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Everything posted by lefrash

  1. You're probably right about it being a punt. That gs210 looked nice too! I'm tempted just to go for the punt though. Get a couple of nice speakers and hope for the best. I've randomly picked these out on ebay [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-EMINENCE-BASSLITE-S2010-10-BASS-GUITAR-SPEAKER-/121090158267?pt=UK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL&hash=item1c31892ebb"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-EMINENCE-BASSLITE-S2010-10-BASS-GUITAR-SPEAKER-/121090158267?pt=UK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL&hash=item1c31892ebb[/url] It seems to recommend them in a vented 2x10 which mine is. They lok super light and seems to get good reviews! I'm off down south for the weekend to a wedding so I'l need to see how my bank balance is after that. haha.
  2. [quote name='ebenezer' timestamp='1366967562' post='2059507'] some of the eminence 10 inch speakers very good.....and good value(try blue aran) bergantino fit them in their HD 210 .......pressed steel frame but non the worse for it. [/quote] Cheers for that. I would say though, that There still seems to be a lot of different speakers within the same rough price range. I'l have a good think about it over the weekend. I suppose the way to look at it, if I were to buy a £300 cab right now, The speakers are still not gonna be top dog. but if I went and spent £100 to £150 on a pair, i might get prety decent ones!
  3. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1366965427' post='2059472'] Hi is that the BB 210 you have? [/quote] It is man.
  4. I've got a wee bit of spare cash at the moment so im thinking about replacing the cheapo speaker in my harley benton 2x10 with something non-aluminium. I'm looking at sub £100 the pair (2nd hand or new). Any more than that I'd be aswell going the whole hog and getting a new cab. I like the size and shape of this harley benton, but I do feel the speakers let it down. I'm looking to keep it atleast 250w at 8ohm. Truckstop on another thread suggested eminance, which seem to start at about £50 a pop but I'd love to know what exactly im looking for , or whether that extra bit of dosh will make a difference. On the other hand, do you recklon I should just stop fannying about with existing sub standard gear and get a proper cabinet!? haha
  5. As others have said it certainly can work. Alot of bands use them. I will say though, I've seen 4 bands in the past year that have used BT's and each of them at some point they've gone wrong in some shape or form. From the wrong song starting, to the drummer not hearing it right, Again, as others have said, its something that would need to be practiced as much as any other part of playing live, and if it goes wrong live, you cant wing it, you need to do exactly what the backing track says. Personally, if its only for a few numbers I'd just play a few different tunes!
  6. There is 3 possibilities here. 1: You could be just too used to the sound you were getting and therefore anything different might not suit you too well. 2: Ashdown do have their own sound, so perhaps you just dont like the Ashdown tone. 3: if its a bigger amp, you might not really fully appreciate the tone until you've played it louder in a band setting perhaps. Is the behringer one of those BX120 things? You know the tilt back combo? If so, I used to own one and it was ok. I've played through a million MAG's in my time (although not the 2x10 combo) and I've generally been happy with them. I would say its a definite upgrade so perhaps possibility 2 is the most likely. Fraser
  7. I've done plenty of deps for cover bands in and around glasgow. I have been asked this exact question. I always just ask for an equal share. This normally ranges from £50 to £100. I would say though, that these are your run of the mill rock covers bands and wedding stuff so most of the tunes I either know, or know of. Makes life a lot easier. I would also say I'm willing to help with the loading and unloading so the work I do starts to add up. I've been asked twice to join the bands permanently afterwards so I must be doing a decent enough job! haha I dont read either! But generally speaking, theres no need.
  8. Wham - club Tropicana. Such a well known tune, and its got a slap bass solo as an intro, and some lovely little slap fills thrown in. I really like that DB tune, he's not a favourite of mine, but I can appreciate his song writing abillity.
