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Everything posted by Craigster

  1. Hi all. Can anyone help? I want to experiment with using a Behringer PK108A active monitor for my bass sound when gigging. Do I need to connect the monitor to the mixer, and then the mixer to my bass amp? My bass amp has an XLR out put on the back. Would this be used as an option for DI connectivity and for going into the mixer. Total thicko with tech. Please go easy on me. Thanks in advance
  2. Hi all, any advice please. I have a 700w black star amp head and a Hartke 1000w 4 x 10 8 ohm cabinet. I'd like to add an additional 1 x 15 or 1 x 12 ( 250 or 500w ) cabinet for increased low end. Anyone know of a way to do the safely without affecting the impedance? Is there a gadget available to split the wattage across both cabs without blowing up the amp head? Any advice would be amazing, thank you all.
  3. Thanks guys!
  4. Hi all! Any advice if poss? I'm getting to grips with the whole impedance / resistance thing when considering matching amps & cabinets together. But just when I thought i was beginning to understand it all, I discovered an amp head that I wanted to buy but its rated resistance is '2.67 min' OHMS In my recent experience most amp heads that I've come across are rated at 4 OHMS. I want the option to run 2 x 8 OHMS cabinets together for larger gigs and 1 x 8 OHMS cab for smaller pub gigs. I know I'd be ok doing this with a 4 OHM head but whats the deal with a 2.67 OHM head?? The head I was looking at is a Blackstar Unity Elite 700W. Is this head suitable for 8 OHMS cabs? https://www.andertons.co.uk/blackstar-unity-700h-elite-700w-bass-head Thanks in advance everyone
  5. Are you saying that by connecting 2 x 8 ohms cabs with a total load of 4 ohms is a result of splitting the load between 2 cabs to the amp? Am i correct to asert that the load rating is carried from the cab to the head given that the ohms rating ( capacity) is greater on the cab, likewise the load rating ( capacity) is lower on the head? Thanks again 👍
  6. Top bloke, thanks for your advice 👍
  7. Thanks guys, 👍
  8. What's best cable to use to power cab from amp? Standard 1/4 double ended jack, or jack to speakon?
  9. When you say don't overdrive it, do you mean lay off the input gain? Or keep input gain to a minimum? But I could still max out the volume though?
  10. This is my cab...
  11. Ok cool, I'd need to get a tech to install that then or could I get an adaptor to "T" off from the first cab input?
  12. Thanks lozz196 really great advice, so I wouldn't be able to use a second cab with a lower amp rating than 300 Watts then? Could I get away with say 250 Watts? 👍👍👍
  13. Hi all, can you'll help? I'm a complete retard when it comes to tech so I need some clear advice that a total novice like me will understand.... I have an old 600w (4 ohm) bass amp head ( ashdown 600 Mag) and I'd like to run a 4 x 10 450amp 8ohm cab. Are the impedance values compatible and can i drive the hell out of the speakers?? Also, can i stack an additional passive cab using the same amp to boost the volume output?? If so, do I need some kinda splitter / adapter from the amp? Yep, you're prob thinking I'm a complete moron but I really am clueless. I would really value anyone's help tho. Thanks so much 👍
  14. Hi all! Looking for some advice if any of you may be able to help. I'm a bit of tech novice and I wondered where I could get any tutorials on how to set up my pedals and whether or not I should or shouldn't put the signal through a std amp input or effects loop? I have a tuner, boss distortion, synth wah, octaver and delay / reverb. I'm clueless how to put them in right order and more importantly "why" also, should I use the effects loop on an amp and "why" I should do that. My experience / understanding of using this gear is limited, could use some sound advice. Thanks all, appreciate your guidance in advance 👍
  15. Hi all. Can anyone recommend a mid range or budget range sustain pedal and maybe give option on whether or not they can help ringing out notes. Thanks any advice would be brilliant 👍
  16. Thank you for this very detailed reply. Going back to where you refer to the root, 3rd and 5th are these also known as the perfect 3rd and 5th and the root unison?
  17. Thanks dad3353, I will surely check out that link. I guess I was thinking rather than try to learn a whole bunch I scales in one lump, I could take smaller bites and try playing along to some jam scales as ii was actually learning them. Actually guys all of you are correct in reminding me that I need to learn more than just scales and a whole lot of music theory. Thanks again 👍🎶
  18. Ok thanks for that advice, 👍
  19. Thanks PJ Bassist for your post and very useful advice, really kind of you to go into so much detail. I never thought about those intervals and associated chords, i just thought of the intervals (numbered 1 to 7) as eg: major 7 or perfect 3rd etc. I still cant wrap my head around why you would use the term 'minor' to describe the 2nd and 3rd notes ( D & E) within a MAJOR scale. Also, are you saying that wherever and in whatever scale ( minor / major etc) you would find for example: a note D, this would ALWAYS be a D minor? Regardless of its numerical position ( chord position) and similarly, chord 6 note A would always be A minor? 🤔
  20. Hi all, could anyone help? I'm trying to learn and really understand scales. Without rushing into trying to learn every scale known to man, i thought it be good idea first to look up a few online bass major jam scales to play along to ( just to get used to the patterns) I looked up c major thinking that id be creating / jamming along to a 7 note major pattern, but in the link the uploader has quoted references to chord patterns to go along with the scale.. i dont understand this? Where to the 4 chord patterns come into the scale and what do they refer to? Am confused 😕 Thanks for help everyone
  21. Thanks guys for all your advice and replys etc, really kind of you. I will try rearranging my pedal board and use shorter jack cable incase of signal problems. Thanks again
  22. Hi folks, is it just me or is it generally troublesome to tune a bass guitar versus a 6 string electric using various gadgets? I allways experience issues with any chromatic tuner picking up a signal especially the bottom E, Ie: my tuner doesn't even register a letter on the tuner display, but strangley the longer i percist with twidling tuner knobs and unplugging and replugging jack cables, like a miracle everything starts to work. I've tried various gadgets and im currently using a boss tu3 tuner. I use a clip on tuner and ive used a behringer tu300 too, i even sent thi back to claim a fault with it! I use mains supply for the boss so i can rule out issues with batteries and i have 2 other basses, no difference. Basically as soon as i plug my bass in, the tuner doesn't pick up anything straight away, until i spend half hour pissing around stomping on the pedal repeatedly and re powering up and down. Sooo frustrating, anyone have any tips? Thanks all.
  23. Thanks guys, more good advice. Very useful. This is some of the line in /out spec for this combo... Effect Send and Return Line Out Phones out Tuner out XLR DI out Switches for ground lift, Sub Sonic, DI Pre/Post
  24. Aww cheers for the advice lemmywinks, think my combo has got a speaker out so i probs consider that option. Thanks again 👍
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