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Everything posted by lefrash

  1. I've decided to get a hard case for my multiFX as my softcase is already showing signs of age (after 80 odd gigs and a few tours) and I though that I'd better get a decent sized one based on the possibility of needing a couple of additional Boss type pedals in the future (ie an octaver, a digitech synth wah and a deidcated fuzz) The stagg pedal board is about 2" too short, and 2 " too shallow to be my ideal size. I dont want anything too big as I'm concious of the stage footprint being too large . Anyone got any suggestions (without paying £100+) of a slightly larger case? No need for it to be a full flight case, and its really just the case I need - I'd be able to knock up a suitable board. Any thoughts? I've spent the past 2 hours scanning the usual online stores, ebay and even the 'show us your pedalboard' thread - all very inspiring but they all seem to be too small... or massive!
  2. In all honesty I'd recommend a zoom b9.1ut. Its a bit heavy, but you could have your setup in one patch and you could use it as seperate stomp boxes. The synth is perhaps the only thing that will let it down. Depending on how you will use it, it may work; I use mine as long sweeps so therefore tracking is never a problem. On the other hand a B3 to cover tha majority of sounds (can be used as 3 seperate stomp boxes), then a wah, an expression pedal (via the b3 for volume) and a dedicated synth (perhaps a digitech bass synth wah) and you'd have a great setup! It'd also mean you'd have an octaver on tap (for example) if needed. The b9 (and b3) sounds are perfectly giggable and the units are solid.
  3. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381430892' post='2239094'] Awful sound, poorly executed, devoid of beauty. If you are going to go out on a stage and do something that stupid, at least do it with some flair and panache, and write a composition that sounds like you have some heart. The sad thing is, he is probably a good accompanist, he was probably made to do that solo spot. The fact he was half out the spotlight for a lot of it seemed to me like he was uncomfortable or inexperienced at having a solo spot. The bass is a horrible instrument for soloing unaccompanied. I can't see how anyone with any musical appreciation would like this video, it's just grimace-inducing, sphincter-tightening nonsense that any average guitarist could make sound so much nicer. It's just a little show-off section done without any humour or grace. f***ing yeurrgh. [/quote] Nailed it! Absolutely Nailed it! He's probably a cracker of a bassist (in fact he defo will be) but that 'solo' just reminds me of a youtube bedroom bassist. I honestly hate that style of bass playing, it would be a perfectly nice piece if played on a suitable instrument, perhaps a nylon guitar, but just sounds bad on a bass. Wooten goes extremely unmusical at some points but he has a style to him.
  4. oh and I get a 'nice bass' remark at almost every gig!
  5. welcome to the the aerodyne Jazz club! I've got a non-export one. Apart from the noisy jazz pickup, its tremendous! I cant see me replacing it at any point! I'l likely be playing this when im 60!
  6. The smallest Gig I've done is the Market Bar in Inverness. If there was a 5th member of the band they would have to play from the toilet! Its honestly tiny, but its an aboslutely brilliant night!
  7. I use mine very subtley on chordal sections. just for a bit of texture.
  8. Iv got the pf350 and absolutely loving it!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNStUtF2ZgY Hector Bizerk - Columbus
  10. That first demo is more like the sound I go for! So perhaps I'm more a rotary speaker kinda thing then.
  11. I use a very light tremelo for some chordal stuff I do in a couple of songs, Its more just for texture and I actually started to use it through necessity. On my multi FX I try to stick to one preset as much as possible, and that limits the number of different effects I can use. I already need to use octaver fuzz and pitch shift meaning I only had the 'reverb/delay' slot available. I found a stereo effect that would normally go from left to right, but in mono it sounds just like a tremelo. I fiddled with the settings and it now sound more like a modulated effect, so I've kept using it! Tremelo IMO only really works for chordal stuff, I wouldnt use it for anything else. But done nicely, it can make it sound lovely! I should mention I havent set mine as tap tempo either, cos I like it quite slow.
  12. EXcellent news! Sold! Haha
  13. I think you could get a perfectly giggable set up for under £150 these days. An old 15" combo might not be the 'cool' thing to have but it will be loud enough for most applications and could easily get one for £75. Some budget basses are pretty nasty, but I reckon if I really looked hard enough I'd get a giggable one for £75!