  9. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1365367946' post='2038728'] i think sound engineers get a bad rep from a few unsympathetic unprofessional individuals i've found that most sound engineers are pretty competent musicians in their own right (i'd like to think myself included) and thus are very aware of the issues performers face the issue i have is why would you deliberately make your band sound worse? if a sound man asks for a pre eq di then i don't see how that is any different to telling a guitarist who turns up with a 100w full stack to turn down? they're doing it to make the whole band sound better? as an engineer i don't ask unless the signal i'm receiving is completely unusable (which is very rare) but i'm always bemused by the attitude that post eq is "your sound" and that nothing i can do could possibly come close to replicating that like i said before were not all bad guy's and some of us do really care about how the band sounds [/quote] Again, +10000000 I'm not a soundman by the way! haha
  10. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1365358034' post='2038512'] playing devils advocate here as an engineer i far prefer a pre eq signal purely because that gives me a blank slate to work with in terms of a mix of course i will be sympathetic to what the player wants to sound like but i find that theres is sometimes a huge difference between what sounds good to the player stood next to an amp (bear in mind that your cab is not an accurate reflection of the entire pa in the same way that your monitor mix is not the same as the entire front of house mix) and what sounds good out front in the mix speaking to a few of my engineer friends who are not bass players they've told me that if they have a post eq signal that won't sit properly then they will just eq back in what needs to be there which imo sounds far worse my conclusion: communication is essential good preparation on both sides helps (i regularly google the bands i'm engineering if i don't know them or their material just for reference) and if you give that engineer a good idea of the sound you want then generally he will do his upmost to accommodate that were not all bad guys i promise [/quote] +1000000 I dont think people are fully getting the fact that an amp EQ'd for your cab is not necessarily going to sound like 'your sound' when hitting the FOH board. The Sound man will have to fix the feed no matter what we send them. Its not about the bass, its about the band as a whole! If the soundman is sh*te, then you'll be sounding sh*te no matter what!
  11. Thats the best I've got just now. I'm very sure its a MAG, it wasnt expensive. I literally have no idea where this is at the moment! I think I still own it! haha
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1365342165' post='2038219'] I don't quite agree. The DI is the sound the player wants, before it's routed to his / her cabs. Provided there's no judicious EQ going on, any engineer worth their salt should be able to retain that general tone through the FOH. [/quote] Not necessarily. the sound you dial into an amp is the sound to suit the cabs, and the stage position, stage type etc. All the variables that mean tweaks need to be made. Its not necessarily the same sound getting sent to the board. I would agree with you though that if there is any difrerence EQ wise, its going to be small enough of a difference for the sound man to deal with easily.. If I feel I need a touch more mid for on stage monitoring, I can tweak this to my heart is content whilst playing. No need to worry about FOH. I dont think its a big deal using either, I have to admit. I think I've just used Pre as it'll just make things simple for the sound man. I dont do anything special EQ wise anyway.
  13. almost always pre. Any EQing on the amp is to suit stage and amp sounds. This is not going to be the same as FOH. The sound man would surely just prefer the cleanest signal possible.
  14. Someone may be able to answer this straight away without the need for any sound clips. My mate is a bassist, and owns a J-bass copy going into a Crate combo. He's got an OD pedal and a flanger thing. He was asking me about a strange noise he gets from his amp from time to time at gigs. Its not there all the time, and it only seems to really happen when the OD is on, but it does happen when its not on occasionally. The noise is just like a high pitched squeal. Its not REALLY loud, but loud enough for people to notice. Its not feedback, but its definately up in the same sort of frequencies. It stops when there is notes getting played. It only appears when strings are muted. The reason why I have an interest in this, as I remember years ago, I had a set up that did the same noise, I was sure I worked it out to be the actual bass, rather than the amp... but for the life of me I cant remember. Any thoughts? I can try and get him to send over some audio clips if that helps. But because its intermittent, it might be quite tricky.
  15. I'm not quite getting this. I had a Mag head (in fact i still do) and it has a pre-valve, grind function and subbass. Am I misremembering or do I own a Mag?
