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Everything posted by lefrash

  1. Most gigs I do, I either take my own rig, or use the house rig. Last night though I played a gig purely through the PA using my b9.1ut as an amp sim. Out front it sounded tremendous. On stage though it was a slight struggle to hear myself. I did get through the monitors (which there was a good few) but I think I was pushing my luck when it came to the monitor mix. It was perfectly doable as it was, but it got me thinking. What is the smallest possible amp I could use just to give me a touch more volume on stage. Not for tone shaping at all, literally as a point of reference when playing. I'm thinking something tiny like a 8" or 6" combo that can face directly at me. And something small enough that I can carry onto a bus! Anyone do anything similiar for bass? I should mention, This is not as a replacement to my current rig, just as another option if taking my full rig isnt so easy. I know the answer will likely be one of those kickback amps, or a powered wedge... but for me, that kinda defeats the purpose and therefore renders this idea pointless! haha Fraser
  2. Do not purchase anything from this user. I 'purchased' a bass off him in January. It went missing in the post, a claim has been raised. 4 months later I do not have my money back. He clearly spent the money I sent before he posted the bass. He said he cant cant afford to give me my money back before the claim goes through. According to parcel force website claims shouldnt take any longer that 10 weeks. Extremely suspicious He has been reported to the Mods. Fraser
  3. To be fair though, I was playing grade 5 piano tunes by the age of 9 (along with half a million other 9 year olds).... that doesnt get youtube videos. He's very good.... doesnt mean he'll be a great. Listening to it theres about 5 parts to it.
  4. I'm the same as Barkin. If I was in a standard covers band, or if I was only in my pop/rock band I probably would have got rid of it too. But, I'm in a band that I use effects in. I use the fuzz ALOT, and I use the synth. Although the synth isnt as good as my previous standalone synth pedal, it does the job well enough. The way I work it is I have one patch which is my clean tone. On this I have an octaver and a sort of 'vibe' effect. I have a compressor on all the time. I also have a bit of dirt using the pedal to blend it in. Just on this one preset I've got Almost my full previous pedal board! I then have an almost identical patch but it has a fuzz always on, patch 3 again is the same but with the synth sound. In my hip hope band, I use two other patches which have got a few weird noises. that are used once in a set. For me to be able to do this, I would need atleast 7 pedals.... I'd rather not go down that route! I also get an EQ for making quick adjustments and of course a DI. Dont get me wrong, the sounds are not world class, but they are perfectly giggable so really its a no brainer IMO.
  5. Edinburgh Hip Hop Band 'Stanley Odd' and Glasgow Hip Hop Band 'Hector Bizerk' doing a joint headlne show on 8th June. £6 quid a ticket. Come along if you like a bit of hip hop! Neither band are your cliched Hip hop acts so there is plenty going on for non-hip hop lovers too!
  6. Tremendous amp!
  7. Yep, you can easily run an 8ohm cab into a 4ohm amp. Dont worry thats absolutely fine. You may get about 60% of the volume you would get out a 4 ohm cab though. But theres no danger in doing this. Obviously though if you want to upgrade to get a NEO speaker, then you'd be aswell to get a 4 ohm speaker but its fair to say ALOT of amps are run with an 8ohm cab and its ample volume.
  8. I've got one of those in Glasgow too. Have to admit, In the 4 years I gigged it, I had to get it repaired twice, and the 'grind' function has nnt worked properly for the majority of the time (that could just be a valve isue thogh). The sound of it is brilliant though (IMO). You can have mine for £30 if you want, if your willing to put the cash into it to get it fixed. constant buzz coming from it (Usable but a wee bit annoying) The grind function doesnt work (probably the prevalve) 1 knob missing. preamp knob crackles a bit.
  9. [quote name='Allen Bell' timestamp='1366546272' post='2053753'] I figured it was time that I contributed some mug-shots for your delectation/derision! Here goes nothing ........... First off, I thought I'd pick an unusually civilised pic: Now for a more, shall we say, "accurate" representation of yours truly: Viewer discretion is indeed advised!!! [/quote] I recognise you mate. I think we used to share a drummers years back!
  10. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1367692167' post='2068522'] Motley Crüe ; the dirt [/quote] Yes! Tremendous book!
  11. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1367782834' post='2069453'] Why did you wire them in series? [/quote] I also run an 8ohm 1x15 cab. If I wired them in parallel that would have given me a 4ohm cab, meaning I couldnt safely run both cabs at the same time. Having it a 16 ohms mean I can. I did wonder whether wiring it to give 4 ohm would be sensible, but i decided against it. After gigging it last night there is absolutely no problems running at 16 ohm. It still gives plenty of volume.... and if I need more volume I;d be running both cabinets anyway.
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1367782187' post='2069447'] There`s meant to be a lot of techie workings out when swapping speakers, but whenever I`ve done it I`ve always lucked out and preferred the sound of the new ones - probably as I`ve used Eminence speakers as well. [/quote] I agree. In cheap cabinets I think you're only ever going to improve the sound. I fully accept that the internal volumes etc play a big part in how the speakers respond and how it should be ported but perhaps I've been lucky, or its not as fine an art as others say!
