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Everything posted by lefrash

  1. Thanks for all this advice. Will be checking each out tonight (online) but it's good to know that they won't be utter sh*t.
  2. Cheers dude, I know there's loads.. that's kinda my query, are all these much of a muchness at this price point? Should I stay away from behringer/Samson etc or would I get a bit more for my money? Almost every review I read seems to be along the lines of 'these are great for the money' which doesn't tell me alot!
  3. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1474061511' post='3135423'] Why not just use a good pair of headphones? [/quote] I find wearing headphones gets annoying pretty quickly. Although unfortunately it's a necessity alot of the time due to my flat having paper thin walls. I get it that this price range are never gonna be 'pro' standard, but they should give me a truer reflection of how the mixes sound than the pc speakers do. They are mega bassy probably great for games and not great for actually playing bass guitar through.
  4. Today I've dusted down my old recording PC and it amazingly works! Its old but it does what I want. For the years I was recording I was using a set of PC speakers as monitors which was definitely the weak link in the whole setup. So... I fancy picking up some dedicated studio monitors but I'm not wanting to pay more than 100 squeakers. Google suggests there's absolutely millions to choose from so I wouldn't know where to start. Any recommendations? They need to be active and ideally they would have a headphone socket built in. But apart from that I'm open to suggestions, new or 2nd hand. So what's good out there? Thanks Fraser
  5. My old band are quite sparse sounding in places, where the bass is quite often the only non-percussive instrument playing. This is where I learned how to properly use an octaver. I need to play things a bit differently but the sound it creates is far more pleasing to my ears than just boosting the bass. Obviously its not to say it would work for you, but it might be worth a thought.
  6. I would happily use my 100 quid Harley benton jazz into a 100 quid 2nd hand peavey amp. Although my actual gear isn't that exotic or that much more expensive, I think people get hung up on GAS too much. You'll sound good if you are good.
  7. Not that I've noticed it in pedals, but when recording and there is a tiny bit of latency (ie not enough to hear it but it slightly feels disconnected) I quite like it and I think I sound great! 😁 very odd!
  8. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1423090795' post='2680775'] Oh yes, I was VERY shocked to see my HB come in at 7.9kg [/quote] What model? Mine I got coming in at around 14lb... which is pretty heavy. I'm going to take some wood away from under the pickgaurd. ...as it's just too heavy to be comfy
  9. The key for me is the picking the gigs. I see alot of bands with busy gig calendars that in the face of it looks quite impressive, but then you realise most of the gigs are within a 20 miles radius! Your 'hometown ' gig should be an event, not every 2nd week. Get a bit of a buzz about it. Also, making sure you are on a bill with decent bands with a bit of variety is another big thing. There's nothing worse going to a big to see 5 bands squeezed into an evening who all rattle out power chords full bung all night. But at the end of the day....there's a lot of sh*te bands making mediocre music... if the majority of your gigs are empty or your still just punting tickets to your pals to fill the venues then I think it's time to pack it in. There are lots of unsigned bands out there who are able to sell tickets/fill venues, it's too easy to say the music scene is dying. Hard truth is, maybe your band isn't as good as you think* *that isn't aimed at anyone particular by the way.
  10. Everyone plays a share of gigs in front of noone. It's just a matter of taking the rough with the smooth. From other comments here though it does sound like this venue isn't great so despite good pa etc, I'd be giving it a swerve.
  11. Well my flabber has been gasted! I've had an ls2 for years and always assumed that's what that meant. I stand corrected!
  12. doesn't an ls2 do A into B aswell? Im sure it does
  13. If there's any way of not taking my amp then I will not take my amp. All tone shaping comes my board... and thats enough gear! 😂
  14. If my Hb jazz is anything to go by, then the Hb p will be very good. My jazz has quite quickly became my go to bass!
  15. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1472026757' post='3117718'] Then the LS-2 can be used to blend the Meatbox and Synth and send to the DI. You might be able to just plug them into the return sockets with noting in the main input socket or sends, I'm not sure... otherwise you can route the Meatbox through the main LS-2 main input and the synth rig through one of the returns. Whatever way works to get it to behave like a mixer! [/quote] You can do this but you need to plug something into the input, I used to use one of those wee to big headphone adapter things. That then allows you to basically use the ls2 as a 2 to 1 mixer.
  16. I prefer his interviews and YouTube demos more than I enjoy his actual musical output. I really dislike the mega fast slap thing he does. Something S imiliar with Billy Sheehan for me, but with Billy I actually enjoy alot of his musical projects, I just don't like his soloing skills!
  17. Easy purchase. Quick delivery. great deal. Pleasure to do a deal with. Fraser
  18. What ever it is.. it's f***ing cool and I want it
  19. Not in the same league as you guys.. but my proper first bass was a white with gold hardware (late 90s) yamaha . I can find pics of the same bass in natural finish.. buthave never seen another one... and can't find a pic of one online in white. It was a bbn4 I'm sure I ended up ripping the frets out, putting a trem on it, sanding it down to natural and flogging it on ebay for like 60 quid! I would love it back!
  20. [quote name='Iain' timestamp='1471609687' post='3114424'] In front of amp - eq set flat (markbass BigBang) [/quote] Would be interested in hearing your feedback using it as a DI straight to FOH if you can be arsed. how the dirt and octaver translates into the PA.
  21. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1471611171' post='3114444'] The only famous bassist I've seen break a string was Tony Levin on one of the Peter Gabriel tours. His E string broke, he stomped on his octaver & carried on playing the bass line an octave higher, all without missing a beat. That impressed me. [/quote] Now thats cool! Good musicians probably can do this (or should be able to do this) with ease. The reasons why we don't see it that often is because basses almost never stop working, and bass strings rarely break! Hence I take one bass to gigs!
  22. 3 times on stage over a 16 year period. A few times more whilst practicing or general f***ing about.
  23. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1471548212' post='3113932'] I think you mean; "It literally takes me 3 minutes to replace it" Blue [/quote] I love you man.
  24. [quote name='Iain' timestamp='1470404259' post='3105791'] Used it in anger for the first time - at rehearsal - and it's a really capable box. The charachter control on the SansAmp stage was about all I needed to tewak between songs to go from mellow (Creep, Alive, etc) to harsh (Slither, Killing in the Name), mixing the pre-boost and chorus gave a really wide range of sounds to cover off most eventualities. Didn't really play with the Envelope/Octave/Fuzz stage at all so plenty more to go at. [/quote] How did you use it? Straight to pa? Front of amp?
  25. Never take one... Never regretted it. If you snap a string it literally takes 3 minute to replace it. I've never had a serious issue with a bass (or in fact witnessed a band having issues) so for me it's not worth the extra baggage. Spare lead, spare strings an some Alan keys...you'll be fine.
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