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Everything posted by lefrash

  1. [quote name='redbandit599' timestamp='1438784956' post='2837283'] I have a Behringer BOD100 Bass Overdrive sat on my desk - which gets rather gnarly, think it's a Boss ODB3 clone. Yours for the price of the postage mate it that's any use to you. It's got a blend and I seem to remember finding it pretty fuzzy. Haven't used it in ages but if you are interested I'll check it over. [/quote] Just reread your post and noticed your offer. That's such a nice thing to offer. Think I'm going t get a mooer fuzz fog, but thank you!
  2. Apparently they are the same. If they are then the b1on is incredible value.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1439317636' post='2841889'] Most of the better multi-effects have a loop to allow the connection of other units in the optimum position in the chain, so you could use your favourite pedal octaver with one. It wouldn't be programmable, although with the right multi-effects unit you would be able to program whether or not it was in the signal path. [/quote] Used to do that with my zoom b9 but then I thought ACH ill get a fuzz too.... Then after a while it became a monster its one or the other for me now. Tonight I've been investigating options so I think I've now decided to stick with separates haha.
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1439306533' post='2841738'] I can't say that I've ever found any octaver that tracked my playing style accurately enough to consider using. For fuzz there are 7 different fuzz/distortion/drive effects on the 2 XT as well as a drive parameter in the amp models which has a slightly different effect on each model setting. For live use one of those will be fine in the context of the overall band sound. The big advantage is that it will be exactly the same every time I use that particular program. And if I need a different fuzz sound for a different song I can program it so it's there at the touch of a button instead of having to scrabble about on the floor changing pedal settings. If I was looking at octave/fuzz for synth type sounds then I'd use a synth. Far easier than trying to make the bass do something it can't do a fractional as well as a keyboard. [/quote] I'm quite picky with my octavers and even on my beloved Zoom B3 I find the octaver not great! So it's quite a clincher. I may have to pick one up 2nd hand and give it a go though!
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1439294374' post='2841585'] I've been using multii-effects since I got my first unit (a Roland GP8) in 1990. Simply the convenience of programmability is enough for me to never even begin to consider going back to individual units unless I had unlimited finances to buy everything I wanted and a road crew to lift my massive racks full of pedals and MIDI switching gear into place on stage. For the bass, I'm currently using a Bass Pod 2 XT Pro. It's as important a part of my sound as me and my bass. Plug my bass into the input and the output into an amp, select my default preset and there is my bass sound all ready. No further messing required. Foot control is provided by the Line 6 FBV - cost about £35 on eBay, so no problem if it gets a pint poured into it at a gig. [/quote] What are the octave and fuzz like on these things? Rack and floorboard isn't a thong I've done before buy I'm tempted!
  6. Anyone tried the line 6 Hd500x on bass? Worth a go? It seems to give a lot if versatility for routing options etc, but I would be worried that the two main sounds I use (fuzz and octaver) would not be up to scratch. It seems there's not many bass amp some either, but for me I'd only use one always on anyway, It's hilarious... Past few years I've went back and forth from multi fx to separates, I just can't make my mind up!
  7. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1438936153' post='2838723'] Yes, I got that abouta blend/loop pedal and I agree it's probably a better way to go. But the '???...' was because when I followed the link it goes to a web page for a USB / Arduino add on widget :-) [/quote] Aye, I was a bit '???' With that. Haha. The reason its not essential is because I have an ls2 on my board and a rewiring will remove the need for a blend on the pedal 😀
  8. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1438893891' post='2838555'] Not sure that these type of questions really get anywhere unless some reference tones are given. [/quote] Normally I'd agree, but as it's more about getting a wee list of options, it allows myself (and others) to go research what has been suggested. I don't think at this price point it's too easy to be picky and choosy anyway.
  9. I'm looking for a fuzz pedal. Ideally it will have a blend but not essential. I'm skint too. So, lets hear about all your cheapo fuzz finds! I'm thinking of joyo, Harley Benton, all the Chinese copies...... Any wee gems out there
  10. lefrash


