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Everything posted by lefrash

  1. My Hip hop band are doing a double header Album launch. Why not come along for something a bit different to your normal gig nights! Stereo, Renfield Lane, Glasgow. Saturday 21st September. with Strange Empire, Antidote Sound System, Butterscotch & Skribbo. After show party with Gasp, Mistah Bohze & NC Epik, Damaged Goodz. Tickets for Glasgow show are available at [url="http://www.tickets-scotland.com/venues.html?event_method=viewevent&event_id=7b73cbd6-f468-11e2-99e8-12313d04bc40"]http://www.tickets-scotland.com/venues.html?event_method=viewevent&event_id=7b73cbd6-f468-11e2-99e8-12313d04bc40[/url] The Voodoo Rooms, Edinburgh. Sunday 22nd September. with Strange Empire. El Green & Jinx. Mog.
  2. Cost - £53. This could be the final bass case I own. I've had numerous gig bags and hard cases over the years. This is the first that seems to tick all the boxes. First of all, the price. That is not alot of money for such a high quality bit of gear. You could easily spend £30 on a very average gig bag. Why not just spend that touch more and get somethin of quality like this. This has removable cushions that velcro to the inside, so will fit most basses snuggle and securely. The lining is cushioned. I decided to go for this one rather than the model up, as I feel the inside to this is more than good enough. The buckles and zips are all high quality and are rock solid. I've yet to find any stitching that is below par. The front pouch is big enough to fit my ampeg pf350 plus cables, and theres another smaller pouch for some more bits and bobs. Easily big enough for a set of strings, and a spare jack lead. This also fits (just about) into the boot of my car. It is a tight squeeze but it goes. This was a big reason why I generally dont like hard cases. Just too big. I would say though it probably be a touch shallower without compromising on quality and perhaps even an inch shorter to be perfect for me. Thought I'd put up a review of this as there doesnt seem to be any here already. Fraser
  3. i asked the same question recently too. it seems that at 4ohms its perfectly giggable. i though decided just to get the slightly more powerful (on paper anyway) ampeg pf350 which in theory should be plenty power. iv got first gig tnight with it so ill let you know. i decided that the toneprint might be a cool thing for a muck around at home but couldn't really decide on a practical use gig wise. perhaps for an 'always on' effect ( od, chorus or compressor perhaps) but again i decided that i wouldn't use it. the ampeg fits into the front of my case, and seems rock solid so i think i chose correctly.
  4. Sold a rack case to Paul. Easy transaction. Happy to do business with again! Cheers mate! Fraser
  5. Well i did it anyway. got myself a pf350 and a protection racket 7051 plus a few other bits and bobs. Happy drunken night shopping.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1377979831' post='2194408'] Market forces prevail. You could do a bit of part-time flunging for some extra cash..? No? Very well, then. [/quote] haha i might put an ad up here for some flunging. Might get a bit of session work.
  7. Bearing in mind i will more or less use it as a pwoer amp... and i currently use a hartke LH500 at 16ohms and its majorly more than i need. I think the 350 powerwise should be more than enough! plus I've only got £250 from my coupon win!
  8. So... Id rather make this decision before I go to bed tonight, so is anyone gona add anything worthwhile? haha! Saying that, I will never use flunge again!
  9. Thanks man, i made it up tonight. Red wine and a wallet full of cash from a coupon makes you do that! haha
  10. Im going to buy an amp tonight. I had my head set on a TC electronics BH250 but I notice the ampeg PF350 is pretty cheap just now. The ampeg is slightly larger than the TCE and might mean Id have to buy a bigger gig bag.... but the ampeg seems to be more powerful (on paper anyway). The qustion is.... is the BH250 worth the extra 40 quid? or should I just put up with the slightly bigger amp of the pf350?
  11. Never tried one, but those behringers seems to have a great rep! Must be worth the money, even just for piece of mind that you have a backup of sorts!
  12. Never as a bassist, but when I worked in a city centre electrical store I used to get folk comin up to me and telling me how they've loved their new dvd player I sold them!
  13. first bass was a p-bass copy. I then went to assorted yamaha and ibanez active basses (for a while i gigged with a 6 string). I went back to a fender aerodyne Jazz (which i use the pbass pickup more) about 7 years ago, and never looked back! I'm certainly not ruling out going for something a bit more hifi in the future, but really, it covers every sound I'd need!
  14. I had the same dilemma last year when I joined a hip hop band. I at first needed just a bit of fuzz and some sort of synth. I then thought an octaver would be nice, and I'd love a DI. All of a sudden I had 5 pedals for just a few minor things. I then got a multiFX and although I'd agree that the individual sounds are perhaps not as good (OD and synth especially), I now have a much easier way to get the sounds I want. No fiddling between tunes, no worries about the levels being different on each pedal, no worries about connections. For many reasons I doubt very much I'd go back to seperates. In fact I counted out the different effects I use at the moment and I'd need about 12 pedals! That would be alot of money and alot of foot tapping!
