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Everything posted by BassManGraham

  1. The Omega design was initially introduced for lap steel players. Not a lot of people know that!😊
  2. A Mark King and an Orion (with rare Crown headstock) and a 20th Anniversary all fit very comfortably in Reunion Bags & cases I find Monos two tight for comfort for the larger Alembics Look no further. BTW I am not affliated with Reunion Blues in anyway. Cheers
  3. REUNION BLUES CV case is the best, REUNION BLUES OXFORD GIG BAG is a close second and considerably less expensive. I have Monos which are very good, but for larger Alembics the REUNION BLUES cases & bags win hands down and are the only ones I've found to fit the bill. My 20th Anniversary & Mark King Signature Balanced K body, fit comfortably and are well protected. I use Monos for my Epics which are a fair bit smaller. Good luck
  4. Many Thanks, I will think on it. I was hoping it would be standard jazz bass nut width of 38mm similar to my Epic. but a bit narrower than standard P bass width of 43mm.Cheers Graham
  5. Beautiful Bass. What width is top nut and string spacing at top nut and bridge please? I am in EU and could be tempted. Cheers
  6. Thanks Its preowned with non standards on, but I will give Dingwalls a shot as I have them on Z3s & ABII.
  7. Hi All, thinking of getting a Dingwall Roc Standard, what are best strings for standard EADG or drop D (DADG) tuning given the 36.25 inch scale length on the E string. My usual preference are DR Hi Beams or RotoSound steel round wounds. Not sure if these are long enough? Thanks
  8. Super Twin are really great cabs. Excellent power to weight ratio. Been my main gigging cab for several years. Always great sound linked with a wide range of heads. None better on market IMHO, and I have tried many.
  9. Would love to try this with my various Neo cabs. I had a Katana 210 combo. Excellent amp, but just not for me as a gigging amp. (Too heavy and more features than I would ever use). Can anyone explain Boss pricing policy on Heads & Combos. You seem to get better value on combos? This is similar to Fender Rumbles. I bought a T C Electronic 250 210 combo a few years back for just a few more quid than the head?
  10. Sounds like it may be a dodgy unit, but before returning it, double check all cables and bass control harness & jack socket wiring etc, dodgy or dry solder joints can play havoc with signal path I have a Hartke LX8500, ( I also had the LX5500, but didn't need both) I think they are great, plenty loud, easy to use and probably the best value 800W class D out there. I like the tone and punch, the compressor works well for me, I go for a clean tone and tend not to use overdrive. I love the backlight controls on dark stages I have been using this head with a Barefaced Super 12T Or my Vanderkleys. The only minor issue which does not affect or bother me is the fan cycling on and off which is audible in studio but inaudible when gigging. I regularly use the LX8500 in preference to GK, Mesa, GR amps costing twice as much.
  11. I had a Katana 210. It is an impressive amp with an array of effects etc. They pack a lot of value and features into them for the money, but I tend not to use FX etc. It has a really nice punchy sound, and is quite loud for 160W, compared to Class D heads and combos of equivalent rating. However I sold it within a few months, as it was quite heavy compared to many contemporary lightweight combos such As Fender Rumbles, Markbass, GR etc. Great for rehearsal & recording, but not a serious gigging set up for me. (I am a bit too old for heavy gear these days. I tend to prefer lightweight neodymium loaded cabs and/or combos etc). I play small-medium-large venues and whilst the Katana has a decent DI it didn't really cut it live for me as an on stage or band rehearsal monitor competing with a powerful and enthusiastic drummer.
  12. I have a GK Legacy 1200 and a GK Legacy 800. I love the GK sound, and these seem amongst the most powerful (i.e. super loud) Class D amps I have used. I regularly use a range of amps including Mesa Subway, Markbass, Genz Benz, Hartke, Quilter, GR, & old Trace Elliots. I do find that the GKs seem the most susceptible to extraneous noises, particularly mobile phones in close proximity. I often trim down the treble and high mids as the GKs can be quite bright anyway.
