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Everything posted by Bobo_08

  1. Yes I believe these are hand built at Fullerton
  2. Hot off the press, 30" scale mustang esque bass http://glguitars.com/product/fallout-bass-launch-edition/
  3. Hi PST, I appreicate that, thank you. Yes I would also find that frustrating, I hope you get a response very soon mate.
  4. In my own defense, I missed the last notification for this thread, and have been snowed under with my own work and family situation. So apologies on my part. As for Jamiesonk66 I cannot comment, however I have just this evening noticed in some other sale threads people have been posting that they have PM's folk and not has a response, so perhaps there is a problem with PM's or the notifications etc. Bare in mind there are a Myriad of reasons why someone might not have responded, including technological reasons as I mentioned, but also work, family and personal reasons, but I can understand it can be frustrating and disappointing Best Regards
  5. Stunning bit of craftsmanship
  6. Im not back in the UK until Christmas.. will have a word and see if I can arrange something... Where would you be able to meet?
  7. I have family other side of stoke, i'm tempted...
  8. Yes with those block in lays i would have guessed at the same. It is a great buy, shame i'm not closer by.
  9. A quick photo of the back of the headstock will enable any interested parties to find the info they are looking for .
  10. Appears it may be a 2015 Crafted in Indonesia, possibly Classic Vibe series. I am sure the seller will clarify soon.
  11. lol, So Thomann have the maple fingerboard version and Bass Direct have the rosewood version. Are these from different years? Thanks again
  12. Been looking at an electra VS4 in cream. Look really nice guitars. How would it compare to a fender at a similar price point?
  13. Thanks for the input white cloud, just been trawling the classifieds in the forum here , for prices to give me a decent idea. From what I've seen about £550 appears to be the average selling price. Cheers for your input
  14. Hi All, I am looking for a bit of advice, I have recently seen the above bass advertised local to me (Switzerland), from the photos it looks nice condition. I plan to take a look later this week, however the person has informed me it still has original strings and has never been setup, hardly played and sat in its case for years. Im a newbie to bass guitar and wondeirng if you could kindly give me some pointers on the following questions. What should I check, be aware of when looking at a 13 year old guitar that has not been used much.. warping of, neck, splits in dried out fingerboard etc etc? Is there anything specific to a Fender Jazz I should also check. These basses seem quite seldom, so I am finding it difficult to find information on recent 2nd hand price. Any ideas here please Kind Regards
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