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Everything posted by Skywalker83

  1. So i've Finally decided to go for the Ampeg Micro VT amp and 2 x10 Cab, but since i'm now living in Finland and i refuse to pay the stupidly high priced they have over here for gear i'm looking for alternative means of getting one of these. So can anyone recommend a good online sourse for buying Ampeg stuff?
  2. If you are just starting out on fretless, i would really recommend saving a few notes and picking up one of these, A Vintage Ivon VJ96 fretless [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Vintage-ICON-VJ96-Fretless-Bass-S-B/7BV"]vintage icon bass[/url] not only does it have that serious jaco vibe its also, actually a very good bass for the price. I was really surprised when i tried one of these. They can be found in a couple ebay for slightly cheaper than in the link i posted, but still it gives you a rough idea.
  3. My first bass was a washburn XB-100 in Metallic purple, if your lucky you might snag one on the bay or craiglist or elsewhere. I got mine new at the time, it cost around £180.
  4. [quote name='marcus bell' post='738343' date='Feb 7 2010, 09:05 PM']thanks for the help so far guys, im going to buy the badass 2 bridge, and the control plate and battery cover for my bass for my birthday which is the end of the month, any recommendations for a 2 band eq? that would be bass and treble one on each pot? i was thinking maybe aquilar or something similar? x[/quote] Why not buy the East Marcus Retro preamp? [url="http://www.east-uk.com/"]East preamps[/url]
  5. [quote]Looks wonderful biggrin.gif Just don't give out the luthier's address as Mr. Fodera and his gang might pay a visit.[/quote] It's fine, one of the guys from Fodera has already commented on the bass, there is no infringements of any kind. I'll post up some pics once i have her in my hands I don't get to lay my hands on her until mid january when i return to Finland after the festive season. [quote]how much did that send you back?[/quote] A suprisingly small amount considering what i'm getting!!
  6. Ok i posted this also on TalkBass, so sorry for those who have to look at my beautiful new girl yet again! Luthier: Marko Ursin Specs: Bona styled Imperial shape 6 string 33"scale Neck through Body woods - Figured Walnut top on Alder Neck - Wenge Fingerboard - Birdseye Maple Heastock - Walnut veneer Bartolini G6 soapbar pickups (jazz spacing) Schaller 2000 bridge (black and gold) Gotoh tuners (2 gold 4 black) Dunlop straplocks Wenge Ramp (radiused) Name Inlay on the 12th fret Aguilar OBP-3 preamp Added mute switch Added push/pull active passive tone control Passive/Active switch
  7. I use a PJB 4B cab along with my Ashdown Superfly, and i love the cab, small ,light, great tone and packs a punch for it's size. I will be buying another one once i start playing bigger venues, but for the time being im happy.
  8. [quote]So should I just go with what makes me happy?[/quote] well....yes. Buy a bass that you like and that you will want to play! Thats a fair bit of cash for a first bass you have quite a few options with £500. I remember scraping £150 together for my first bass. If you can, buy used, and also try teh bass out before you buy it. But remember buying a more expensive bass WILL NOT make you a better player. What i would do is split the cash between a bass and a semi decent practice amp and spend the rest on getting some lessons.
  9. Does anyone know when these "pro sereis" Westfield were made? I'm guessing maybe early to mid 90's.
  10. Last night i won a Westfield P/J P-bass on the bay complete with EMG pickups! It's a bit of a "fixer upper" ,I'm planning on adding the following mods Black Pickguard Black Hardware A new maple jazz neck with block inlays And possibly and ashtray over the bridge. And how much was this bargin??? Well just have a look and find out!! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300350160817&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2Fi.html%3F_nkw%3D300350160817%26_in_kw%3D1%26_ex_kw%3D%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_okw%3D300350160817%26_oexkw%3D%26_udlo%3D%26_udhi%3D%26_ftrt%3D901%26_ftrv%3D1%26_sabdlo%3D%26_sabdhi%3D%26_samilow%3D%26_samihi%3D%26_sadis%3D200%26_fpos%3DPostcode%26LH_SALE_CURRENCY%3D0%26_sop%3D12%26_dmd%3D1%26_ipg%3D50%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1"]My new Westfield from the bay[/url]
  11. Thanks Chaps. I figured if im putting the cash towards a custom bass lets give her something of good quality to sleep in.
  12. I would say as a complete beginner go for Used or the cheapest new bass you can find. But the main thing is to try before you buy, and get something that feels nice to play. My first bass when i was 15 or 16 was a Washburn XB-100, nice slim neck, quite light and a funky mettalic purple colour. I would say that for an absolute beginner that basses like Squier are not absolutley necessary, don't buy a bass because of the name on the headstock, buy it because it feels good, sounds good to your ears and is in your price range. I've been semi pro for almost 8 years now and i play a budget bass, my 5 string Westfield. I love it. True, i have made a couple of mods to it (pickups and tuners), but i bought a bass that when i tried it it felt and sounded good to me. Just my 2c
  13. Anyone know any companies that stock the Mono gig bags and also ship within the EU I'm looking for one of these [url="http://monocase.com/mono-bass-guitar.asp"]Mono bass gig bag[/url]
  14. I have problems with my Superfly, the editor just won't work with Vista ( what a surprise!), and the USB driver didnt seem to do anything. +1 on the tuner thing, its something i wish they had put on it.
  15. Really good, vocals sounded fine to me.
  16. Skywalker83