  13. I have owned two Chris Larkin Basses a Bassix, now in Australia and a Reacter 4 which I still own and cherish. I met Chris Larkin in his workshop a few years ago in Kerry Ireland. He built truly amazing basses and guitars. The Reacters are excellent basses and my favourite of his designs. This is very well priced. This bass has similar active circuit an amazing range of tones are available, they are well balanced and a joy to play. I paid 2500 Euro for my Reacter 4, albiet in pristine condition, If I was still in UK and did not face VAT and Custom charges adding 33% to this bass I would snap it up for this bargain price. Can't understand why its still here? GLWS
  14. Peavey Rudy Sarzos are great basses, superb build quality, far better than Gibson, Fender, Ricky contemporaries. Criminally underrated IMHO and therefore usually underpriced, despite their rarity. Beautiful neck thru body design. Great range of tones and wonderful playability. Quality Schaller hardware. I owned two until a week or so ago, now just the one, as I need to reduce my gear. They are quite "Alembicesque" and quite similar to high end Aria Pro II SBRs. Aria also made a Sarzo signature model. I have Alembics, Aria SBRs & Aria SB Elites, and Cliff Burton models. The Peavey is comparable to the Arias but obviously not in the Alembic league, and doesn't have that distinctive Alembic tone, or exotic woods, but when the comparative prices are considered the Sarzo is one hell of a bass for the money.
  15. Have always loved Markbass gear. Though nearly all of the gear I owned over the past 15 years was the original Italian built stuff. The new range looks to be Italian made and "recyclable". May be a change of direction in far east our sourcing and consolidation of product range. Hope this isn't just a green washing marketing ploy. Could be a move to more sustainable EU manufacturing. The pandemic, fuel costs etc all play a factor.
  16. I have one. Love it. Great bass at a very good price. Lovely tone. Amazed it's still here. Next best thing to a Rob Allen. I am looking for a fretless version to complement my fretted one. GLWS
  17. Many thanks for clearing that up Moscowbass. Real shame the 1400 DUAL can't run into two 4 ohm cabs giving total 2 ohm load. Wonder why the 1400 has two 700 W amps while the DUAL version only one 1400W amp? Can't understand the logic there? So to use both my GR 212 slims, I'll have to stick with my Mesa Subway 800 plus which can handle 2 ohm load, or my trusty Genz Benz Shuttle Max 12.2 which has two 600 W amps!
  18. The specs on GR and stockists websites are a little confusing for the GR Bass DUAL 1400 head. It is rated at 1400 Watt RMS into 4 Ohms, but I suspect the unit has two 700 watt into 4 ohm power amps. I have two GR Bass 212 900 W 4 ohm bass cabs, which I assume would be ideal for this head, but if it were a single 1400 Watt power amp as specs infer I would not risk running into a 2 ohm load. Can anyone confirm power amp output specs? Cheers
  19. I had an MB500, very loud, very small and very light Made in America. Think they only produce the MB200 and Fusion models now. Recently bought a GK Legacy 1200. Great amp. Mesa Boogie and GK are still made in America. Whereas most other "big name" brands now build in China etc. Call me old fashioned, but it's a real shame that outsourcing and margin maximisation have seen so much manufacturing disappear from UK, USA & Europe.
  20. Yes exactly 3% extra VAT. UK VAT 20% taken off. IRISH VAT 23% added to gross cost including shipping. 10% import duty on total ( if over £135/€150) , plus handling charge of minimum €10. So its costs around 35% (15% more) on net cost of a cab that retails around a grand. NB I think this includes private preowned sales too the customs jobsworths are having a field day thanks to Brexshit!
  21. Yes such a shame. I was really looking forward to both cabs I bought. The speakers sounded great, really punchy. Cabs look great. If GR want a world beating cab they really need to improve design of securing feet and speaker chassis to their AeroTech carbon fibre cabs. They should also improve testing and quality control. In all my many years of playing I have never had to return consecutive products from the same manufacturer. Ho hum.
  22. I would go Barefaced all day long. I have used a Super 12T for years. Sounds great, never lets me down. Massive power. I have bought an GR AT 410+, which I sent back due to quality control issues. Tiny flimsy feet fell off. Cabinet rattled due to poor speaking mountings, but in fairness the speakers sounded great, so I thought I'd give GR them another chance so I ordered a GR 212, which arrived today. Horrible rattle coming from one of the Jensen 12 inch drivers it's going back. If you're based in UK I would not hesitate to buy Barefaced everytime. Living in Ireland post Brexit means I have to pay extra VAT, customs duty on total price (including courier cost) plus handling charges. Which puts a big chunk on thr price and UK builders at a disadvantage. I tried GR due to relative ease of EU import, but wish I hadn't!
  23. Beautiful Bass. Z3 is so versatile. I have two. Tempted but three would be excessive, even for me. GLWS
  24. Superb amp at a reasonable price. I had one as my main gigging amp for years preferred it to LittleMark. Reliable, powerful a great tone with two Speakons. What's not to like! Surprised it's still here!
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