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Everything posted by BassManGraham

  1. Great punchy little combo. Regret selling mine. Good Luck With Sale.
  2. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1414494752' post='2589756'] Tragedy? Bloody criminal more like. Just like they did with SWR. Both moves ensured that I will never buy a single new Fender product again. [/quote] Too right. I don't think I will ever buy a new Fender product again either. Maybe we should start a relaunch Genz Benz campaign! Wonder if Jeff Genzler is ever likely to produce a new range of amps under another guise, but after nearly 30 years of amp production and building such a superb range of products, he's probably had enough? I expect there were restrictions written into the sale of Genz Benz too?
  3. Can't Agree. TC Electronic are well designed with some very user friendly funtionality and innovations. But for me live gig sound is the top priority and I subjectively prefer the sound and tone of Markbass. TC electronic always sounds a little compressed and synthetic compared to Markbass. (If only Markbass amps had mute switches). I have used Markbass for several years and they are very reliable. I recently bought a TC electronic BG250/208 which is a brilliant great value little combo for practicing etc, but I am awaiting a replacement (due to a DI out fault).
  4. I own Genz Benz 9.2 Shuttle Max & Streamliner 900. Both quite different and I think they were some of the best bass amps ever made and a lot of bang for the buck. Really light, plenty of power and headroom, loads of tone shaping facilities, great D.I. out. They look damn funky too! (I like the blue lights!) I use my Shuttle more often, as I Iove the clarity and definition, particularly with Dingwall 5 String basses. That said, I have used a wide range of basses including Jazzes, MM Sterling, T'birds, Aria SB1000, etc through this rig and they all sound superb. The twin channels and EQ give an almost infinite range of tonal possibilities, they sound great straight out of the box with everything set flat, but I initially spent a couple of hours tinkering with EQ to get my perfect tone. I rarely if ever use the foot control switch which is great, but once I've set up a nice tone, I leave well alone. The Streamliner is a really great amp too. Warmer than the Shuttle (3 preamp valves) and great for vintage tone stuff with a jazz bass etc. Simpler tone controls and very easy/quick to dial in a great tone. I will not be parting with either. I use my Genz Benz amps with Vanderkley cabs and these are probably the best combination I have found over many years playing most of the top brands. Buy one or more if you get the chance!
  5. Very sad day indeed. Jack Bruce was a genuine legend and a huge ground breaking influence from the golden era of rock. Four of my all time favourite players have now sadly passed (Jamerson, Edwards, Entwistle, and now Bruce). Sadly no-one in the last few decades has come close to the bass playing talent that emerged in the 60s & 70s.
  6. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1413908048' post='2583465'] Thanks BassManGraham, all of this is really helpful That's very interesting about the hybrid amps - I play a stingray, so unsurprisingly there's a lot of top end sparkle and a bit of clank. Briefly looked at the gk mb fusion, but even with the tube there was a brightness baked into the tone. I guess I thought, in principle at least, the warmth from a hybrid amp with my bright stingray would equal a great, balanced sound. Do you think that would be the case? Atm I cut through plenty. I'd forgotten about the vle and vpf features of Markbass heads - that kind of makes the warmth from a tube redundant. Maybe I'd be better off looking at a regular Little Mark III. [/quote] No doubt that a Sterling would sound great through a hybrid amp, but the LMIII is definitely worth a serious listen too. I have found Markbass gear to be very reliable. I have always a bit wary about the relative fragility of valve amps. I like hybrid amps and modern cool running preamp tubes are probably less fragile than hot running power amp tubes, but I would struggle to transport an all tube head these days. Yeah the VLE & VPF are great features for vinatge tones, but I wouldn't say they completely replace that classic valve amp warmth. Music Man basses Stingrays & Sterlings tend to be quite punchy and to my ears have more mids than Jazzes and Precisions. My MM Sterling sounded great through my various Markbass rigs & combos and the mids definitely helped it cut thru the mix very nicely.