  16. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1364909738' post='2032461'] There is a misconception here that 'Stage presence' means having to jump around on stage. IMO 'Stage presence' can come from being totally relaxed and confident on stage, not being timid, making eye contact, making the occasional excursion to the front of the stage, make as if you'd like to scoop up and embrace every punter - all at the same time as being totally focused on what you're playing. Before going on stage it can help if you get in to the mind set that the audience are about to expeience something truly extraordinary, an almost religious experience. Of course all that's not going to work if you have no confidence in yourself or your band. [/quote] Another +1. People who think they have 'stage presence' because they jump about the stage are incorrect. It is 100% about connecting with the audience rather than pretending to be Johny Rotten. I must admit, I probably dont do what I say, but thats what I aim for. Its one of my pet hates actually. Seeing a band who think they're rock'n'roll Gods, but they can't pull it off. Karaoke on the other hand.... I think I'm jon bon jovi so therefore get the foot on the monitor, fist pumping, high kicks etc. Mainly cos I'll be steamin! haha
  17. Yep, I agree. I almost always hate it when its a bass doing a full composition. IMO it almost never sounds good when played alone, That 2nd video would have been ALOT nicer with an instrument better suited. ie a guitar!
  18. I use the 3 fingers for the most part. I would honestly that Maiden stuff isnt the best to practice the technique as it will get you into the triplet frame of mind, and it could potentially cause problems when you try to play 4's. ie you may be putting emphasis on the 1st note of the 3, which is definately not what you want. I'd go for something with a constant 8 notes per bar... like Dakota (as someone suggests). Mr Big Daddy brother lover has got a good fast groove that you can use 3 fingers over 8 notes.
  19. Its weird because on bass I cant do anything else. I cant sing, I cant talk, I cant make any gestures. On guitar though I can sing and talk over chord changes no bother. I have no idea why. Perhaps because I've been playing guitar since I was 14 that would make a difference... but Im a much better bassist than guitarist! Its all weird!
  20. Aboslutely! haha. In all honesty, considering you can buy a small but powerful Class D bass amp for under £200 (in fact theres ashdown little giants on here 2nd hand for under £150) I'm probably not gonna get much cheaper by building something myself. But, you're idea of gutting out a rack power amp would probably be the best plan! If one comes my way, and its super cheap, I might give it a go (in the hope the 2 amps are seperate boards, as you say).
  21. Thats a very interesting thought actually. Never thought about that!
  22. Well i've tightened the neck bolts very slightly, literally a millimetre of a turn, and it seems to have fixed it. No idea how its happened, so hopefully nothing comes of it. I wouldnt have thought the bolts would loosen through time. Really, I was probably worrying over nothing!
  23. Interesting. I'l try have a look back for that
  24. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1363996190' post='2020881'] There is also this sort of thing, I got one of these to run my desktop speakers: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390166545300"]http://cgi.ebay.co.u...em=390166545300[/url] Its 75w/side, but prob can get bigger for more money. [/quote] that is along the lines as I'm talking about! Just with a jack for an input, and a speakon as an outpout. The magnum 44 pedal is almost perfect too, but just a bit small (power wise). The casing could be x2 or x3 the size and still fit nicely into a gig bag. Am i barking up the wrong tree with this idea? Surely I'm not the first person to think its abit daft having a preamp on the floor, then one again on the amp itself. I suppose the price of small class D bass amps are cheap enough for this maybe not to be an issue but for me, its more to do with simpler the better... less things to go wrong
  25. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1363991064' post='2020794'] What do you mean by cheap? I've tried one of these and for pure power, they're pretty good. £350 AND most importantly, the amp itself is removable from the speaker and can be used seperately. [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/RedSub-BT5110-500W-Bass-Amp/C61"]http://www.gear4musi...0W-Bass-Amp/C61[/url] [/quote] I fully understand There are plenty of sub £300 class D bass amps. What I mean, is there such a thing as just a pure class D power amp. Not a rack amp, not a bass amp.... just a power amp in a small casing. What it really needs is one 1/4" input > 300w > 1 volume knob > speaker out. Or just double that for a stereo amp. I could by a class D bass amp, but I'm then running two preamps.... one in my pedal, one on the amp. Why not just have a unit that doesnt have a preamp. I'm just throwin an idea out there. I've seen on audio forums people do such things for car and home stereos etc.
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