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Everything posted by Jeff29361

  1. I'm trying, it a guy who knows a guy
  2. Interesting, could be a bargain if it's modified original Thanks clarky, hope you're well
  3. Seen this online, obviously an ampeg scroll copy but I can't seem to find one that matches, any ideas?
  4. Jeff29361


    With my other ibanez'
  5. Jeff29361


    Not going to lie I always preferred the natural ATK300 but this was a bargain I couldn't say no
  6. Jeff29361


    Picked this up yesterday for £80, I'm a big ibanez guitar fan but I didn't have an ibanez bass, needed a damn good clean but has come up lovely
  7. The yellow one is tune to b if that helps
  8. Not as many basses these days
  9. Kodiakblair tried to get it for me but was unfortunately ghosted by the seller, a different ibanez bargain can up locally , 70 quid
  10. Also the car flew through the mot
  11. I'm gonna go for it
  12. Yeah, to be honest I bought it because it looked and sounded amazing, I actually wanted a 4 string so this is a winner
  13. I may take you up on that, car has MOT on Tuesday, if nothing major sounds like a winner
  14. EDA905, you hero, now I just need to find one 😂
  15. It is but I can't find the exact model, the later ones were less dali-esk and a bit boring
  16. I bought one of these many years ago I loved it but it got cracked, I want another but can't remember the model number
  17. Jeff29361


    My trusty old 92 jazz' neck was like a banana and the truss rod was knackered so I treated it to a new neck, gave it blocks and binding, quite frankly it looks amazing
  18. In the end I've gone for 2 amps, over the last couple of years I've had the Mustang gt40 for guitar, it's been brilliant, being able to download patches and adjust the sound with my phone or tablet, today I took delivery of the rumble 40 studio, works off the same app, can't wait to try it out
  19. Yeah I see that, one of the poor habits I'm trying to get rid of
  20. I know this is a guitar but I don't have a bass to hand at the moment, but the technique is the same, this is how I'm playing https://youtu.be/VWDf9WwBjBo
  21. I'll ask him next time, the scales he is teaching 1 fret 1 finger, is that wrong?
  22. Hi guys, I've been playing for 26 years and on Monday I had my first lesson, I wanted to address my floating pinky, he has given me so e scales to practice and I'm really improving already but I am getting pain in my pinky and wrist, is this just me building strength or am I doing something wrong?
  23. Would you recommend?
  24. Good shout, that doesn't scream great QC
  25. Is this going to be any good, I love how it looks I don't trust the price https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Gloss-Maple-4-string-20-fret-JAZZ-Bass-Guitar-neck-Replacement-rosewood-inlay-/393858501564?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
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