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Everything posted by odub

  1. I'm just amazed, and really ashamed at my comment about the bit at the end. Juan you're one of my favorite ever players, thanks so much for replying to me directly.
  2. I manipulate other peoples instruments, it’s what I do. [quote name='DanOwens' post='463950' date='Apr 16 2009, 02:12 PM']I know, in listening to it to figure it out, you've (yes, I'm blaming it all on you odub) made me decide to switch my fretless neck to my Darkstar Precision and make my Jazz fretted. You!!! PS. Sorry for that badly formed sentence![/quote] A quick edit to say, this song proves without a shadow of a doubt that no matter how good the song is, there is NEVER space for 3 minutes on unlistenable self indulgent twonk on the end.
  3. Hmm I was hoping it'd be more like a pedal I could just turn on, now I need a 71 fretless P and the ability to play one, That is a killer tone though
  4. Right, I've done a search, I've read the wiki, I've read wikipedia and seen the equipment list, but could anyone offer any opinion on how exactly the bass tone to "the Widow" on Francis the mute is created?
  5. I'm glad people have been saying the gear is too good for them, I feel the same. One of the main things that stops me buying anything more expensive (for now). Counter Argument But I like nice things, and why not Counter-Counter argument I've seen really good players, playing very cheap stuff and sounding ace
  6. turn your amp up,
  7. I'll 'ave it I'll collect too!
  8. Oh god dammit that's the the first one I've fallen for In ages.
  9. Oh that sucks, even with the squables this is still the best forum I read. I hope you got what you deserve in the form of lovley cash.
  10. I have a soft touch, me band reckons on that I always sound tentative and not forceful enough, so it's something I'm trying to work on.
  11. [quote name='YouMa' post='434009' date='Mar 13 2009, 06:25 PM']Is she fit! would you be more likely to get into her knickers if you lent it?[/quote] beat me to it
  12. That my friend is one very cool bass
  13. Don't see many of these pop up. For a moment I thought this was the extention cab and got very excited
  14. Aye, another one for the Trace 715, I had one, great for small gigs/practice, onboard DI for louder.
  15. [quote name='pricechris10' post='428541' date='Mar 8 2009, 12:53 PM']TUT, TUT, TUT! The man you attacked has a massive amount of ability both in manufacture and design of his basses. The basses you have seen are probably prototypes and are being sold off near to the price of the build, let alone the time and effort he puts into them. Prosebass is a pefectionist who's looking for a balance between quality and price. I know, I own one of his basses and have met the guy. ( Have you? ) I find myself in a position to say that I COULD NOT replace the guitar I have because it IS UNIQUE. And it has a UNIQUE sound! PUT A VALUE ON THAT! [/quote] I'll second that
  16. I'll get some pictures done up, don't have any with me at work. Some details Rosewood Fretboard, bolt on next, medium scale I believe (I'm pretty sure its 32", you can get normal and medium scale in this range and it's definitely smaller than my G&L, though I never noticed when i was my only bass for two years, I'll measure tonight). It's a very attractive red burst, It looks like [url="http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.musiccorner.co.uk/images/igb_40.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.musiccorner.co.uk/index.php%3Fmanufacturers_id%3D202&usg=__CFFJbhuFm4zNfmn4qZ8gXEcmyc4=&h=544&w=160&sz=24&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=56tnp3RYX4eq0M:&tbnh=133&tbnw=39&prev=/images%3Fq%3Daria%2Bigb%2B65%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN"]This[/url] (Aria IGB40 ) Only it has more knobs (I believe that’s what makes it a 65), basically active, with low mid and high, balance pot between the two pickups (duncan design PJ) and volume knob. It used to have really nice action (I like it low), until I put TI flats on, which I think have a bit less tension, so it either needs tighter strings or the action tweaking. It's a small body and very light
  17. y'know I never did reply to this. If someone came to pick it up (Kings Cross), what £80 or exchange for a pedal or something?
  18. its an igb 65, I have one, it's exactly the same
  19. So, can you hear yourself above the drums and guitar or what? Seriously though, that is super sweet
  20. [quote name='lateralus462' post='399833' date='Feb 4 2009, 11:56 AM']Surely you could hire just a cab from the rehearshal room and just take the head from your walkabout along - should be a bit cheaper. That way you can keep your combo at home and it shouldn't be as expensive as hiring a whole amp and also you don't have to buy any new gear. Actually I just checked the Joint's hire prices and you can hire an Ampeg 8 x 10 for 1 pound an hour!! that seems super reasonable to me. [url="http://www.thejoint.org.uk/equipment_pa_hire.asp"]http://www.thejoint.org.uk/equipment_pa_hire.asp[/url] (I assume this is the place you're using?)[/quote] This is a very fair point, I porbably should have checked the cost of just a cab. Y'know, basschat advice amounting to keep your money in your pocket - what are the chances? He's me plan Plan A - Lug the amp down first time, see if I can move my arms afterwards. Plan B - Lug the Head down, rent a cab, the biggest one I can get for a pound. Plan C - Look into the Di/preamp thing with the suggestions above.
  21. [quote name='alexclaber' post='399823' date='Feb 4 2009, 11:46 AM']Yes, absolutely, no additional equipment required. The only heads that cannot run without a speaker load are those with valve power sections (i.e. damn big and heavy heads) or with output transformers on s/s power sections (solely the Jonas Hellborg sig models). Plug bass in as usual, adjust EQ and gains/master as usual but then just connect the DI or line out to the PA system. Sorted! Alex[/quote] SOLD!
  22. "I recommend the VT Bass pedal, sounds great through a PA. Or find a cheaper studio - which one are you using" The Joint, don't get me wrong its ace, really, realy good and worth every penny, but, it's not cheap. 10 mintues walk from my house (if that) and the rooms arn't covered in crud and everything works. The toilets even have showers I'm told. n.b. It's already really hard to book rooms there, so please everyone ignore I said that. "Why not take the head out of the Walkabout and then use that as a preamp into the PA?" Ah - now can I do this? Can I run it without a speaker load? the di level is linked to the volume knob, so It's not possible to have everything going out to di only. Also, thanks for the advice everyone, I'm going to check out everything mentioned.
  23. Holy Cow! I loves me some shiny things, erm, no idea what it's worth though, but I wants it, precious.
  24. I can make my ASAT do this on the low notes, normally when I've raised the pickup height, the heavier strings sound to be overpowering and causing distortion. reducing the master volume take it back below hat clipping
  25. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='396727' date='Feb 1 2009, 12:32 PM']Ah yeah, I suppose that’s a different situation than what I had in mind – a 10 minute stroll through leafy suburbia is a world away from Kings Cross at pretty much any time of the day Can you store your rig at the practise rooms? If you normally go through the PA for gigs then I’d guess that the EBS microbass would be a great solution for a versatile pre amp in a pedal form. I can't offer much advice on these though, but I've heard they're great.[/quote] You can store amps therre, but then I don't have an amp at home and I'm paying to store it there, so I might as well just pay to use one of theirs. Maybe I just man up and carry the thing, or buy some wheels for it.
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