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Everything posted by lefrash

  1. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1417886583' post='2624905'] If the manager had a go at an employee in front of a customer that would have been far more unprofessional than a warehousing error. [/quote] Exactly what I thought when I read that post.
  2. In my current band I have lots of bass lines and other bits that I've pretty much nicked from other bands ideas. Not to say it plagiarised simply because noone has noticed. My most recent bassline though I was was so sure I've nicked it nnote-for-note that I was a tad worried about it. Noone has recognised it, but its not been released or played live yet...... haha
  3. Still for sale bump
  4. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1416908222' post='2614817'] Or simply change the plug to a UK one. [/quote] Hence I said 'not a problem for some things'.
  5. Funnily enough I've just been thinkin about this as we're playing a few overseas gigs next year, and will not be able to take my full board. Just recently bought a b3 which I'm currently using on my board for all the odd and ends effects... Ie the ones that get used once per set... Delays, phasers, tremolo... I reckon though I could just about get away with using that on its own for fuzz, Oct and preamp. If I wasn't allowed that, I could simply go with my ms60b and digitech bsw. I'd have to go pretty 'lofi' but would probably do the job.
  6. Coda are doing it for 25 quid so just took the plunge. Can't really say no at that price.
  7. Coda are doing it for 25 quid so just took the plunge. Can't really say no at that price.
  8. Anyone got one of these? It seems to be an identical clone of a Sansamp BDDI. The reviews and videos online are horrific though. Anyone got one or tried one? worth the £50 punt? I've only seen one person saying they're rubbish based on the switch breaking. This for me would be an always on effect and will be fixed to my board, so solidness is a less of an issue.
  9. lefrash


    £45.00 + £5 postage? This was my main fuzz for 2 years. Sounds absolutely immense. My favourite sounding fuzz I've ever owned. Its got a lovely wee signature in the inside too, and its numbered (hand writen). Genuine reason for getting rid of it. Dont need it in my current band and need a bit of Cash to go towards something else pedal related! No box, velcro on bottom. Blurb from the website: [indent=1][i][size=3][font=times new roman,times,serif]Fredric Effects clone of the green box Russian Big Muff. This circuit differs from the new black box Russian Big Muff and the Red Army Overdrive, and is perhaps the most sought-after of the transistor muffs.[/font][/size][/i][/indent] [indent=1][i][size=3][font=times new roman,times,serif]With incredible silky smooth sustain, huge low end bass, slightly less scooped mid range and crisp attack the Fredric Effects Green Russian Big Muff is the perfect Muff Fuzz.[/font][/size][/i][/indent] [indent=1][i][size=3][font=times new roman,times,serif]High Quality:[/font][/size][/i][/indent][list] [*] [indent=1][i][size=3][font=times new roman,times,serif]Professionally powder coated and screen printed enclosures[/font][/size][/i][/indent] [*] [indent=1][i][size=3][font=times new roman,times,serif]PCB construction (not perf or vero)[/font][/size][/i][/indent] [*] [indent=1][i][size=3][font=times new roman,times,serif]Neutrik or Lumberg jacks[/font][/size][/i][/indent] [*] [indent=1][i][size=3][font=times new roman,times,serif]Alpha footswitch and pots[/font][/size][/i][/indent] [/list] [indent=1][i][size=3][font=times new roman,times,serif]Powered by battery or standard center-neg DC jack, clear red LED. Small, MXR-sized enclosure. Pedals are hand-made, individually tested and guaranteed for the first owner for two years[/font][/size][/i][/indent]
  10. lefrash