    Line6 GX

    Ok, so i know that the Line6 GX can be used as a recording interface. But can it be used like a headphone amp with and aux input, i.e can i play my bass along with an mp.3 or whatever, NOT in a recording situation, just like a practice situation??? E.g, i play a song in iTunes, i hear it through the headphones from the Line6 GX and i also hear my bass too, which is plugged into the GX.
  17. i use one of these to connect my ipod or laptop to a PA. a stereo mini jack to Male XLR.
  18. woops, sorry! There's a couple of forums you should have a try on, ask anyone there if they know of any sources for a 47K Log pot [url="http://music-electronics-forum.com/"]Music electronics forum[/url] [url="http://www.diyaudio.com/"]DIY audio forum[/url]
  19. here is a 47K Ohm pot [url="http://fi.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?qs=sGAEpiMZZMsEGgLEzQVyds6YuQwBQpVu4cdeV5br2kA%3d"]47Kohm pot[/url]
  20. Ok, so my custom bass build is about to get underway and the only thing i have left to decide about is a set of strings. Can anyone recommend a set of strings, preferably stainless steels. that are good for a 33" scale bass??
  21. Another PJB 4B cab, or perhaps a 6B MM Bongo H/S fiver iGIG gig bag A set of Bartolini's to throw on my Westfield
  22. [url="http://www.bestbassgear.com/pots.htm#"]bestbassgear.com[/url] sell 50K DPDT push pull pots there is also some [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SIEMENS-50K-Linear-Pot-w-DPDT-Push-Pull-Switch_W0QQitemZ230349139074QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item35a1e0ec82&_trksid=p3286.m63.l1177&_trkparms=|293%3A1|294%3A50"]here[/url] and [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2-Push-Pull-DPDT-B50K-50K-Mt-Potentiometer-Pots-PP09_W0QQitemZ300325651085QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar_Accessories?hash=item45eccdc28d&_trksid=p3286.m63.l1177&_trkparms=|293%3A1|294%3A50"]here[/url] on Ebay
  23. Fook me , that really is a beauty! If you can, get some sound clips up on here, would love to hear what she sounds like. Whats going on with the B string at the bridge? EDIT: Just read the thing bout no sound clips. Perhaps someone living near this fella with recording capabilities might be able to help in this area????
  24. [url="http://www.easounddesign.com/earwig.htm"]EAsounddesign Earwig[/url] Best money i ever spent, been using mine every day for the past year. And a great company to deal with, very good cutomer service.
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