  7. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1413895669' post='2583225'] Yeah that's a shame about genz benz Even if the bh550 puts out 550 watts, I'm not sure how I'd feel giving my money to a company that gets so 'creative' with their power ratings, it all stinks a bit to me. Even though they make great heads, I decided GK produced too clanky a sound for my liking, taking my bass' sound into consideration. I think the front runners for me are the Ampeg pf800, the Aguilar th500, the Orange terror bass and the little mark tube. Then again, the only reason the LM tube is a contender, is because I thought the addition of the tube would warm the sound up a little, but from the sound of things it doesn't really do that. I mean what does the LM iii sound like? [/quote] I like the sound of the LMIII head which with EQ set flat is transparent so you hear your bass without colouration. The EQ controls are straightforward and easy to dial a good range of tones. The VLE (vintage loud speaker emulator) control is great for dialling in vintage Motown type bass sounds. I like the warmth of tube and hybrid amps heard in isolation, but tend to find that in practice those vintage type tones do not cut through the mix in a live band situation, so I have always erred towards cleaner clanky type tones hence my interest in the GK MB500. A few years ago I tried the Markbass LM tube head to head with a Markbass SA450 in GAK which both sounded better than Ampeg heads to me. I chose the SA450 analogue solid state head. I also had a Markbass Blackline 250 which was really great value and sounded just like the LMIII (though with obviously less headroom), but a 500W amp theorectically only sounds about 10% louder to the human ear than a 250W amp. But your own ears will be your best guide.
  8. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1413886019' post='2583055'] I knew they had discontinued the nx2 cab, but didn't know this - gutted Was considering getting a genz benz shuttle 9.0. I think the TC BH550 is a strong contender, but then TC have been know to tell porky pies about the true output of their amps, so until someone tests one I wouldn't touch one with a 20ft barge pole. GOing off what I hear about it, the orange terror bass is worth considering. There's also a few Markbass heads you could have a look at - like the big bang, the Little Mark III and the LM Tube. [/quote] Yeah I was absolutely gutted that Fender dropped Genz Benz production, I discovered Genz Benz almost too late. BassDirect were selling off a lot of Genz Benz stock, so I at least I got a great deal, before they completely disappeared. Yeah was considering the TC BH550 which has a helluva lot going for it, but I won't be deciding until my BG250 DI out issue is resolved! I have used Markbass exclusively for the several years, (until I got the Genz Benz), but still love Markbass I've still got a Mini CMD121P with LM head - marvellous little combo. Just fancied trying something different like a little GK or Eden etc!
  9. [quote name='indiegrungesound' timestamp='1413816679' post='2582246'] If it's just the amp's built in D.I. that you think's the problem with the BG250/208, why don't you just get a D.I. box? That way you'll still have a FOH & Monitor signal if the worst happens with the amp. As if the RH450 head, I think that'd be an excellent choice! The EQ set up is completely different to the BH250, but you can definitely get a good sound out of them with minimal tweaking. [/quote] Yeah very good point I'll have to put a Sansamp or similar into my gigbag (which is good practice as a standby anyway). It's just irritating that a brand new bit of kit seems to have this issue.
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1413626406' post='2580247'] I kinda wish I remembered to try this out before selling this combo on, the main reason I sold it was because I didn't like how it sounded with fuzz. So got an Orange AD200B and Matamp 2x12 for a bit instead, until I got sick of carrying it! I've avoided tweetered cabs ever since, although I know that tweeter was just a bad example. I really like the horn in the Orange OBC410 for example. The thing is most cabs would probably sound better with full range going to the main speaker so it can at least output something in the 5kHz region. Am I right in thinking that in the majority of cabs that have a crossover and tweeter, if you turn the tweeter off, the crossover is still active at 2-4kHz on the woofer, making it sound darker than if the woofer was just hooked up directly? [/quote] I've just disconnected the Piezo Tweeter on my CMD121P by taking the spade terminal connectors off the crossover. I like the sound, but I am now thinking of going back in to check if I can connect woofer direct from amp by taking the crossover out of circuit.
  11. [quote name='drewk_ie' timestamp='1413655827' post='2580657'] Hi there, I'm currently using an Ampeg PF500 in my main gig set up and have to say that the sound is superb!! That said I had a genz benz shuttle 3.0 a few years back and it worked in every situation, small gigs to full rig concerts, incredibly tiny, crazy loud if you need the headroom and stupidly light, I'm sorry I ever sold it on �� [/quote] Thanks for the redeeming comments on Ampeg PFs it's help restore my faith in this iconic brand, But I will definitely be keeping my Genz Benz Shuttle & Streamliner!
