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Everything posted by lefrash

  1. I've seen them a few times. Saw them at the Garage in Glasgow. They were awesome that night. Live though they're not the most exciting band. And I really dislike most of their ouput since around 2000. I'l not go see them again.
  2. I use a boss mega distortion mixed with clean for a bit of dirt. I have to admit though, i very rarely use it as the nuance of the extra grit gets lost a bit in live setting. Whether it makes a difference to the listeners im not sure at all.
  3. I've ran my pf350 for 100's of hours, and never had an issue.
  4. [quote name='logicred' timestamp='1387569386' post='2313574'] Thanks fella. I have in fact just managed to get a secondhand Zoom R24 for £200 which I think is similar to the R16 but more tracks and more phantom power etc (which I don't need but it was a steal at this price!). It is 100% what I need. Quality is great, easy to use, built in Mic's are fantastic. When finished playing live, just press a button and via USB all transferred straight into Reaper via WAV and I edit that way. Yes, the Zoom has a built in editor to mix down, but why bother when Reaper is so cheap and has infinite possiblities ;-) Very pleased with the result. [/quote] I've had two R16's in my time. Such a great bit of kit! I
  5. I'm convinced there would be a market for a tiny class D 'power amp' that we would plug our preamp pedal of choice into. Literally an amp to power the sound, not to colour it.... . just a box with a volume knob. A dude on here did a build diary for one. I'm amazed not more people would want one!
  6. I've found that over the years I've grown to prefer a slightly higher action. I can get a much wider range of tone from a single note, and i like to be as clean as possible. I think that its totally dependant on style of music though. If i was playing in a heavy rock band, I reckon id lower it a bit
  7. I really like my oc-3. few different modes to play about with which are are very useable. can get them 2nd hand around £45.
  8. My most up to date and possibly final version for a while. Bass -> oc3 -> zoom (in the blended fx loop bass synth wah -> MD2 -> fredericks fuzz) -> amp I use the zoom for tuner/ compressor/ whammy / phaser / tap delay/ vibe / amp SIM and to turn fx loop on and off. All within one patch. Pretty amazing really!
  9. I would think that most multi FX dont offer this as it is an option that most people wont use. it would be handy, but i guess it would make the unit more expensive. There is possibly units out there that do it. I just dont know of any.
  10. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1387017565' post='2307406'] Wow! I wanna be you guys Great score. That must've been a good gig. [/quote] Cheers man! it was. On their last tune the dude from J5 came on stage waving our Hector Bizerk Flag! Quite a surreal moment!
  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1388193529' post='2319446'] If you've found so little use for a pitch shifter then just phase it out entirely and do whatever pitch change you need to do manually, save yourself the maximum amount of cash. I keep one handy because I have a gig where ruining the pitch of my bass is a fairly regular theme, and most of my effects are built around ruining the pitch of my bass. [/quote] I know what you mean, I may have over exaggerated it there, the section is about 20 seconds long, and its very cool. haha. Its me trying to sound like a police siren then going straight into a right beefy fuzzy riff, so I dont really want to get rid of it. I quite enjoy from time to time hitting the pedal abit randomly too, makes a cool noise. That EH Slammi thing is a new one on me! Never seen it before in my life! Will need to go check that out!
  12. I currently use the whammy on my zoom b9 for about 3 seconds in our current set. Its one of the main reasons I dont move onto seperates, but im finding more and more that I use the zoom as a base rather than actual effects. ie I use the FX loop built in to it to get my synth/dist/fuzz needs. Although i use alot of other things in the b9, its pretty big and heavy, and realistically i could get smaller set up for pretty cheap.... outwith the whammy. ~Any thoughts what could be used? even if its just a small multiFX thing?
  13. lefrash

    Xmas FX

    I bought woodyratm's Frederics green russian Fuzz, and managed to squeeze a collection in before the depot closed tonight! So does that count? Although I bought it for myself, he did wrap it up nicely for me! an xmas fuzz!
  14. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1387392585' post='2311523'] Surely if you need an external pre-amp you bought the wrong amp in the first place? [/quote] I would say Yes to this, but for me the main point of an external preamp is for the times you dont get to gig your own amp. In a perfect world We'd all use our own gear at every gig but thats not really feasible (IME anyway). Having a preamp pedal will allow you to have the same tone (or as close as you'll get) at every gig, plus it means the PA should be getting my tone, rather than just the horrible dry tone.
  15. I've got a MD2. I run a clean signal too, but I think the MD2 is great! Very cheap too.
  16. good man! Hopefully you wont be disappointed!
  17. great left hand work out. I recently played this at a shaun baxter masterclass thing. I ended up playing it for about twenty minutes after all the guitars had a solo!
  18. im sure there is other ones that would do the job, but i was in desperate need of one, and im glad I did. This one screws nicely underneath my pedal board nice and tidely away.
  19. I lost mine and used a 12v adapter from a TV set. It worked but produced lots of weird nooises. I bought this one from maplin and its perfectly quiet. I boaked at the price, but came to the conclusion that since it worked then its worth it. http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/maplin-36w-switched-mode-acdc-fixed-voltage-12v-power-supply-n22ju
  20. My band supported them in Glasgow in the Summer.... really cool guys, and very helpful when it came to floor space, and gear! top guys!
  21. Yo! Im from Glasgow. I dont really use Glasgow shops but i knoew they're there for string etc. I used to buy my stuff from soundcontrol or the guitar store. In previouse bands I used to gig pretty much everywhere, but my recent band have made a concious effort to NOT play in glasgow, but to play anywhere else. It means that when we do play in Glasgow it has a decent sized impact and we can get a decent crowd. Playing every 2nd week in Box or PIVOPIVO to 4 of your mates wont do damage.
  22. 2 very different things for me. Most of my 'original' bands have been started due to a member having written a number of songs and want to get them out there. Or (with my current band) that members had a vision of doing something a bit different. I've been in loads of cover bands so I've not got an issue with them, but for me they are just a way of getting some beer tokens.
  23. Funnily enough I was thinking about this the other day. I'm 100% happy with my abillity. I can honestly say I've never struggled to play something I've had to play live. I'm always improving and my playing gets noticed at gigs (which is really nice). What I want though is to have full control over the sound output via effects etc. Being relatively new to effects i think I've still got a lot to learn and I've not beem overly happy about sounds and modulations. I've happy enough, but I've still got a lot to learn in that regard.
  24. This kind of thing (and of course the MS60b) could be the way forward. It seems very sensible to have the 'always on' effects snuggly squeezed into one pedal. a pedal that is a tuner, a compressor, an EQ, noise suppresor, a preamp + 1 effect you'd use as a stomp box. I have to admit, I'd probably find the patch jumping a bit fiddly for live use but using it very simply, it would do a lot of jobs perfectly well. *obviously each individual effect could be done better with a nice analogue expensive singular pedal, but for the working musician it would make complete sense!
  25. I probably play 60% of my gigs through different amps so its good to have a regular sound .
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