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Everything posted by Sardonicus

  1. @Muppet It's a brand new bass and that's exactly it was manufactured.
  2. ** UPDATE ** I got an answer back from the seller, it transpires that Wilkinson's new Vari-Guass system boosts the E and A strings only, admittedly they sound fantastic but now the D and G strings sound pathetic. I was told that they had had only good reviews but in my opinion, it renders the bass unplayable....why would you want a bass with 2 strings louder than the other 2 strings? IT MAKES NO SENSE !!! I can't return them as they have been soldered in, if anybody wants to buy them, I'll take £20 and that includes next day delivery to anywhere.
  3. @Muppet I reversed it back to what I know as 'normal' when I installed the new pups.
  4. I hate soldering and was wondering if conductive adhesive glue would work instead when connecting pickup wires to pots 🤔 Does anybody have experience of using this?
  5. When I changed the pickups in my Jazz Bass, I found that the neck pickup output was connected to the neck volume pot but the earth/ground was connected to the bridge volume pot. The bridge pickup output was connected to the bridge volume pot but the earth/ground was connected to the neck volume pot....what kind of madness is this? Is this normal, because it goes against everything I was always told.
  6. I just installed a set of new Wilkinson WOJB Jazz Bass pickups in my J&D Jazz Bass and the output of the D and G strings are about 30% compared to the 100% of the E and A strings. The pole pieces are all level and my soldering is fine but the standout thing for me was the unequal magnets on the back of the neck pickup, the E and A have a thick magnet but the D and G have a much thinner magnet, more than coincidence I’m thinking. Is this the problem? The bridge pickup has one magnet along the whole pickup, as did the old pickups. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
  7. I just installed a set of new Wilkinson WOJB Jazz Bass pickups in my J&D Jazz Bass and the output of the D and G strings are about 30% compared to the 100% of the E and A strings. The pole pieces are all level and my soldering is fine but the standout thing for me was the unequal magnets on the back of the neck pickup, the E and A have a thick magnet but the D and G have a much thinner magnet, more than coincidence I’m thinking. Is this the problem? The bridge pickup has one magnet along the whole pickup, as did the old pickups. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
  8. @Newfoundfreedom @gjones Thanks for the feedback, I just went onto Amazon and I've got some Wilkinson M-Series (WOMJ) Jazz Bass pickups arriving on Monday 😃👍
  9. @paul_5 Are Wlkinsons worth getting, I've got a cheap J&D Jazz and the output of the stock pickups are WEAK !! My budget doesn't stretch to the lofty heights of Seymour Duncans, Aguilar etc so I was looking at some Wilkinsons.
  10. Apologies for dredging up an old post but what why did you only use them for an hour? What was wrong with them?
  11. @LukeFRC I was thinking of just going for a tuner and a compressor, anything more would be excessive and I didn’t want to spend my time tap-dancing my way through the service 😂
  12. If I had to put together a pedalboard for church and I could only have 3 or 4 pedals, what pedals would you recommend? What are the ‘must-haves’?
  13. I bought a second hand Spector Performer and put in some MusicMan style pups because I hated the weak sound that the EMG-SSD’s gave. I also changed all the hardware to black and added some knurled knobs, now it’s a beauty that growls 👍🏻😁
  14. It actually came off my Spector Performer, I replaced the original silver Spector bridge with a black one from Northwest 👍🏻. I’ve got Northwest bridges on 3 of my 4 basses now, They’re on my Precision, my Jazz and my Spector. I love them.
  15. Aesthetically it annoyed me 😂
  16. Finally got round to getting rid of the existing bridge on my Stingray copy,, hated the old bridge and I love the new one.
  17. I started this thread ages ago and I still haven’t played a single note in church thanks to COVID-19 🤦🏻‍♂️, heard today that it might even be December before we are allowed back. Do any other church bass players play a Jazz Bass with flat wounds?
  18. I was just putting feelers out to hear other people’s preferences, I’ll probably stick with the stick pickups to be honest.
  19. I’ve just acquired a J&D Jazz Bass and I was thinking of replacing the pickups, what can anyone recommend for a strong output and still maintaining a warm vintage tone?
  20. I’m going to change the knobs on my jazz to silver knurled knobs but I was wondering if anyone has come across a set of silver knurled knobs that has 2 standard size and 1 mini knob.
  21. I've stuck some sponge under the strings on my P-Bass to get a James Jamerson thud and it's working perfectly but I was wondering, what sponge do you use? What sponge do you recommend?
  22. @TrevorR I've got to sit in on a couple of rehearsals and be adult baptised before I can play so it'll be a little while yet. I'm new to the church and obviously they want to see that I'm committed before they let me loose on the likes of `My Lighthouse', `Anchor' and `Raise A Hallelujah' . In the past I've always played in rock and metal bands so I wanted to do my homework and get some pointers before I start. Thanks again for the links.
  23. @BassPhil Thanks for the comments and for bringing Worship Musician to my attention, I have never heard of it but I will certainly have a (cyber) flick through it.
  24. @LeftyP Your bass gig is a mirror image of mine, I would be part of a pool of musicians and I would expect to play about once or twice a month. The songs are a mixture of modern and traditional hymns, and the level of musicianship is varied. I'm going to keep my playing appropriate to where I am and what each song needs, to go in tapping and slapping would detract from the words of the songs/hymns. Everyone's there to praise Christ and not witness my 4 string athletics.
  25. An opportunity to play in my church band arose last week and so I jumped at the chance. Obviously I plan to lock in with both the drummer's kick and the pianist's left hand but are there any other pointers that any church bassists can give me? "Praise Him with strings" - Psalms 150:4
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