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Everything posted by lefrash

  1. Any hip hop fans from Dublin on Thursday, Edinburgh in Friday and Glasgow on Saturday should come along to a show, should be fun.... Thursday 11th Sweeneys, Dublin Friday 12th Mash House, Edinburgh Saturday 13th The Art School, Glasgow
  2. Saw him a few years ago in Glasgow, absolutely loved it. My mate came down the aisle to one of his tunes. He's got such a top top voice, and his playing is immense. The guy could be mainstream with his solo stuff.
  3. Cool. I've just got my usual ones for the time being and I do carry a few pairs of sponge ones as last resort... But when you look at them there is very little to them, I'm amazed there hasn't been a chinese factory somewhere selling them by the 100.
  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1409772313' post='2543229'] That's a pity, but they're your ears. [/quote] Yeah, thats why i want to buy some! haha. I just want to know whether there is mouldere inearones for less than £15 a pop!
  5. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1409770950' post='2543212'] Not wishing to be pessimistic, but imagine reading this thread back in 20 years time, suffering from irremediable hearing loss and bad tinnitus. That's what awaits most folks that neglect their hearing. How do I know this..? Don't ask. Get good ones; look after them. End of. Hope this helps. [/quote] nope it doesnt! haha
  6. First of all I must say that my band is not massively loud. We dont have any high gain guitars therefore the main isue I have is cymbals. Recently though I've started wearing ear plugs. Over a period of 3 months though I've lost 2 sets. The ones I've bought have been great. Only really getting rid of the high tings but still keeping everything else loud. The pairs I've bought have been from drum shops and they've been about £13-£20 a set. Obviously its not a lot of money, and I really should be able to look after my things, but I know fine well i will always lose them after a while. The bulk order ones I can find are only the really cheap ones which are just bits of sponge and cut out all sound. Are there any out there that are moulded inears without having to pay £15 a pop?
  7. I agree, the super fast slap stuff sounds sh*te, but Love everything else he does.
  8. It's on all the time. It's noticeable if you are intentionally listening out for it but it is in no way noisy.
  9. Just a wee update on the markbass blackline. I must say I'm first of all blown away at the clean volume available on this thing. I had it roughly at 10 oclock on master and 10 oclock on gain and it was ample volume for rehearsal tonight. Its extremely light, and although its a bit bulkier than the pf350 it still fits nicely into the front pouch of my case. Lets hope this time next year I'm feelin the same!
  10. [quote name='Raslee' timestamp='1409137980' post='2536647'] Thanks for all the great responses folks My budget is now around £400 at most...so most probably seeking second hand. I've have owned an Ashdown Mi550 before, it was ok but felt just that...OK. Any thoughts on these, seem cheap and are they a Promethean re-badge???- Redsub 500: [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/RedSub-BT500H-500W-Bass-Head/B1D?utm_medium=display&network=criteo&retargeting_or_placement=retargeting&utm_source=criteo#full-des"]http://www.gear4musi...criteo#full-des[/url] The Taurus seems impressive, don't know a lot about them though. [/quote] Totally off topic, but looking at that gearformusic thing, an extended 5 year warranty for £12 seems a really good deal. Surely an amp getting used almost daily will probably fail at some point within 5 years. so its a no brainer?
  11. Must say, the zoom makes complete sense. you can get rid of your tuner as well, and if you like a compressor at the end just before the reverb then just get rid of that too and use this. Brilliant idea. I currently use mine at the end of my chain for light compression, amp sim/speaker sim and a graphic EQ to get rid of those boomy bits. Takes up one space that my preamp would take up. I used to use it for delay too which worked perfectly nice, and the reverbs (although never used live) seem to sound pretty nice with lots of opportunity to f*** about with it. Personnally i dont see the ms60b as too tweakable mid set so I deployed it in a way that it just gets set at the start and then left. I suppose that what you would do with the reverb (other than just switching it on and off).
  12. I have a 1x15 and a 2x10, they sound great (and different) separately, but sound muddy together.
  13. I had a cab that was wired up at 16ohm. I then rewired it to 4ohm. The difference in volume was massive, when everything else was the same. I would suspect that if every other variable was the same then you would still get a noticeable volume increase going from 8 to 4ohm, but thats going to be a much more difficult experiment. Most peoples experience of running a cab 8ohm then 4 ohm would be just simply adding another 8ohm speaker which in turn will completely change all the other variables thusmaking it impossible to compare.
  14. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1408956083' post='2534793'] I presume the PF350 had a fault/died which is why the OP has a credit note - maybe his confidence in the Ampeg isn't that great any more and he's looking for a more reliable alternative? [/quote] That's it in a nutshell. I appreciate all of my alternatives are 'budget' amps, but it does seem the pf range has an unusually high failure rate and I'm tempted to down a different route. I was tempted with the gk, but perhaps its just that wee bit underpowered... Must say though alot of folk outhere in internet land say that it has alot of balls. Can't find any failure stories either, which would fill me with confidence! Anyways, I've went for the markbass, as it seems to be just that bit more powerful and can't find many horror stories either.
  15. The bsw is a right good octaver. I use mine for my octave needs.
  16. Yeah I think that might be my choice. Saying that, the MB seems to be pretty large compared to the other 2, based on a few quick youtube watches. I never mentioned that in the first post, but Ideally it would fit snuggly into the frontcompartment of my case, not too sure whether the MB would! I suppose some actual investigation would be in order!
