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Everything posted by odub

  1. Ah I remember seeing ADF at the hop and grape in manchester, I was right next to the speaker stack and I think that bass might have done some serious damage to my internal organs. Worth it though.
  2. Here's mine, sporting a new set of La Bellas. Custom colour scheme, cream+gold, maple neck, semi hollow with f hole and matching headstock (I know you can see all of this) [attachment=12784:CRW_3095.jpg] [attachment=12783:G_L_ASAT.jpg]
  3. I have 2, and I think thats one too many
  4. Thats actually pretty tempting, even though I have the exact same bass in white...I could have one with rounds and one with flats...
  5. Go on then: [attachment=10883:bassandamp.jpg][attachment=10884:IMG_2292.JPG]
  6. I find neck dive a bit on mine, or rather, the bass likes to sit parallel to the ground. I thick strap mostly sorts it out mind, and there's a third party add on thing that someone sells that repositions the neck strap button behind the plate. Still great basses though.
  7. Use CD baby, or the slightly easier Catapult distribution. They'll sort out everything for you and get your songs on iTunes/napster etc. They take a 9% cut and itunes take there bit too. But you don't pay for aanything apart from the barcode and initial set up, anout £35. Then knock up a website and use paypal merchandise to create a paypal button. Here's my version: [url="http://www.felt-tip-records.co.uk/"]http://www.felt-tip-records.co.uk/[/url]
  8. Never heard of this, but I'm guessing its the inner ear thats being vibrated and thus throwing off balance. Thats pretty loud!
  9. My G&L was owned (and made for) jerry donahue of the hellecasters
  10. bass cellar have a few
  11. Ah glad you found one in the end. Indeed welcome to t'club. Running at 2.67 should be fine
  12. Yep club and first is fine, you just have tp tell um. They stick it in the wardrobes. I think with first they'll polish it for you too.
  13. Honestly someone buy this, super, super deal.
  14. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='130430' date='Jan 30 2008, 06:36 AM']I assumed that you were asking if the GWB was 35" scale so apols [/quote] Ah I see , confusion all around!
  15. oh oops I didn't know thats what the 35 stood for, sorry. Actually, I'm a bit confused, there is a GWB1005 and a GWB35, both 34", one a lot more expensive than the other.
  16. Can't help you, but it sounds like the legal route is exactly what you should be doing.
  17. Loads of parking round there, drive to the gig, turn off onto one of the side streets nearby.
  18. [quote name='chris_b' post='122720' date='Jan 18 2008, 10:54 AM']A long, long time ago (in the middle of the "Troubles") I was playing in a Working Man's Club band. We did a gig in an Irish club in Neasden and at the end we said good night. The manager rushed up hissing... "Play the Anthem"... so we duly started... he came running back shouting this time, "Stop! Not that one you eejits!!" Not thinking, we had started "God Save The Queen"!! To a man the audience stood and, unaccompanied, sang the Irish National Anthem. I packed up nervously looking over my shoulder that night.[/quote] Now that is a good tale!
  19. [size=3]Because musicians are slaves of sentiment and superstition.*[/size] [size=1]*Maybe, I could be wrong, I've never heard either, I'm actually just trying to get my post count up.[/size]
  20. I had a Trace Elliot gp7 combo that i sold for £150 and would recommend to someone in your position for that price. Easily able to keep up in a practice/live enviroment, sounded like, well a trace, they come up all the time.
  21. Thats an amazing bass. It features pretty much everything I don't like and yet altogther everything looks "right", it just oozes quality and taste,
  22. Very high quality well done!
  23. That makes me feel all funny, (down there)
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