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Everything posted by BassManGraham

  1. I have a Markbass 121H which sounds great with my 5 string Dingwalls. A pair would be even better giving 800W handling. But if your budget can run to it do try a pair of Vanderkley 112MNTs at 600W each which I find even better for clarity and low Bs.
  2. [quote name='Deedee' timestamp='1455473594' post='2979415'] Thanks for the suggestions guys. Does anybody have one mounted in a rack case? [/quote] Love Genz Benz gear good choice! I have a Shuttle Max 9.2 and a Shuttle Max 12.2 both mounted in Short Gator Rack Cases GR-3S (3U) GR-4S (4U) (extra space for rack tuners etc). They do a very nice 2U case GR-2S too. Gator cases are good value for money, and I find them sturdy enough for my purposes. That said I take care of my gear do not throw them about! You may have to search around for Genz Benz Rack ears. Here's a couple of links:- http://www.gatorcases.com/c/29201/standard-audio-racks http://www.thomann.de/ie/gator_gr3s.htm?ref=search_rslt_gator+rack+case_212524
  3. Difficult choice Marvin! I had a Markbass Little Mark 250 Black Line, a TC BH250 (in a combo) and a GK MB500. All have been reliable and all sound decent so you should listen to each model before deciding. I prefer the GK and Markbass, both sound great but distinctively different and both have good noiseless DI output which is crucial for me. GK MB200 wins on pure portability. GK amps built in USA too! Markbass wins on classic warm sound. Love the VLE & VPF controls. Lack of mute switch is a bit irritating. With regard to tone and sound quality I cannot tell the Blackline apart from the more expensive Little Mark 500. TC electronic wins on extra features such as built-in tuner, toneprint etc. To my ears TC electronic amps do not seem as loud as equivalent rating GK or Markbass gear. Both of my TC electronic amps have noisey DI outputs without a ground lift, so If I play larger gigs I need a separate D.I. Box If had to choose one I would go for the Markbass 250 Blackline, (and keep the GK MB200 as an amazing spare in my gigbag!!!) Good Hunting
  4. I have PJBs & Vanderkleys. I love them both but pound for pound my Vanderkleys are lighter and seem louder. I have 2 PJB C8s at 800w each. They are crisp, clear and articulate and pretty damn loud particularly when used together. BUT.... I also have four Vanderkley cabs all 600W each (generally only use two at a time) two 112MNTs and two 210MNTs. I use the Vanderkleys more, particularly for larger theatre and festival gigs. Do try and have a listen and satisfy yourself. The smaller PJBs such as C4s etc are not that loud, but the 800W C8s (8 x 5s) are IMHO more impressive and could suit most needs so don't rule them out.
  5. OK that's an absolute bargain price, (probably an error which Thomann will not be repeating). I could not get one! HOWEVER if it was sold as NEW and not damaged B STOCK then I would be saying to Thomann knock the £40 off to make it a cold £100 (but settle for no more than £120). Worth a try? Black felt tip permanent marker pen would disguise the blemishes.
  6. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1447775319' post='2910245'] They look fantastic - they're on my short-list of heads to try before I upgrade from the Mi-Bass. How're you finding it so far? MB500 is a really great amp for the money and so portable. Really liking the GK sound. The Fusion (valve preamp) versions are highly rated too. Aye, I was not really going to get a cab yet - just browsing for ideas - but at that price it was just crackers. [/quote]
  7. [quote name='Tech21NYC' timestamp='1447774697' post='2910236'] We don't have any specific power amp to recommend. I was mainly responding to the compatibility aspect of the thread. Any power amp should work. It depends on how much continuous power you require. With our amps that use a digital power amp we are able to optimize the system so the preamp section doesn't overload the input to the power section. I've used Crown power amps, Carvin and various other amps over the years. Our band does a lot of large shows and though most gear we use are powered speakers I still see Crown, Crest and QSC power amps from time to time. It really comes down to how much you want to spend and carry. No matter how much power you have you will get to a point of diminishing returns if you don't bring enough speakers. I have just tried my RBI through the FX return of my GenzBenz Shuttle Max 9.2 as suggested. Sounded great & plenty volume (using a pair of Vanderkley 600w MNT112 Bass cabs). I have also just tried the RBI through a friends T-Amp E800 (a budget power amp, with input sensitivity options). I tried in stereo mode using two outputs from RBI and Bridged mode, both gave plenty volume & power for my needs. Appreciate your feedback guys. How were you using the RBI into the Crown? What were the specific settings on both the RBI and power amp? What type of bass, passive or active? Any other effects in line before the RBI and in the loop or placed between the RBI and power amp. The thing to remember is that those specs are usually based on a 1kHz sine wave, we typically use a 500 Hertz sine wave. You mentioned the amp worked fine for the PA. What speakers and system? Bass is the hardest thing to amplify. You need more power for the low end. Were you running the bass through the PA system? I'm not trying to give you a hard time but playing one instrument through a bass cab situated on the floor is not the same as a PA system with speakers that are pole mounted or suspended in the air with sub woofers etc. [/quote]
  8. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1447751743' post='2909923'] Hi folks, Just picked myself up a Gallien Krueger MEB-410 cab (the cheaper one rated at 400-watts) for £140 on Thomann. I thought I would pop a link and give you folks the heads up on the deal as it seems a cracking price for what it is. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/gallien_krueger_410mbe_ii_400_8_ohms.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._400_8_ohms.htm[/url] [/quote] Wow thanks for sharing! Got yourself an absolute bargain there! If I didn't have too many cabs I would buy one or two at that price! Now showing unavailable. Can't help wondering if Thomann made a mistake in their pricing. Love the GK sound. I recently bought an MB500 head, reckon it would sound great thru that 4x10.