  17. What do you think? I've got a credit note to replace my ampeg pf350. My main cab is a reasonably sensitive 300w @ 4ohm. I want something really transparent and that i can use as pretty much a power amp. Doesnt need to be major loud. These 3 are in my price bracket from the shop I have a credit note.... what do you reckon?
  18. Looks a bit of a riot but its pretty sturdy, and looks fine in real life. Basically I have my digitech synth wah dry effect going through the b9, which in turn has the fredrics fuzz in its loop so I can blend it with clean, and also have a few patches with different levels of fuzz. I then have the b9 running directly into the ms60b which I use as my preamp/EQ and noise gate. The ms60b doesnt change so I have a consistent output, and the b9 gets all the funny effects without using any preamp or eq. The ms60b then runs into 1 of the returns of the LS2. I also run the 'effected' signal of the BSW into the other return of the ls2. This means that when I send the signal to my amp, the octave signal (which is what I pretty much all I use it for) is totally not effected and is just a real clean sub octave. I also use it for one song as a synth but the mix I have set up works pretty well for that. If anyones interested I currently have 7 patches set up on the b9.... patch 1 : Clean - no effects but can blend delay with thepedal (with tap on button 3) and turn a slight phaser with button 2. patch 2 : fuzz - got about 60% ext loop faded in, and I can use the pedal as a 2 octave Whammy (with delay blended in when using horizontal pedal) patch 3: loads of Fuzz - about 90% fuzz and its getting driven harder. Same as above. Patch 4: vibe - lamost like a leslie with the pedal x-y contorlling the two speeds Patch 5 : clean with grit - literally the same as patch 4 with a ODB emulator at 10% roughly Patch 6: slow swells - This was a factory setting which works nicely as a synthy pad, slow swells etc. patch 7: Duck - just an envelope filter, pretty unusable inmy band but good fun.
  19. Behringer are fine. It's just the name snobs that look down on them. I would guess they probably sell more units (with all the different products) than pretty much any other manufacturer, so obviously there will be a lot more failure stories. I'd go as far as to say that all practice studios or recording studios I've been to has had something behringer hidden away. Saying that, I had s behringer head and it broke after 2 years.
  20. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1408025624' post='2526367'] I don't like slagging people off, but this guy has gone to far.!!! What the hell does this guy think he's doing.!!?? i looked in horror when i saw this guy drumming.. he looks like he's having a fit at 0.40. does he actually think this looks cool.??? and he stole the show.? the music is very cheesy too, with the cabaret man on vocals.. i hate stupid show boating like this. its as empty as a cheeseburger wrapper. only my opinion of course. [url="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10154433994300357&fref=nf"]http://www.facebook....4300357&fref=nf[/url] [/quote] Wow, You are missing the point completely. This guy a few years ago was an internet sensation as he was taped doing this kinda stuff whilst playing some M.O.R rock songs in a cabaret band. The crowd thoroughly enjoyed the show and so did the tens of millions of people that watched the video. He then got famous from it. And clearly this is just a spot on a TV show where he's getting paid to do what people want to see him do.
  21. Hate to say it but my pf350 has been away to ampeg for nearly a month now and the part they need to fix it hasnt been sourced yet (even although they said that the part was on its way within 1 week of them receiving the amp).very frustrating. Mine was just cutting out like what others have all said, but my warning light didnt actually come on. So perhaps mine is a different fault.
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1407187729' post='2518269'] No, it won't sound 'kinda weird', (depending, of course, on how/what you play... [size=4] ); it will enable you to place the unit at optimum for the drums and still capture the other elements. You'll have better control at playback of any particular detail of the separate tracks, by muting the others. You'll have to experiment for the drum position; it may be useful to record even from behind the kit, picking up what the drummer hears (an often neglected part of the process...). You'll have to build in a little rehearsal time for doing a couple of experimental 'takes' but, once you've found the 'sweet spot', it's all good. Can we get to hear the results, please, and an account of how you got them, do you think..? [/size] [/quote] Exactly how I found it. Although when i done it i got the files onto Reaper and added FX and EQ like that. I would be tempted though to atleast stick a mic onto the kick drum or else that will get a bit lost. Someone in your band must have a cheapo one and aspare lead kicking about. I love zoom r16's! Absolutely amazing things. Wish i still had one! haha
  23. I am currently testing the power supply with my normal pedals plus an additional 3 pedals daisy chained to see if it does the same thing. I cant get it to do the same. Perhaps it was my mini extension lead that i used to combine the HB junior and the single 9v adapter. Strangely enough, until I got the HB junior I was actually just daisy chaining 5 pedals (including the ms60b) off the single 9v adapter and it worked OK apart from the added noise and beeps I was getting from the digital pedals. Doesnt exactly fill me with confidence going forward! haha. Thanks for your inputguys.
  24. Thanks for the reply. The plug seems absolutely fine. And the pedal board does seem to be working finbe again. So it seems the only thing different is the actual wall socket and the pubs power supply.
  25. I love the R16. I've owned 2 over the years and recordede numerous gigs and rehearsals. I used to use the built in compressors plus any direct outs that are available. I recorded a gig with 3 mono direct outs (ont bass multi FX output, one guitar multi FX output and the PA. The rest were used for kick drum and a few (randomly placed) overhead mics. Abosolutely great fun and can be set up within minutes for a proper decent recording. I'll probably get another one at some point.
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