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Everything posted by caitlin

  1. I knew the tab for 'are you in' (inkybus) was crap and I was fully struggling with the shift into the middle 8. But the tab had lead me to learn it *unsyncopated* but I figured it out and now it's all groovy. Screw you, tab.

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    2. Supernaut


      Amazing tone on that song. A 70s Jazz with fresh Slinkys into a REDDI - that's it! 

    3. Sibob


      Always ignore tab and trust your ears. The more you trust your ears, the better they get!

    4. gapiro


      also darn you for now making me listen to that entire album. its so good


  2. 5 string fretless is the BEST. I am so glad I got his HB monstrosity.

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    2. alyctes


      Which monstrosity is it?

    3. caitlin


      the unlined fretless thingy, deluxe 2005 fl whatever it is. bit rough in places but sounds fine and seems well set up and stable.

    4. alyctes


      Cool.  Thanks :)

  3. so you can't *EDIT* toneprints for the BHxxx amps, or create them? that's a bit sad.

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  4. I don't gig, because I can't play. I was using a zoom b1x4 but my headphones were a bit flubby down the low end, especially on the 5 and the price was too good so
  5. explain this spectracomp thing for TC amps. I did a stupid late night purchase and have a pointless 800W of ANGRY and this phone app has a billion options under 'spectracomp' what am I looking for?

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    2. caitlin


      heh, thanks Dood. sadly i figured that out the hard way. the manual is just about useless. linux can see the usb port but can't use it obv. a mac doesn't show the amp in the app so that's rubbish. toneprint doesn't seem joyful to go through my active pups, but if i hold the phone between the strings and let it touch the pup case then i can 50% of the time send a print. got an octaver and a spectracomp in it and will probably leave it the hell alone now.

    3. MacDaddy


      I was tempted with the current price, but I'm not sure the tuner is chromatic, and only 1 toneprint can be used at a time.


    4. Obrienp


      There are some combined TonePrints in the TonePrint Bass Amps library and I guess if you use the editor you can make your own (I haven’t tried). There is a straight forward SpectraComp TonePrint that I think behaves like the pedal with one knob adjustment. TonePrint transmission  with a mobile doesn’t work that well with active basses; if you can put it in passive mode it works better, or use a passive instrument to set it up.

      I don’t use effects that much, so I haven’t tried changing them on the fly during a gig. Drive and no chorus is enough for me. Personally I don’t think it is a very practical proposition to be getting your mobile out at a gig and messing around with your bass. I barely get enough time to check my tuning between numbers.

      The tuner on my BH550 does B to C with LEDs for B to G (C is a combo of  the D & G LEDs). There are 2 green LEDs to indicate flat/sharp and in tune (both lights simultaneously). it’s OK for live situations but not as accurate as a pedal like a Peterson. It doesn’t help with alternative tunings, like one of the bands I play in tunes down half a tone to help the vocalists. We’re getting on 😏

      The current price Andertons are offering the BH550 and 800 at is really tweaking my nose, as I paid nearer list for mine a few years ago. You get a lot of amp for your money at that price and IMO it’s a good amp for the money. It has quite a warm sound with the 4 band EQ at unity, which I like and there is quite a lot of headroom, obviously more on the 800. It’s relatively compact and light, so at the current street price, it might make a good back up amp for folks with more up-market main amps. It does as a main amp for me, when I need a bit of volume.


  6. I'm quite honestly afraid to turn it on.

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  7. filed my nut, bass still plays. hmm.

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  8. I played power of love on a fretless and had the biggest grin. wheeeeeeee.

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    1. Soledad


      Huey Lewis I guess, not Jennifer Rush😁
      I introduced that song to a past cover band's set list - great treat for the bass player!
      Not tried it on fretless, never crossed my mind, but I will give it a go.
      I did once do a whole rehearsal using the fretless and I don't think anyone noticed (it was a Jazz with lines) - either I did OK or the rest of band don't really care... I'll never know.

    2. caitlin


      I was getting confused on my 5 string and the only 4 near me was the fretless so off we went but it's just a fun track. and yeh, the news.

    3. TheGreek


      @Soledad it could also have been Frankie goes to Hollywood...