  13. I know I've got a thread already about this, but thought it was well worth while starting up a new thread to tell everyone whats happened, and how gigs have went. The story is... I own a harley benton 2x10. It has cheapo speakers (which I thought were aluminium but turns out to be just coloured in) and although it was OK, it wasnt exciting me a great deal. One thing I'd say for it though is that its a good cab. Seems to be lightm, well built and a good managable size. It was really just the speakers that let it down. anyways.... after much chat on this forum and another forum I decided to get a couple of eminence s2010 basslite speakers. £154 the pair, they werent cheap, but they were NEO and I was hoping for an improvement. Well I fitted them in series making it a 16ohm cab. I use a hartke lh500 which has minimum 4ohm load. When I used to use it (when it was 8ohm) I had a certain volume level I would set. I was expecting to increase this to compensate in the increase of resistance. I dont have to. Also, the sound is so much more responsive to my playing, and the horrible fizzy high end is not there anymore. there is a definite mid boost to the sound, but this is a major improvement as theres more clarity and less mush. Its not necessarily a cheap upgrade, but it makes massive difference. I wont say it will work for every cheapo cabinet, but I would honestly 'think' about speaker upgrade before shelling out a a fortune for a higher end cabinet. I honestly dont see me ever changing my set up now! (thats what we always say though haha)
  14. This thread has got my band playing 'locked out of heaven' next gig! Excellent work! We already play 'just the way you are', mainly because someone requested it a month back and the singer already knew it. Locked out of heaven though is a tremendous tune!
  15. Bruno Mars is the genuine article methinks. This is a great tune!
  16. A Hartke lh500 can be had for £220 s/h. As others have said, a 2nd hand 4x10's go for next to nothing these days. So if you're happy with a big cab, then you could get a decent and super loud rig for £320! An LH500 is my top choice, but I would honestly rethink the 4x10 idea, as £280 could get you quite a decent 2x10 or 2x12 which will be alot lighter, more practical, and just as loud! bn
  17. I used to think about doing this. But I never owned two suitable combo's at the same time. I would love to do it on guitar though (if I ever play guitar live in a band) I cant beleive though that either of those combo's on their own wouldn't be more than adequate! haha
  18. I 'think' thats ok to do, Dont quote me on it though. If your basically just going to run it as a power amp it should be ok. It might not have the correct voicing for a bass guitar though, so it might work, but just particularly well. Fraser
  19. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1367342435' post='2064474'] If the cabs are ported then when you put the new speakers in measure the inside of the cab and any ports and I'll calculate any re-tuning you need to do. [/quote] Thanks for the offer man. I've fitted them already without measuring the innards though. Thanks anyway. Perhaps RandomBass may be taking his apart soon and will perhaps do the measurements
  20. So they're fitted and been played. First impressions are they make the cabinet ALOT better. Its night and day. They sound very different to the previous cheap ones. Theres no harsh top end at all and the bass seems alot tighter. They definetly have a mid bump but this isnt a bad thing and it means I was noticably clearer at practice tonight. It takes distortion and fuzz effects alot better now The speaker experts might be able to explain this more than I can, but although the 2x10 is running at 16ohm, and my other 1x15 cab is running at 8 ohm, I would have thought the 1x15 would have had more of the power going towards it. It maye have been the voicing of the 2x10 or the better quality speakers, but the 2x10 was certainly not getting lost in the mix between the two. When plugged in on its own, I had to turn my amp up louder than I used to (when it used to be an 8ohm cab) but its easily giggable on its own. I would say on a slight -ve side, although they are extremely light, the speakers that came out werent massively heavy either, so the difference in weight is noticable but not huge. Thats not to say though that if I upgraded but kept to traditional speakers they may have added wieight so all in all I'm glad i went down the Neo route! All in all, I think it has been worthwhile. Once they are worn in a little more they may change slightly in tone, but first impressions I'm very excited! I cant beleive I've never thought of this before now!
  21. I dunno how you feel, but I think the cabs are perfectly good, quality wise. They seem pretty well built etc, so that why I decided to go down the route of just upgrading the speakers. They speakers are pretty cheap and nasty ones so hopefully this will be a well worthwhile upgrade.
  22. Well they've arrived already! Incredible service from Lean-business. Ordered them yesterday afternoon, and there sitting on my bed already! As I said, I went for the eminence basslite s2010's. These will be wired up hopefully this afternoon ready for practice tonight. Thoroughly looking forward to it. I'l let you know the results!
  23. What I might do is try both. wire it to 16ohm and try it along with my existing 15" 8ohm cab. Then try it alone as a 4 ohm cab. and whatever one works best, keep! On the other hand I could get really fancy and wire it up and make it switchable! Thats probably beyond me though! again Phil, thanks for your input. I'm up in Scotland so cant pop over to try your speakers, but the offer is appreciated! Fraser
  24. I've actually just realised. They only come in 8ohm. That means I cant get that one cab to be an 8ohm cab! Therefore I couldnt run it along with my other 8ohm cab! In fact they are almost all 8 ohm. How does this work out?! haha. I thought I had it cracked there! Damn! I dont!! On the other hand, it can be run at 16 ohm, and would still work ok with my 8ohm 15" cab. It just wouldnt be very good on its own. 16ohm cab into a 4 ohm amp...
  25. Thanks for the info guys! Really really helpful. The wedding I was at turned out to be a free bar, so I have a substantial amount more money in my back bin than I was expecting!! haha. Result! I think I'l go for the BASSLITE S2010's i picked out. I think it would make sense to get some Neo ones, as i may regret it in the future. Lean have them on their site as a pair at slightly cheaper than the Ebay link so even better!
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