  12. [quote name='John_P' timestamp='1413649863' post='2580582'] I've still got a bg250 combo on my maybe list - what was the problem with the DI? [/quote] Hi John, PROs The BG250/208 is an amazing little combo and the current pricing is ridiculous as it's about the same price as the BG250 Head. You effectively get the 2x8 cab for free! It sounds great linked to a small extension cab I use a Eden EX110 for a superb 250W rig. It is great for small gigs, rehearsals and teaching etc. Tone Print is pure genius. CONs I am getting a loud mains hum off the DI out when I try linking to a mixing desk or another amp. This problem rules out recording or using through PA at bigger gigs! I have tried it through a Phil Jones powered cab and through a Soundcraft desk in different venues, but the noise persists. The shop I bought if from have tested it out and agreed it's not right so they have ordered me another one which should be here next week. It might just be a dry joint or loose connection on the DI XLR out, which is not a major issue. HOWEVER All my other amps (Markbass and Genzbenz) all have a ground lift switch on their DI outs which cancels out mains hums. I have a lot of experience of using DI from bass rigs and it just does not make sense to me not to have a ground lift facility. I will let you know if the replacement unit has the same problem. Cheers
  13. [quote name='paulbass' timestamp='1413621207' post='2580165'] I use a Rebel head 450 which has an excellent DI. I always get compliments from the sound engineers when i DI out with this amp whether i'm in a studio or playing live at a gig. A small amp that does everything and easy to use IMHO.....and being a micro its easy on the old back! [/quote] Yeah I really liked the look of the TC Electronic Rebel heads. I use a little BG250/208 for lessons & practice a great little amp and Tone Print is unbelievable fun and I don't generally do not like putting effects on bass. Only problem with my BG250/208 is that the DI out hums quite loudly I am awaiting a replacement to see if that is any better! I heard an RB450 last week when buying a bass from a guy and it sounded good, but maybe a little too compressed and slighty synthetic to my ears? Maybe it was just not set-up that well, and I probably didn't give enough attention to tweaking the controls to get a tone to my taste?
  14. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1413640572' post='2580436'] I feel very lucky to be one of the people who have never had any reliability issues with the PF500! [/quote] Yeah the reliabilty doubts coupled with the fact that they are relatively heavy for a micro are ruling Ampeg PFs out for me. Although it is probably blasphemy to say it, I have never raved about the legendary Ampeg tone.
  15. I love the Hartke sound, keep thinking of buying an HA3500 or even an HA2500, such great value, but they just weigh so much! Great for younger fitter players!! I generally hate using provided backline at gigs, but a little while ago I turned up at a theatre that had an HA3500 head thru an SWR 4x10 cab. It was one of the best on stage sounds I've had over many years of using top line gear. I had a preowned Hartke A100 Combo (Kickback style) I picked up for €75 unbelievable bargain. I loved the punchy sound (as did our band), but again just too heavy compared to my Mark Bass, Genz Benz, Vanderkley, etc (which all cost several fold what a good Hartke rig would set you back!) In summary I love Hartke and if they made a HA3500 preamp with a Class D lightweight power amp section I'd first in the queue!
  16. Don't rush into buying anything and listen to as many as you can before making a decision. Your ears are the best guide and reviews on this and other forums are always very helpful. Check out Youtube clips for gear reviews as a guide to build a shortlist, and if possible take an experienced bass player with you to try out gear if at all possible. I believe in buying the best you can afford. You obviously get a lot more "bang for your buck" buying preowned, but be very wary and check feedback of sellers and ensure gear has not been thrashed! Consider your need for portability and the ability to add another cab or extension cab to a combo to boost output in future. Older and usually heavier gear can be great value, only if you don't need to carry it around all over the place. When I started out (40 years ago) I always preferred separate heads and cabs and the ability to build a rig and use various cabs options etc. Bass combo design has come a very long way in recent years and now there are many really great sounding combos available. I now use combos and separates equally depending on gig etc. All Valve/Tube preamps and power amp are very heavy and fragile particularly when hot. Typically Ampeg SVT & Fender Bassman etc classic vintage tones but cost an absolute fortune Hybrid or Fusion amps with Tube preamp & solid state power amp are a great compromise, lighter than all tube and less fragile, but still relatively expensive compared to all solid state. All solid state preamps and poweramp are inherently most reliable and lowest cost. The amp market is very competitive and all major brands produce good stuff, so it is very much a matter of personal taste. There may be the odd rogue model about with reliability issues, but these are in the minority and once you think you know what you want, just ask for this forum for views Basschatters are sure to oblige! It has been a buyers market for a few years now due to this ongoing recession. Good hunting!