    Wrong forum
  11. I have both the ms60b and the ms50g on my board. I use the ms60b as my preamp (always on), EQ (always on) and the one other slot as fuzz. So I basically just use it as a fuzz stomp box and dont touch the other slots. The ms50g goes at the end of my chain and I have it as noisegate(always on), light compression (always on) and then the other 4 slots are used as chorus, flange delay and envelope filter. I just bend down and go side to side for what ever I use on the particular tune. My advice is just learn how to use one of the effects, and once you work out whats going on, all the others will make sense as they are all laid out pretty much exactly the same. It can get a bit footery if your looking to change order of pedals, or switching between patches, but since I dont use it like that, then its not an easy for me. Personally I love them, but I would understand why they wouldnt suit everyone.
  12. lefrash


    The DigiTech bsw is a very good octaver! That's what I use, tracks extremely well.
  13. Just tell him to pack it in every time he starts it, how hard is that?
  14. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1437418063' post='2825855'] you are correct, most failures happen upon switch on when the most electrical stress is on the amp. [/quote] Therefore it could easily happen when i switch it on. I always find blaming someone else, when something breaks, an easy excuse.
  15. Pretty unlikely theyd be using my stuff as each band have their own amps set up... And the rule is don't play with other people's stuff. Plus their stuff is much nicer than mine! Haha I'm still thinking electrics!
  16. Now I think about it the ampeg PF350 was returned and replaced under warranty due to the intermittent cutting out (which is a well known fault of this model) so perhaps I should discount that one. But yeah, 3 amps for the same thing to happen is still alot. Ashdown and the LH500 were fixed pretty cheaply and the markbass is on its way back to (hopefully) be fixed under warranty, We rent a unit which is basically in a warehouse. The place is kitted out with lots of practice rooms and we even sublet our room to another couple of bands... so the room has a number of different amps on the go constantly... noone else has complained of any amps breaking. I dont really use the amp at gigs, so 95% of the use is in our practice space, and from memory all 3 have not been working at the start of the practice (i.e they dont cut out mid-song).. if the electrics are a possible cause then I wonder if theres anything I could do? Running a power conditioner maybe?
  17. So my markbass black line amp has stopped working. It switches on, but there's no power output. This is the 4th amp in 5 years to have the same symptoms. Ashdown abm300, hartke lh500, ampeg pf350 and now this. I've used various cabs over the years and some times with a pedal board, and sometimes straight in. Is this pure coincidence and bad luck, or is there something that could cause this? They've never been maxed out. They do get used minimum once a week but never abused.
  18. I was at it this weekend, played it on the Friday. Our show was a bit empty, or atleast felt it.. Probably 100+ people, but the tent was a decent size. Anyways I saw some immense bands and the atmosphere was great. It's gad alot if critics this year, mainly by people who wasn't there, bit it was great fun! Guy did die though, so not so good. The toilets are atrocious though, dunno how I'd feel about the whole experience if I couldn't must nip behind the scenes to use the clean toilets!
  19. Take any job to start with. Gets your name out there. From my experience, word of mouth is a useful too. Once you get your name out there and you've done a decent job, then things will spread. Finding a decent bassist is a bigger headache than it should be, so your number will be kept if you're good You'll probably find alot of the same tunes aswell, so best to learn all the regular stuff and be ready to transpose.
  20. I've used loads of the newer zoom Stuff, all still works perfectly. Build quality for me is definitely not am issue
  21. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1436370598' post='2817612'] Its a mono line level mixer. The bass synth wah goes to it clean out of the second output, and the rest goes fuzz->phaser->dirt and into one of the other inputs then it all goes out to the amp. Its a neat little thing! [/quote] That's exactly what I do, except use an ls2 as a mixer, having the octave or Synth stay completely Un effected whilst dirtying up the other line makes a huge difference.
  22. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1436370598' post='2817612'] Its a mono line level mixer. The bass synth wah goes to it clean out of the second output, and the rest goes fuzz->phaser->dirt and into one of the other inputs then it all goes out to the amp. Its a neat little thing! [/quote] That's exactly what I do, except use an ls2 as a mixer, having the octave or Synth stay completely Un effected whilst dirtying up the other line makes a huge difference.
  23. If anyone is off to T in the park this Friday, and don't fancy kasabian, come along to the transmissions tent for some live hip Scottish hip hop where my band Hector Bizerk ate closing the day, should be fun!! Transmissions tent. 10pm
  24. Zoom b3 does, but that would limit you to run the b3 at the end if your chain, might suit, might not. I love my b3 by the way. Great bit of kit!
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