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Posts posted by Bassfinger

  1. On 06/02/2022 at 21:58, kwmlondon said:

    I know this is going to sound daft, but I really don’t know what I like in a bass. Precision? Love ‘em. Jazz? Great. Stingray? Lovely. Ricky? Gorgeous! Tight spacing? Fine. Wide? Cool. 20 frets? Go for it. 24? Whatever. Single coils? Great. OR humbucker. 

    You're much like me. There's very little instrument wise that i don't dig.


    I might choose different tools for different jobs, but I own them all because I like them all.

  2. On 19/01/2022 at 09:42, Rich said:

    Perhaps rather than reporting fraud, we should tell the police that Mason-Smeghurst has been speeding and has a gun. They'd be instantly down on him like a ton of bricks.

    Tell them he holds outdated opinions on transgender rights.  He'll be in handcuffs before you can say "free speech be damned!"

  3. I think I'd be telling them to jog on if they were to expect me as a performer to start covering their financial commitments as a venue.  When I go and work somewhere the idea is they pay me and not the other way around.


    Setlist is no problem, occasionally we get asked for a copy.

  4. 9 hours ago, kodiakblair said:

    The same " build to lower standard" conditions apply to Fender Mexico and Fender China.

    We hear this all the time, but does anyone have any actual emprical evidence of this?  People seem quick to trot out impressions and opinion, but for such a bold and oft repeated claim the dearth of evidence seems strange.

  5. So dangling from the ceiling...will they be taking a tape measure to each speaker qnd calculating the mean distance, and the angle with resoect to the mic's directional characteristics (no mic is genuinely omnidirectional in all planes).


    I have a little bit of experience of this with very large machinery, and to do it properly with reproducable results that actually mean something takes a bit of science and methodology. Just dangling a microphone or shoving one on a stand in some randonly chosen spot in a room is a nonsense.


    And then to do it a day beforehand is a joke.  On a good day it takes us an hour to set up and set levels, plus travelling time...thats 2 or 3 hours no one gets paid for, plus fuel costs for eqch band member.


    I'd  be inclined to politely tell them that they are more hassle than they are worth, tell thnem why, and decline the gig. You can bet the person demanding this won't turn up for free on a day off, spend time and fuel money, to have his work checked over so why should you? 

    • Like 1
  6. Are the venue even trained in the correct use of this device, know what angle to hold it with respect to the sound source, and at what distance? Has the meter ever been calibrated?


    Just going out and buying a meter doesnt really get them any closer to correctly measuring SPL.


    Also, the apparent volume will be different in an empty venue with reflections than it will in a full venue with losts of carbon based life forms soaking up your sound (and making a lot of noise of their own).


    Unless they've done a lot of homework and some proper training this all sounds a bit arbitrary. 


    I don't know about you, but we regularly turn down gigs as we are offered far more than we can do. This would be one we'd probably turn down as too much hassle, and I'd put the word out on the local circuit about them - they might not be so picky when no one wants to play there.

  7. 23 hours ago, Jeff29361 said:

    Yeah, local luthier looked at it, the truss rod is at its limit, you could drive under there


    That neck can be reset. With care its even a DIY job. Clearly your luthier isn't interested in the bother for the few pennies it'll earn him



  8. I'd sooner have an Indonesian Squier than a cooking MIM.  The better MIMs, the various vintage ranges and signature models, are often very nice bits of kit but then the prices of those have risen well beyond Squier territory at that point.


    But certainly the top drawer Squiers are nibbling at the soft underbelly of the much negleted ho-hum Fender everyday value range, and they've definitely drawn blood.

    • Like 1
  9. No, not really. Anyone who has only £180 to spend on an HB bass will not be in the market for a Rick-O.   They haven't pinched a single penny from Rickenbacker's wallet with that one, and thats the different.


    Sure, its obvious from where the inspritation came, but thats as far as it goes. Its not trying to look just like one, or be a copy of one, or fool someone into thinking it is one so they get ripped off - even teacher could tell the difference when marking that particular homework.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Ricky Rioli said:

    It's a Harley Benson, on sale on the Thomann website, and so presumably safe from Rickenbacker's lawyers. If that bass was offered here, would all be fine? It's clearly a copy of a Rickenbacker, but deliberately incorrect enough to dodge copyright.


    If this kind of bass is permitted, someone is going to have to examine every Rick-ish advert, but without the benefit of advice from Thomann's legal team

    I think it's fairer to say, as indeed do Thomann, that it is inspired by the Rick-O rather than an attempt at a copy. It generally resembles the real thing, but does not actually look like the real thing, is not trying to pass itself off as the real thing, and no way is anyone ever going to be daft enough to believe its the real thing.


    As an aside, the HB is a very nice bass in its own right.

    • Like 3
  11. 16 hours ago, Len_derby said:

    The Shaw Taylor of TV’s Police 5 fame is her dad. Hence why she uses that name.

    That might be difficult, seeing as Shaw Taylor's only offspring was a boy named Richard, who is now in his 60's.


    I guess he could have had a gender reassignment and a very, very good facelift.

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