  17. Some great feedback guys. Many thanks to everyone above. I really don't want to spend more than £400 so very lovely as they are, Tonehammers, Tecamp Pumas & GK Fusions are out for me. I very recently experienced problems with a TC Electronic BG250 DI out. So I am ruling out the TC electronic BG550 (and any amp without groundlift on the DI out) I like a cleaner sound so I am leaning towards all solid state amps which should be a little more robust that hybrids. I have a Genz Benz Streamliner that does more than enough vintage valve warmth for my taste. So for me I think it narrows down to Eden 500WTX or GK MB500. I tried out an Eden today which did sound great and would aesthetically match my cabs, but if anything I was a little bit confused by too much choice with all the push/pull options on every pot. GKs are getting a lot of love and the MB500 has a nose in front, but now I am finding some amazing deals on the Edens at the moment which is making my decision all the harder!
  18. Only just seen this thread - like 5 years on Doh! I am going to disconnect piezo from my CMD Mini121P today, I use it with a TRV121H so I can retain a controllable top end). I recently sold my beloved CMD102P as the tweeter was irritating at times. I love Mark bass gear but to my ears their compression drivers are so much better than their piezo tweeters particularly on the cabs you can adjust them. Belated thanks for this tip! The best ideas are often the simplest, just kicking myself I hadn't seen this thread or even thought of it earlier! Marco needs to offer all his combo versions (other than the Jeff Berlin Players 115 ) without Peizo or ideally with controllable Compression driver.
  19. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1413126772' post='2575106'] GK MB500 would get my vote for small/lightweight with required DI, but I`d get the Fusion version, warmer sounding due to pre-amp valves, but can still do the famed GK tone as well. Very versatile little amp. [/quote] Yeah the Fusion looks really great but they do cost quite a fair bit more. I quite fancy that GK tone and I've spent far too much on gear lately! I think an MB500 is emerging as the early odds on favourite compared to other brands.
  20. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1413116205' post='2574991'] I regularly gig a Genz Shuttle 6 and have been very happy with it. Have used the DI out on a few gigs and it has always been very good. [/quote] Thanks Gary. I am a huge Genz Benz fan and use either a Shuttle 9.2 or 12.2 in my main rig racks. A complete travesty that their "parent" company Fender put the boot in and discontinued production of Genz Benz gear!. I'm just thinking about something even smaller for rehearsal and smalller gigs.
  21. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1413113124' post='2574958'] Really? I had the 350 and it fitted perfectly into my gig bag pocket. I wouldnt recommend one though as mine broke after 8 months and it was the same issue that alot of other users have encountered. I dont think I could trust one again. [/quote] Thanks, I've seen a couple of comments elsewhere which concern me about Ampeg reliability!?
  22. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1413112335' post='2574949'] The Ampeg PF's are actually quite bulky; you won't get those in a gig bag pocket. I currently have a 350 and have owned a 500 in the past. Great tone and feature packed but heavy for their size and bulky. I'd recommend the GK MB500 over anything else. Tiny, powerful, great tone and ultra-affordable. Truckstop [/quote] Thanks. GK MB500 is looking favourite. As Ampeg PFs are relatively heavy and no ground lift on D.I. out?
  23. I am looking for a good [b]MICRO head (with decent DI out)[/b] to power a tiny pair of Eden EX110s. I seek a one trip from car load in/load out for smaller gigs! [b]I am considering GK MB500, Eden 500WTX, TC Electronic BH550, Ampeg Portaflex 350 or 500, or Aguilar 350 Tonehammer.[/b] I know they all sound very different and ideally I would like to do head to head comparsion, but this will not be possible in forseeable future. I had a GK RB700 really liked the sound but had a few reliability problems with it. [b]Has anyone any experience specifically on the reliability and quality of DI out on these amps? [/b] I am particularly concerned that Ampeg & TC Electronic amps do not have ground lift on DI out, which might be a prob in some venues? Welcome comment from players. Cheers
  24. Hi, Whereabouts in Staffordshire are you? Might be tempted. PM sent Cheers
  25. I have a Markbass 4x10 (104HR) which is a superb cab in comparison to all major bass brands that I have had or used. including Acoustic, Ampeg, Fender, Laney, GK, Hiwatt, Hartke, SWR etc. I have used a variety of MB cab combinations over the last several years and they all have brilliant power to weight ratio and a nice punchy but warm sound. Recently I have been using Vanderkleys (which are even more expensive than MB) but for my ears give greater clarity, articulation and seem to cut through the mix slighty better. Cheers
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