      There was obviously a lot of discussion regarding the Power of love in the late 80s

  9. That could be a pretty good shout actually. That thing looks like it has decent drums and a hathat controller that understands up and down. One of the things I love about my 30KV is that the hi-hat is really 'real' feeling. everyone goes on about snare drums but there's LOADS of movement and character in the hihat. What are the internal sounds like though, i have a controller keyboard which is really really nice but it's still a pain in the HOLE having to boot a computer to load a sample dooble to actually hear it. I think there's something to be said for sitting down and going straight for it
  10. sigh, the nostalgia hurts. Best of luck on your search binky_bass!
  11. Bit old, not sure I'd be BOUNCING for less than a TD20 brain. no hihat, just a bouncy rubber pad. what's your timescale, I'm a skinflint so i stick a saved search in ebay and steal the good one that eventually turns up that's in price
  12. I got my TD30 because I couldn't afford the TD50 I spent a year trying to work out how to build a sound proof studio either in my house or in my garden and after accepting that it was either impossibly expensive or would ultimately make my house collapse, or would spring a leak behind 4 layers of green glued sheet rock if built outside. Given that the TD30 was 1/10 of the cost of TRYING to play my real kit on a shoestring it seemed a no brainer, as Beedster says there's no substitute for real drums, but I have not regretted getting the roland kit for a MOMENT. Of course it's my 'main' instrument so that possibly changes my investment in it.
  13. Get an acoustic kit, you get a lot more for your money All the stuff on ebay is local pickup the VOLUME of boxes that a TD30-KV comes in is quite something.
  14. I'm a drummer, a real one 😱 The ONLY electric kit I've ever had that didn't BEND under normal use is a Roland TD-30KV Anything that doesn't have a real rack and real stands is a bit of a challenge I'd say. Same as with a bass probably, get the best you can in your budget to avoid disappointment.
  15. I'm mental though, in fairness. 2001 it was when I built my own e-drums out of bits from maplins and an alesis DM5; it even *worked*.
  16. can you solder? making cables is really easy if you have an iron. a few quid of bits from the usual internet scumbacks or just re-end a guitar cable. if cheap is the name of the game, splicing into the existing wires should be highly possible.
  17. the alesis trigger pedals seems to be a beater-less design, so there's not a 'pad' you can stick a double pedal on.
  18. The exact cable in your picture *should* work. Bass drums are a single zone single trigger so they only need two wires to trigger. the ring and sleeve of a stereo connector should short together in the socket and all you need is the kick pads in parallel with each other and the brain won't know any difference between each pedal, it'll still believe it has one. The only effect to watch for is fast playing might make the brain start 'denoising' multiple hits on the assumption it's a single trigger vibrating and double triggering. Stick that splitter into one kick and use a male to female adapter or M2F extension cable to the other pedal.
  19. what about 1.5 The band are too polite to say they noticed and 2.5 the band notice and are really critical about it
  20. thread stealing, just to check, @philparker it's a 4 string not a 5, right? so i can crawl back under my rock rather than pestering you about it?
  21. I got my first fretless a couple of months ago, and had similar fears. In fact, coming from the drums I think I have really terrible pitch sense, but I've found fretless easier than I *imagined*; I'm also playing unlined, just side dots. I find I can hear when it's 'off' from the beating, or the angry cat sounds and rolling my finger is often enough to bring the note in. I think it's a great idea to stay off the slides and the vibrato as much as possible because that doesn't help with accurate stopping and getting used to the way the 'notes' get closer up the dusty end is super important. She says having spent a week tabbing out 'Flight of the Cosmic Hippo' which is of course a total slide-festival. I've found it useful to 'find octaves' all over the neck, you can SUPER hear whether they're 'in' or 'out' and they help with knowing where the edges of 'boxes' or whatever are and how they shrink as they go up the neck. I'm sure people who can play will have better advice, but as someone learning the same those are my thinks.
  22. I'm pretty sure the crap crap crap strings that came with my kit bass is a 0.135 B.... I'm getting new strings before I go at the nut now i have feeler gauges. Everything needs to go lower by a lot. Question is, how much would I regret a 0.130 B ? much less clank, much less rattle, much less boom?

    I assume real strings will actually have more *wire* in them than what came with the rather price conscious kit :P

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    2. tvickey


      The .125 in a pack of DR Strings Lo-Riders sounds pretty good to me.

    3. Kev


      less clank, less rattle?  You'll get much more of those things the lighter you go.  I hate .135 and use .125 or 1.30 depending on the bass.

    4. Jakester



      how much would I regret a 0.130 B ?



  23. What would we collectively consider 'more flash' if we were to imagine I wasn't skint right now? Because just possibly I'm not.
  24. my sennies are breaking up all over the place with my B string, do we know if the zs10s will comfortably track those lows? I'm driving hard for some wooten and dunno whether to do this cheap IEM thing, or find some posh cans. How do I get my flubs without the flapping?
  25. YASSSSSS I just 'finished' (pending finding all my mistakes) transcribing Love Is by Alannah Myles. It's a better bass part than that boring old Black Velvet anyway. Now I have to get back to the flight of the cosmic hippo which is a bit, uh, harder. 5 strings is the best. :)

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    2. caitlin


      well now, how would that help me develop my ear?

    3. caitlin


      also what are you on about? isn't this some speech to text rubbish? Don't you want to point people at melodyne for pulling the tones out of things?

    4. caitlin


      The hippo is seriously kicking my donkey :/ I'm sure I'm having fun, but actually I'm taking a break. If I can get ONE bar transcribed today I will be happy.

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