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Everything posted by Rageofklugman

  1. Morning all, not sure if this is the best forum for my question, but it seemed sensible. Anyway, I've been having a rummage through the various bits and pieces I've accumulated and am planning to fit a thunderbird pickup onto a p bass body I have. My questions is this: I gather that the string spacing on a thunderbird is a fair bit narrower than on a p bass. If I use a bridge with the standard 19mm string spacing, is this going to cause issues with the pickup?
  2. Update: Pleased to report that filing down that insert so it was flush with the base of the neck heel seems to have done the trick, so thanks for the advice. Another good thing to come out of this is that I discovered that I own a file. I can't for the life of me think why I would ever have bought one,, but there we are.
  3. Yes, quite ironic really. Actually, it's probably way less than a millimetre, but I couldn't think of a suitably small unit to use!
  4. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll check both. I reckon I could file the insert flush without wrecking it, so that certainly seems to be worth a go - it's only sticking up a about a millimetre or so, so shouldn't need too much work.
  5. Right, I've taken the neck off and one of the inserts at the heel end is sticking out slightly. Tried to tighten it, but the hex key won't grip it properly - the insert seems to have lost its shape slightly so I can't get any thing to grip it. Perhaps putting a shim at the other end of the neck pocket would help to tip the neck back into the correct alignment.
  6. Thanks Maude, that's really helpful. I'll take the neck off to have a look at how the inserts are sitting. Pretty sure there wasn't a shim in the neck pocket - if there was it must have been very small and would be lost forever on my storeroom floor!
  7. I've got a minor issue with a Squier Bronco bass that I've been tinkering with and thought that the collective mind of BC was sure to offer helpful advice. One of the mods I thought I'd try was to replace the neck screws with those bolts and inserts you can get. It's meant to improve the contact between the neck and the body and also means that the neck can be removed multiple times without damage. Anyway, that all went fine, but since I've re-attached the neck I've been getting really bad fret buzz when I hit the strings hard, something I don't remember being an issue before. I've raised the bridge saddles significantly and that's helped, but there's still more buzz than I remember. Interestingly, there's almost no buzz on the frets by the nut, but it gets worse on the higher frets as you work back towards the bridge. I'm guessing that the bolts have subtly changed the angle of the neck and that perhaps the neck relief needs tweaking? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  8. No contest for me - copper all the way.
  9. The Lowrider looks cool, with the glaring exception of that hideous pickguard. What were they thinking? Still, it's not as though you can't remove a pickguard.
  10. Better than you think a doom take on Walking in the Air would be:
  11. Not trying to hijack the thread, but certainly something I could be interested in. Feel free to drop me a PM with details.
  12. I'm pretty keen to find any decent medium scale basses as well. On the forum, Gypsy Rose basses often seem to come up as worth looking out for, provided you don't mind something finished in sparkly pink. There's currently a Gypsy Rose PJ on FB Marketplace for £80. I was sorely tempted but it's over in Grays, Essex and I can't face the trip around the M25.
  13. I think you'll find the full title is Basingstoke Rock City. That said she really doesn't sound like she's from these parts, she sounds decidedly... Welsh?
  14. I've been pondering modding my Bronco and have found that Creamery pickups do a blade pickup specifically designed for it at around £60. Worth a punt maybe?
  15. These certainly look useful as a travel bass. Could you tell us the total length of the instrument?
  16. Recently acquired a new Epiphone EB-0 and was genuinely surprised at how good it is. Looks amazing and super easy to play with a really low action.
  17. Right, checked in the 2012-18 grade 6 book yesterday and it's definitely not in there. Sorry!
  18. I think I have the old Grade 6 book kicking around at home - I'll have a look for it this evening if nobody has managed to locate it before then. That said, I'm pretty sure that all the pieces from the 20212-18 syllabus have been directly carried over to the new syllabus so it should be in the new books as well. That's how thesyllabus for the lower grades works at any rate.
  19. Not my advert or anything, but there's an original Gibson Ripper in the for sale section right now.
  20. It might depend on your age! It was in a Levi's advert in the mid-nineties at a time when that pretty much guaranteed you a number 1 off the back of it. Still a good song though.
  21. How about Stiltskin - Inside. I had the album on cassette and it wasn't bad, but seeing as none of the other songs featured on a jeans advert they were never heard from again.
  22. Thanks for all the replies, what a friendly bunch you are! Been annoyingly busy with work the last few weeks, but I actually got round to doing some lacquering on that p bass body yesterday. I just need to find the time to take some photos to post it in the build diaries now...
  23. Dave Wyndorf (Monster Magnet) has always been my favourite lyricist (given that I generally listen to a pretty narrow range of heavy rock). He's obviously aware of how daft the various cliches and standard tropes of the genre are, but manages to use them in a witty and clever way.
  24. Bored at work so thought I'd have a Google. Doesn't seem to be much more to find, although the comments section of this page has a few more details: http://downwithtractors.blogspot.com/2007/09/last-chant-run-of-dove-chicken-jazz.html
  25. Also kicking myself for not using Bassing-stoke in the subject title. Life is a catalogue of missed opportunities.
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