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Posts posted by odub

  1. Its a fair point, and I should say becuase I live at Kings Cross I don't have a car, so bringing the mesa would involve lugging it and a bass through 1000's of people. it is doable.

    Part 2 of this would be to rely on the same setup for gigs. I always jsut use whatevers there anyway, the pa seemed a better option for consistancy.

  2. Right here's my dilemma; we’ve just found some new practice rooms which are brilliant. But the policy is you have to pay fextra for amps, stating off with really rubbish things, moving all the way through to Orange stacks. Since the rooms are already a bit pricey and given that each is equipped with a massive PA I’ve decided to forgo paying for an amp and instead go straight in to the PA.

    My question is, do I get something like the ebs microbass, an alternative preamp (maybe bass buddy?), an effects pedal like the pod live, or should I just cart my mesa boogie down (I live about 10 minutes walk away). Finally, do I just plug my active bass into the desk or use a bog standard d.i. box?

    This is a new band and whilst I don’t currently use any effects, it might be nice to have some, like a sub octave/synth/distortion type thing. In general though, I don’t bother with them,
    Also, I don’t like to compromise on quality, I have enough trouble sounding good as it is, so it’d be something I’d not really want to upgrade or swap.

  3. My girlfriend studied Piano and various wind instruments to a very high level, all the grades done I think. She can play owlt site reading first time even having not sat down at a piano in months. But she’s refuses to improvise in the slightest.

  4. [quote name='MythSte' post='345274' date='Dec 4 2008, 12:35 PM']Kudos to you Beedster.

    Come on allen, play the game - No one on here deserves to be treated like this - let alone our long serving Beedster! He was just trying to kick start spending to sort this recession business out![/quote]

    I'd say just pm him a link to the last infamous thread and say be forwarned, see what happens

  5. [quote name='Clarky' post='344785' date='Dec 3 2008, 09:20 PM']The dollar/sterling xc rate has gone from 2.00 to 1.50 in a couple of months so, all else equal, US-sourced instrument prices (be they Fenders, Laklands whatever) will be rising by a third :)

    Edit: the Euro/sterling has alse gone the wrong way (nothing like as much, more like 7-8% in recent months so don't be surprised if there are price rises on Euro-sourced stuff, like Markbass gear etc)

    Time for the "support Shuker" thread again![/quote]

    Yep as above,

    Buy british

  6. [quote name='Mr Shiny Cadillackness' post='342823' date='Dec 2 2008, 11:23 AM']I've read of RATM's stance on the matter, but to me that just doesn't cut it. At the end of the day, their label is still making a huge profit, so nobody wins in the end. Added to that, that most of RATM's fans are either pseudo middle-class socialists from SUV-driving "soccer mom" families, I doubt a very relevant percentage of their fans ever truly convert so to speak.

    I'd really like to see what kind of houses these people live in, what cars they drive, if they live extravagantly off camera so to speak.[/quote]

    Drives a prius if the internet is to be beleived

  7. I think I read an article about RATM and their major label which went somethinf along the lines of they got complete freedom to say and do what they want and had the opportunity to come across to many more people than going at it on their own.

    oh yeah, like wot toasted said

    Also, as much as I like RATM and co, If I want to learn something about politics I'll read an article by someone with a phd in the subject. Being good at rapping does not make someone my teacher.

  8. First time buying cables, made me up a special mini-jack to jack so I can plug the bass directly into my apple. and a standard cable.

    Incredibly nice and easy to deal with, cables arrived very very quickly, they're bloody good quality as well very solid neutrik jacks. very cheap for what they are.

    I will never buy cables anywhere else.

  9. [quote name='steve-norris' post='336503' date='Nov 25 2008, 06:04 PM']Well theres always my ASAT admittedly not as nice in the looks dept, but you don't look at the mantelpiece while stoking the fire :)[/quote]

    Yeah I do keep poking around your ASAT, however, I already have one ASAT, it was hard enough trying to justify a L2000 on similarity grounds

  10. Italia straps - 4" on bass, 2.5" in guitar:

    Pretty pricey but they do have a 2 for 1 offer quite often. I doubt you'd ever need to replace them,

    The straps are so thick you don't need strap locks, infact to get them on in the first place I had to uncrew the pins, thread through the strap and rescrew to the bass - they're not going anywhere. No need to take them off for transport because there are no metal buckles. Length is set by threading the thin end through slots, so can't move around.

  11. [quote name='stereo_monkey' post='328915' date='Nov 14 2008, 10:18 AM']Shall I remove the price? :)

    Fell free to PM me with your price...[/quote]

    No I think you should keep the price up that you want, don't want to derail your sales thread. It's one of, if not the, nicest looking G&Ls I've ever seen (including my own).

    I'm going to pm you anyway though..

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