeBob's. I had a JMJ Mustang Bass in Daphne Blue arrive on Friday and it sounds incredible and plays really nicely. But there are a few things that are bugging me:- 1) The bass was rattling when it arrived and after some hunting I found there was some solder loose in the control cavity. 2) There is a tactile knot on the back of the neck which you can feel whilst running your hand down the back of the neck (image 2). 3) The springs on the bridge are not under any tension and just rattle around. I am no expert it should these not be adjusted so that they do not rattle? (Image 3). I am not sure I am being too fussy and would like to get some other opinions. To me it feels like some poor QC on a £1k bass. Cheers, Jack
  12. I had a similar thing with my player series Stratocaster. Lots of small knots on the neck. I personally think it adds character and makes everyone unique. Lovely bass and great colour. I bet it sounds amazing!!
  13. The JMJ arrived today and wow, these pickups are very special. The tone knob is fantastic too even with it fully off the notes are clear. I am really enjoying this bass and I'm even enjoying the road worn finish 😳! Thanks for the advice.
  14. For sale Yamaha BB P35 Bridge. I purchased this to add to my BB435 but have sold the instrument so this is surplus to requirements. Much cheaper than Yamaha spares. £45 +5 p&p Any questions let me know.
  15. Decided to go JMJ in the end, just need to wait for some to arrive in the shops now 😃
  16. I think (but may be wrong) from one of the many videos that I watched that the modern C is slightly slimmer than the C.
  17. I saw that one and it looks lovely and a very good price too. It's the player series with the toggle switch pickup selector and a classic PJ set up. The write up on these are great too.
  18. I believe the JMJ has a C Shape neck profile and the American Performer has a Modern C Shape neck profile. Good to hear there are some basschatters who rate the American performer. Most of the discussion I could find online was around the JMJ.
  19. Thanks for the feedback both. 👍👍 Yes, the JMJ does look amazing and the reports on the pickup are great. I think I'm going to go for the American Performer for now and see how I get on with it and then if I really like it maybe save up and try to get hold of a more classic Mustang style in the future (JMJ, CIJ etc). My other basses are Jazz configuration and I use the bridge pickup alot, so I like the idea of having the jazz pickup available.
  20. Thanks for the feedback. Yes I've read really great things about the JMJ. I guess as you say the only way to really tell is get out there and try one of each 🙂
  21. Hi all, I am looking to add a Mustang bass to my collection. I have been browsing and have narrowed it down to the American Performer or the JMJ. I know many Mustang purists don't like the Jazz pickup looks on the performer series but I quite like the look of it and really like the arctic white. The JMJ has amazing reviews online but I am not sure about buying a road worn guitar. With the US performer coming in at £899 and the JMJ at £949 I would be interested to hear some other views? At the moment I'm leaning towards the American performer model. Any help greatly appreciated 🙂 https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/181120335102008--fender-american-performer-mustang-short-scale-bass-arctic-white https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/170703312072008--fender-justin-meldal-johnsen-road-worn-mustang-short-scale-bass?gclid=CjwKCAjwtdeFBhBAEiwAKOIy566y-wscMS9mBlwOvyop89s3AJXXVRRZPJlP1eSuupJ2Nu4_QHyNIhoC7f4QAvD_BwE
  22. Sure I'll grab some pictures later today.
  23. My BB605 and 604 don't have this type of preamp. They have two green PCBs but no reference to NE-1. I'm presuming they are not NE-1 as surely there needs to be a reason they were significantly cheaper than the 2005 and NE basses. They still sound great and have a wide sonic capabilities.
  24. I am looking to sell my Teal Yamaha BB435. Lovely bass that I have really enjoyed over the past couple of years but the time has come to make some room. It plays really well with a nice slim neck but could do with a good setup. There are no dings but are some surface scratches, especially on the back. There is some slight wear on the fretboard and I also had to apply a small amount of super glue to the tuners to stop them rattling (common issue on these models) Comes with an old gig bag which is a bit tatty but better than nothing. Collection from Warwickshire near Stratford-Upon-Avon. Any questions let me know.
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