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Everything posted by AngelDeVille

  1. Reggae Pearl Jam tribute band: Pearl Jammin’
  2. a 4kg lump of wood at that.....
  3. I messaged you the next chapter in the story! If you would like to share it in this thread, it’s fine with me.
  4. I hate string thru bodies, I’m to the point where I won’t even buy a bass or guitar with that feature. the whole sustain quest is quite silly, am I going to play a single note and let it ring out until the audience gets bored and leaves? aren’t Les Paul’s famous for their sustain? They don’t have a string thru body...
  5. yeah, let me know what he says!
  6. I have a couple
  7. that’s just beautiful, my favorite bass is a telexplorer, I may need to operate... did you build it? Can you send me a parts list?
  8. Done, no more changes ever
  9. Just one more pedal and no more changes...
  10. yep, stop on by!
  11. Neck was the most expensive part of my 51. body off eBay , I spent about $3 for the paint job.
  12. I had one of the Phantomatic Epiphones, and it was very nice, but it wasn't as nice as a Wilshire, there are some reissue Wilshires that are on my radar, but I'm trying to limit my treble guitars to SG's and Flying V's.
  13. I prefer Gibson to Epiphone in most things, but Epiphones punch way above their weight class for the price. PRS are really nice with the SE model in a similar class to Epiphone. I have an S2 PRS languishing in my closet, if you want it let me know, it's going to be WAY cheaper than 1500
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