  14. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Chord-Oc50-Octave-Pedal/dp/B0042WVG6Y"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Chord-Oc50-Octave-Pedal/dp/B0042WVG6Y[/url] Anyone use one of these? According to a few mentions on basschat, theres a few of you out there that use it, and seem to think its as good an OC-2 clone as your gonna get. I cant seem to find any actual reviews online or even youtbe videos. So I was hoping some of you guys out there may have a bit more info on it? Its only £40 so its not going to break the bank. I quite like the sound of an OC-2 but im not overly excited about paying oc-2 prices! I currently use the octaver in my multiFX which is acceptable for the general audience, but there is a few times where I wish I had just a slightly better one and im thinking this could potentially do the trick!
  15. http://www.tenementtv.com/news/stream-hector-bizerks-new-album-nobody-seen-nothing/?fb_action_ids=10151669006148716&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map={%2210151669006148716%22%3A1417061511848307}&action_type_map={%2210151669006148716%22%3A%22og.likes%22}&action_ref_map=[] Theres a link to a free stream of the new album, available to stream until monday!
  16. Battery usage has never been an issue with any of the active basses I've owned. Saying that, I dont really practice at home alot, so perhaps they werent get hit as much as other people could hit them, but nevertheless battery usage is not something I'd worry about. I now have a pssive bass, but even when I had the active circuitry I probably didnt use it as much as I could have. So in other words, I wouldnt personally go out looking for specifically a passive, or specifically an active bass... just go for what feels and sounds the best.
  17. This is sooooo subjective its unbelievable! My current hip hop band essentially I need all my effects! tuner, compressor, fuzz, pitchshifter, octaver, vibe, delay. When I turn up to pub/function/rock/jazz gig, I can easily go straight into amp. Tuning never really is a problem either, so a quick tune before and at break will suffice. If I were to be involved in a regular rock band, I'd probably go for OD and a fuzz. Probably put a tuner there just for the sake of it.
  18. Good man!
  19. The best thing to do is find a CC that have the best foreign exchange rates. There as some out there. Its also important to check what exchange rate they use as I understand some CC's out there are 'free' to use abroad, but they use their own, less favourable exchange rate. Personally I think its a bit unfair on the banks and retailers to blame them for this. Just checked my credit card statement, its pretty clear what I'd be charged, and thomann certainly is a German company so I cant see why the transaction wouldnt be in Euros!
  20. Iv had a lh500 for a while now, and its been gigged and used at rehearsal 2-3 times a week. Mines did break, but it was a £30 fix and its worked perfectly since. Absolutely clean as a whistle which might not suit everyone but its super loud! I honestly cant see what application a more powerful amp would be needed. The design of it means that even if you had this up at 80% its just a louder, it doesnt break up at all.
  21. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1379107746' post='2208885'] If you want several effects permanently on too, just get a Zoom MS60B too and you've got a 4-effect chain in a single stompbox... [/quote] that sir, is an excellent suggestion. one that i hadn't thought of!
  22. Thanks alot for that full answer. It seems though, that the B3 is not for me. Really useful to know all that man. Thanks.
  23. I'v tried to google all these questions but theres soo many different reviews, threads, topics and blogs about the zoom b3 I'm finding it really difficult to answer them. I have a few questions I hope someone who owns one can help me with. The reason I'm thinking about this is simply because my zoom b9.1ut is pretty bigm and its not really feasible to add more pedals to my board. I would quite like to have a decent OD, a decent Fuzz and perhaps a synth, but all the other sounds on my b9.1 are prefectly good! Im thinking if i could use a b3 for all the other sounds, that would leave me space to get dedicated pedals for the additional sounds. 1. Can a patch be set up so that a few effects are always on... for example compressor, EQ and preamp, but then use the 3 footswitches as 'stomp boxes'. ie set them up with fuzz, chorus, and pitchshifter? I can do this on my zoom b9.1ut which I use almost all the time, only flicking to another patch for 1 song. 2. following on from that point, if its set up as individual stomp boxes, is it still easy to switch to another patch? I would assume it would just be like going up one or down one, but that would do me nicely. 3. If I used an expression pedal as well, can you set the pitch shifter to start at +12 to go up to +24? 4. Is there a way of doing tap delay if one of the pedals is set for delay? I know theres a few points there, but these really are major things for me and I'm having a nightmare trying to find the answers myself.
  24. Cant really go wrong with the LH500.... incredible amount of power from a reasonably cheap amp. I've got one and gigged for a while. If your still looking in a month or two i may have mine up for sale.
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