  9. [quote name='Tech21NYC' timestamp='1447690832' post='2909524'] Sorry but this is not correct. We have been through this numerous times on the Talk Bass forum years back. We even measured our RBI's output to duplicate Crown's test specs. These are the results: :Part of the problem is that Crown makes power amps for sound reinforcement applications not musical instrument use. While a pro multi channel mixer with all its channels being driven to the max can put out a significant signal level and exceed the input level requirements of the Crown there is no extra output to be had. You would simply have to turn down the gains on the Crown to prevent the mixer from overloading the input of the power amp. You would have to do the same with the RBI. The wattage rating of the power amp and your speaker system are only part of the equation. Typically many bass cabs that handle higher wattage ratings are also lower efficiency. You have to look at the SPL the cab is capable of reproducing and most bass cabs will not compete with high quality sound reinforcement speaker systems. With an amp like the Crown if you're looking for 1000 watts RMS, Crown will recommend a 2000 watt power amp. This is because music is not a steady sine wave. If you don't have the added headroom the power amp will clip at any sustained sounds that go beyond the RMS limit. They can handle small peaks but not continuous peaks. I would recommend to the OP to try using the RBI into his amps EFX loop return (if provided) to bypass the preamp section of the amp. This will give you a good idea of the sound of the RBI on its own. There is also a way to use the RBI independently from your amp's preamp with certain models of amps. [/quote] Many thanks for this. I will try my RBI into my Genz Benz Shuttle Max 9.2 & Streamer 9 FX loop returns. Ideally I want to take bass head out of rack and just use a power amp. Are there any power amps TECH 21 would recommend or endorse?
  10. [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1447225421' post='2905865'] Nice.. and the right colour this time, too! Aside from the input sensitivity the old ones were/are great and, although I didn't rate the RBI/XLS combination, I still have two 1500s in a 4U rack for occasional PA duties. Might have to see about getting a v2 to try with bass preamps :-) [/quote] Hi Ed, Other than the RBIs lack of signal to drive the Crown XLS1500 was the sound quality OK?. Were you using the Crown XLS in Bridged or stereo mode? Would a active bass make a difference? I am thinking about the Crown XLS 1002 produces 1100W in to 4 ohms bridged which seems more than ample if the new higher sensitivity input allows the RBI to drive the power amp. Appreciate your feedback. Cheers
  11. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1447220527' post='2905859'] Crown's new Drivecore 2 series should solve this - switchable input sensitivity 1.4V/0.775V [url="http://www.crownaudio.com/en-US/products/xls-1502"]http://www.crownaudi...oducts/xls-1502[/url] [/quote] Now that looks more like it Dincz, thanks for bring it to my attention. The switchable input sensitivity is a great idea, I'll remember this one! Might try and acquire one always useful for PA/monitor duties!
  12. [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1447198217' post='2905803'] That was my rig for a while... Looked quite cool but, if I'm honest, the RBI wasn't such a great match with the XLS1500 as it didn't seem to put out a strong enough signal to really drive the power amp. It was alright, but nowhere near as loud as the XLS is actually capable of when used for PA and driven by a decent mixer. [/quote] Hi Ed, many thanks for the really useful feedback, seems I will have to think again!!
  13. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1447162045' post='2905372'] Well given you already need a rack for the RBI I'd look at some lightweight rack PA power amp, something like this [url="http://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Crown-XLS1000-DriveCore-Class-D-Power-Amp/QB8?origin=product-ads&campaign=PLA+Shop+-+GENERIC&adgroup=GENERIC&medium=vertical_search&network=google&merchant_id=1279443&product_id=34100d1&product_country=GB&product_partition_id=127285164799&gclid=CKH46PL5hckCFY9uGwodkoAJ-A"]http://www.gear4musi...CFY9uGwodkoAJ-A[/url] [/quote] Thanks. yes this is more within my budget. I will also consider the Crown XLS1500 which is a very good price on Thomann at the moment.
  14. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1447156941' post='2905300'] Depends on budget but this may suit; [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product/demeter-minnie-800d-power-amplifier/"]http://www.bassgear....ower-amplifier/[/url] A lot of people on here rave about their retro-looking pre+power amp & I believe this is just the power section from there. [/quote] Thanks, not seen these before, but bit on the pricey side and Ideally looking for a 1U or 2 U rack mount unit.