  15. Amps.... no problem at all! In fact I've loaned my amps out friends in need over the years. If I supply my rig at a gig, I would have no issues allowing others to use it. Bass..... No chance! Funnily enough though, the drummer of my band doesnt allow anyone to use her kit. I totally understand why as over the years there has been a number of times where things have got broke/lost/stolen and since she uses the kit for her income (teaching) its really not worth the risk! That sometimes gets a bit awkward when other drummers assume they're going to use the kit.
  16. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1376829823' post='2179577'] Picked up a BH250 recently and used it for the first time in anger last night paired with the Super12T. Smallish room but against a loud drummer and two guitarists for some classic rock covers (Lizzy Free Bad Co etc) and it easily held its own and sounded awesome. There's my smaller gig rig sorted. Streamliner where I need a bit more POWER. BH250 for smaller rooms. Marvellous! [/quote] Is that a 4 or 8 ohm cab? I'm interested to know as I'm keen on getting one and running at 4 ohms, but I cant seem to get an answer anywhere as to how capable it is at 4 ohms.
  17. I enjoyed that until they tried to play together. Its amazing how differently that same riff sounds when two (great) players play it. Different slap techniques sound totally different. Thats great until they play the same riff in tandem.... all of a sudden it sounds a rabble! As others have said though, if I was pint in hand at this gig, I probably would have loved it!
  18. Iv recently given a couple of small 8" practice amps a go in shops. I've been extremely impressed by the bass response and over all sound. volume wise very good indeed too. my experience of practice amps ceased about 15 years ago and they were all second things from late 80s early 90s. all ill say is they've come on leaps and bounds since then. after i did a bit of research it seems the peavey microbass is the fans favourite although i didn't get to try one. i loved the small ampeg one i tried- can't remember the model. i once turned up to a gig where the amp supplied was a 10" Roland microcube and it done the job perfectly as a stage monitor so an 8" modern practice amp will be perfect for home use!
  19. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1376252420' post='2171415'] To inject some controversy , could I say that , despite there being some very skillful pick players who I enjoy very much , there are some incredibly ham-fisted ones , too ? I see a fair few young men in bands who look like they are trying to saw their bass in half with a plectrum . I think a lot of the bad press plectrum playing gets is because it tends to be the default plucking choice of "less able " players . [/quote] That is a very good point! Plus you have the whole 'guitar players on bass duties', they're more likely to play pick and make a hash of it!
  20. [quote name='rubis' timestamp='1376252089' post='2171406'] Should have gone to Specsavers........I thought this thread was titled "Just played with a prick for the first time" [/quote] still clicked on it though!
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1376251602' post='2171389'] How true. I use a pick exclusively. I just can't get the same level of accuracy, speed, control and dynamics playing fingerstyle. [/quote] I'm afraid to say i was a pick snob up until about 6 hours ago. I dont know why i was soo against it though. I really like the sound from other players with picks so I guess I just didnt have a valid reason not to use it. Its ridiculous really! Im not planning to change my playing style completely, still gonna play fingerstyle but I'l not be afraid to experiment using a pick now. Up until today that wouldnt have even crossed my mind!
  22. for the 15 years I've been playing I have always been a finger player. From day one (when I wanted to be billy sheehan) I always saw playing with a pick as a bit of a 'cheat'. I gave it a go today and aboslutely love it! I can really see me trying to incorporate it into my playing. Its such a simple change but I can just hear some of the covers stuff we do just now just sounding a bit better, especially the punkier stuff! Any finger players out there that would never be seen playing with a pick? This is a revelation for me!
  23. Either of those would work, but I'd be more inclined to go with an EQ pedal boosting the lows and highs.....assuming you are wanting the scooped mids slap tone.
  24. I know what you mean. My LH500 is super loud, but im only running my 300w cab at 16 ohms, so realistly I'm getting nowhere near the 500w power but yet its still overpowered for my needs. I also understand that people are likely to have tried heads through an 8ohm cab and it would likely be pretty weak through that, but I have the ablility to get a 300w @ 4 ohm cab so in theory I should be able to get the best out a BH250. Depending how my cars MOT goes this month, i might be tempted to pick one up and give it a go for a month or so.... then sell on either the LH500 or BH250 depending on what the outcome is!
  25. Sorry for the thread resurrection..... but I was hoping someone has tried at 4ohm what the volumes are like?I currently have my 500w lh500 running into a 2x10 which is wired at 16ohms and I'm finding that has plenty of volume for me... it seems a bit daft carting about an lh500 when one of these bad boys once i wire my cab at 4ohms would do the trick!
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