    Cheap as chips Boss MD-20 mega distortion. I really like this on bass. but never really had the need for it for my current band, so its just sat doing nothing. Got a few things I want to purchase so thought I'd just move this on to someone who might use it. Its got a few chips to the paintwork; the photo makes it look worse than it is. No box, Got a bit of residue on the rubber back where velcro used to be. £20 + £3 postage?
  11. Zoom b9.1ut. Used. lots of scrapes and a few issues which I will explain, but perfectly giggabel. In fact I've been gigging it extensively for nearly 2 years (100+ times), and only getting rid of it because I've changed my set up, and was beginning to need other single pedals, and my pedal board was becoming massive! This comes with boxed, and with a good quality replacement 12v adapter from maplin (which alone cost nearly £30). I love this unit. The sounds are great, it has a FX loop, and the X/Y expression pedal is much more useful than you'd expect, and I'm amazed why its not been incorporated into other things. All the connections at the back work perfectly, no crackles. Negatives (and reason for cheapness): [list] [*]A few scratches to the paint work and its a bit dirty; abit of TLC and probably would look quite nicely. Tried to be as honest as possible with the photo's but they probably make it look worse than it really is [*]The Total/function & Reverb buttons at top right are a quite sticky. It feels like sticky liquid has got into them at some point. The buttons do work. They just take quite a bit of fiddling to get them to de-press. For me, these are not buttons that I normally need to press at gigs.... so it may have been like this for a year. but only just notices when testing it there. This though could be annoying for some people. Could very well be fixed by a quick dismantle and clean. [*]the number 3 footswitch is rattles very slightly. You feel this when you touch it by hand but dont notice it any other way. This was like this when I purchased it and it was such a small thing I didnt worry bout it, and has not got worse since gigged. [/list] The only reason I'm selling this is because I know fine well I'll not use it again in the next few years. If I had space to keep it I would cos its a great bit of kit, but cant really justify leaving it in its box. looking for £49.99 + £8 delivery. Its quite a substantial bit of kit so probably will cost me more to post but I'll take the hit. You'll not get a better DI/preamp/effects/EQ/expression pedal for the money.
  12. Bought a pedal board and case from Dan, was in the post by the next working day of sending money. Received case by day 3. Top notch delivery! The thing looks in perfect nick. Cheers mate! Deal with confidence!
  13. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1416761949' post='2613284'] They've always sent me an English power lead as well as the original euro lead when I've bought from them, which is why I have a drawer full of euro power leads [/quote] Cant say they've done that for me. Amps are fine, I've got loads of kettle leads, and I've bought a few bits that I've just swapped the plug. But for example, the tenner I saved buying my B3 from them, was put towards buying a uk 9v adapter, therefore it would have been cheaper for me buying from a UK supplier.
  14. Always my first choice when looking to makea purchase. Something to think abou though is that you obviously get euro plugs on everything. Not a problem for some things, but buying something with a dedicated power supply means you may have to purchase a UK one seperately.
  15. I'd be tempted to ride the volume pot on the bass, saving on a pedal (unless you already had a pedal board). Its weird, I ride the volume knob all the time on guitar, but on bass its ptreey much on or off.
  16. It's pretty dreadful imo. Fine for a bedroom muck about toy, but there's no way of even think about gigging one. Too erratic. You will get some guys saying that it's all about playing cleanly and making sure the sound going in is as clear as possible. But, that's just not always possible.
  17. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1415992325' post='2605976'] It's also worth a mention that unlike Gumtree, if anything goes wrong with your sale/purchase, you have a support staff here that will voluntarily do their best to look after you. That's not a 'paid for service' and not expected of us, but we'd do that - because we look out for our community users* [/quote] In my case though (and i suspect ALOT of cases) this is worthless. Unless you pay via paypal/mastercard you have no rights. I would urge noone to part money based on the fact the seller is a basschat user. Just because you paid for the ad doenst mean the seller is not just a random dude on the street looking to9 rip you off.
  18. Depends what you're selling I suppose. For me personally, I dont think its really worth it... mianly cos I only sell cheaper range stuff, and only on occasion. On the other hand, If I was selling a £600 bass, I think this is a top place to do it. and for £7 quid, its certainly worth it.
  19. This is a truely horrible story. I got stung by a guy on here. ALOT less (£180) but still a kick in the balls.
  20. Its a funny one for me, because when playing live (including rehearsal) I generally like a low amount of compression, I probably could do without it but I seem to prefer it. At home though through earphones I love loads of it as it sounds cool as f***!
  21. Never heard one in the flesh but to me it sounds pretty decent on bass and guitar. In a band setting though I can't see it being that useful on bass. Nice as a bedroom player's toy imo. On guitar though I think it just makes complete sense. Imagine being 2nd guitarist in a band say, and being able to add this to the sound. Opens up alot of doors imo.
  22. Its funny cos I was thinkin about this the other day. If i was to start again right now, what gear would I want? Well.. as other said decent leads and strap will make a world of difference. Takes alot of stress out of gigging. Amplification though.... I would have done totally different. I would get a decent preamp or multifx to get 'my' sound. I'd say 80% of my gigs over my 16 year bassing life have been either DI'd or going through the 'house' rig. I'd more likely now go for a basic 1x12 or 1x15 combo (or a small class D head with a cab) and make sure I have a pedal that reproduces the same sound each gig. Its nice having a lovely rig, but in my experience, not really worth it.
  23. merchant city music was just 100 yards up the road, hopefully you had a gander in there too. I almost never go into any of the shops these days! although my bus goes by GuitarGuitar and I like looking in the window! haha
  24. Got a pic of the PS5? including postage?
  25. Funnily enough, I've got a Evo II 300 head sitting here that started doing the same thing. I never got it fixed cos I had only just had got it fixed for another thing and decided just to replace it. If you find out what was wrong and how much it cost you to fix, let us know, it might be worthwhile for me to put this one in for a check up!
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