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Everything posted by odub

  1. Yeah I like the neck how it is, nice and plain goes well with the sparkly.
  2. Bloody heck, thats so down my ally. Wow! Just Wow! The only thing I'd change would be darkstars,
  3. That bass looks like a right plank Seriously though, looking forward to seeing this getting on.
  4. as a rule I don't like the look of P basses, but I sure like this.
  5. [quote name='G-bitch' post='82302' date='Nov 1 2007, 02:48 PM']Mesa stuff is just too pricey to provide any VFM outside of the US (usual caveat about used gear though...). The Eden Nemesis line gets good write ups although not heavy, they aren't exactly like EA/Markbass from what I can gather.[/quote] Yeah, well pricey and not vfm full price. But I got mine (secondhand of course) for a price I felt was very competative with anything else around, with factory tags and not so much of a scuff.
  6. I think that might well be the nicest rick I've ever seen
  7. Mesa Boogie Walkabout
  8. odub

    Comfy Bass

    The Steiberger I thought might come up here
  9. My Aria Pro 11 IGB-65 has a really small thin neck, small body too.
  10. odub

    Comfy Bass

    Alright I know everything is subjective and all that, but....I was wondering: What’s the most comfortable bass to play, what has zero neck dive; nicely contoured body, least weight etc etc. If you take away sound and cool factor, what’s left? Obviously neck preference is another subjective thing as well but i guess what I’m asking is, if you had to practice with the same guitar 10 hours per day, what would it be? (I’m bored)
  11. Oh thats very nice. Great picture anyway
  12. My studios have crappy behringer heads, and what I thought was trace cabs, but at closer inspection they're fake cabs. I lug my Mesa Boogie Walabout head with me to practice, but anything past 3 on the volume contol causes massive distortion/farting.
  13. odub

    PC v Mac

    I loves me a good old Apple vs PC flame war. I'd like say as someone who used to program graphics and peripheral drivers for OS X, but now programs 64bit Vista almost exclusively and uses XP at home, I have no strong feelings either way, they’re all much of a muchnes and as long as it lets me view the internet, Photoshop pictures, and write email I’m not that bothered.
  14. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='75572' date='Oct 17 2007, 12:58 PM']I wonder if warwick should sue the maker for ripping off the body shape [/quote] oh why did you say that! I'll never be able to get that iimage out of my head now, all Warwicks are dead to me forever.
  15. That is one ace bass. Tis perfect.
  16. A decent quality iron is always good, it's hard to be neat with something wide and cold. then, practice!
  17. I'm exactly the same, I think the solution is just to keep at it, it's building the link between the two actions.
  18. Bacchus basses for a start, Mmmm.
  19. I think that’s more of an American thing left over from the war. I never knew about it till I was there and said "Jap Strat" and everyone looked at me like I'd dropped the N-Bomb. It's not the same as Brit; it's more equivalent to the shortening of Pakistani, or I guess “Nip” short for Nippon. Personally, I aint offended by it, but the more you know…
  20. [quote name='Snarf' post='68525' date='Oct 2 2007, 09:18 AM']Sweet, think I'll definitely be ordering one. Where did you order it from in the US? I have too, I was thinking of taking out the floyd rose, blocking the hole and sticking something else on it but getting one of these sounds a hell of a lot less hassle.[/quote] Some random ebay seller, searching Uk ebay, looked under international shops, about 26 quid in the end
  21. [quote name='Snarf' post='68197' date='Oct 1 2007, 03:42 PM']A wise decision I'd say. Have you fitted the tremolo-no yet? If so, how you finding it as I'm thinking of getting one.[/quote] I'm still waiting for it to turn up, got it from America at half the price then anywhere I've seen in the UK. Heard good things about it though. Being able to go back to full floating instantly is a boon, last song in the set can involve all the mad whammying
  22. So the one on ebay went for £500, and now there's another, making 3 in total. Weird. Anyway, I've decided to keep mine, bought a tremelo-no for it. Having gone and played some other guitars for a similar price, nothing comes close to it (well nothing comes clsoe to the neck anyway). When super-strats come back into fashion it'll be worth a lot more anyway,
  23. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='66973' date='Sep 28 2007, 03:46 PM']Not worth it, he'd lose more money than he could possibly get for a quality bass. Shops have staff, overheads, taxes etc to pay so are notorious for giving sh*te trade-in values especially if he's after something used to then try and sell on. What are these guitars that they are so unsaleable?[/quote] Actually, I agree with this. Worse came to it, he could let the guitars go for way under value to a private buyer and be better of, then going through a dealer. What are they?
  24. Well, Everyone in my music scene plays Telecasters and Jazz's, pretty much without exception.
  25. Open it in word, save as a pdf. if you're using 2007
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