  15. Have had a much under-used Sansamp RBI preamp kept rack-mounted as stand-by for gigs for a while. Not really been used as my bass heads have had decent preamp and tone shaping capabilities and good DI outs, which didn't need any enhancement. Didn't see the point of running a preamp into another preamp? I am now thinking of getting a class D power amp to give the RBI preamp the use it deserves. Any players use these preamps with power amps? Looking for around 350- 500W into 8ohms and 500-900 into 4 ohms respectively. Welcome comments:
  16. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1446639178' post='2900993'] I acquired this on a trade yesterday. Yum! [/quote] That is beautiful. Is that an East Jazz Retro active circuit that replaced the original?
  17. I own a pair of C8s. I am very impressed. They are tight, punchy, articulate and produce a hifi sound (particularly powered by PJB amps). They are great with all my basses and even handle my 5 stringers really well. I can't compare C8 to a GK210MBE. To my ears Phil Jones cabs seem quieter than equivalent wattage power rated traditional cabs, for example compared to Markbass, Vanderkley & Eden cabs I own. Speaker efficiency and dBs make loudness and volume not watts. [b]BUT that said at 800 watt at 4 ohm I find the C8 to be plenty loud and it's clarity and ability to cut through the mix reduces the need for deafening volume levels. [/b] I don't think you will be disappointed, but you really need to give the C8 a listen.
  18. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1446127388' post='2897141'] Stop it! Mind you a 14x5 rig would move some air [/quote] Ah Mr Ezra, I'd thought I'd find you here! Suits you sir, you know you want to. That flightcase was a very sweet deal. Quite tempted by the PB300 myself, but as I have already one (and a pair of C8s) adding another PB300 would be completely OTT even for extravagant GAS problem! As Mrs Doyle would say - Go wan, Go wan, Go wan!
  20. [quote name='ThePapabull' timestamp='1428187333' post='2739028'] Pm'd [/quote] Hi don't seem to have got your PM regarding whereabouts?
  21. Lovely bass. Whereabouts are you based?
  22. Just wondered if you've tried disconnecting the tweeter? I have a Markbass CMD Mini121P and recently disconnected the piezo tweeter, and I much prefer the tone. You might like to try it and save yourself a lot of hassle?? I also had a Markbass Mini CMD 102P combo and on reflection I wish had done the same with that as the piezo sounded a bit farty. I love Markbass gear, and after years of use I think their piezo tweeters are a bit of a weak point. I also use a Traveller 121H cab with controllable 1 inch compression driver and custom horn which I think is far superior.
  23. After much prevarication and diliberation in my search for a really small lightweight head, watching numerous Youtube review clips to arrive at a short list and finally a couple of showroom comparisons I bought a GK MB500 from GAK in Brighton. (the Eden WTX500 was a close runner up) First gig last night. Very impressed with the great clean and punchy GK sound and plenty of headroom. Used through a tiny pair of 300W Eden 110s. The footswitch (included) is a very handy feature for switching channels. A quality DI out was a key priority in my search and this has a really nice clean DI out (with ground lift switched in). The MB500 is a really great value amp for under £400 designed and assembled in USA too, which is rare these days! Build quality is excellent, I suspect some components may be far eastern but most stuff is these days. So no issues there whatsoever. I love the sleek design. Only one very minor niggle is the limiter switch on top of amp (as front panel space is at a premium), but this would only an be issue if mounted in a rack unit. I leave the limiter on to protect speakers so it's not an issue for me. Also to put an amp this small in a rack seems pointless as it outweighs the size and weight advantages, particularly as it fits in a standard laptop wallet or even a larger pocket of a decent bass gigbag. This will be my first choice amp for rehearsal and all gigs with awkward load-ins and/or staircases to negotiate. Also an excellent back-up for bigger theatre and/or festival venues where my Genz Benz Shuttle Max and Vanderkley rig remains favourite. If you looking for a compact light punchy 500W bass head look no further!
  24. I put Badass II & III bridges on all my Jazzes (I have had 9 over the years) including 1 Squier, 3 Mex, 1 Jap, 2 American, American Deluxe and a Tony Thompson Quadra Jazz on which a Badass comes as standard (this bass plays better than all the Fenders). I even put a spare Badass II bridge I had on an SX Jazzbass, Not really recommended as the bridge is worth more than the bass. To my ears they do greatly improve sustain (but less so on thru body strung American models that have heavier mass bridges). Badass bridges are far better engineered than standard Fender bridges and my main reason is to give greater stability as the saddles on my first American Precision in the late 70s kept collapsing due to poor thread on the grub screws, and I've never liked or trusted cheap Fender bridges since. I have also put Hipshot Supertune bridges on Gibson EB3 and Thunderbirds as they are more easily adjustable than the standard 3 bolt bridges. BUT always keep original parts when retrofitting and upgrading. The single biggest change to sound and best retrofit if you want to "activate" a Fender is a John East active circuit.
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