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Everything posted by chyc

  1. If you run a 16 Ohm 2x10 with an 8 Ohm 4 x 10, the total load will be 5.33 (repeating of course) Ohm, but most importantly I believe the load on all 6 cones will be spread evenly. May be desirable if you have identical speakers in the two cabinets. I may be in the minority, but I have an amp that cannot go down to 4 Ohms. That's another possibility.
  2. Because it looks like a Barefaced cabinet, right down to the logo and peeling tolex?
  3. My guess is the original speakers are blown. The BN10-300X are no slouch, so if it works with the cab, it's a tempting price currently at 99p
  4. US prices exclude tax. £999 is £833 excl VAT so yes it is still cheaper on the left side of the pond, but it's not as bad as all that. What that 20% gets you is another matter, but to pin the price difference on a spider is a bit wide of the mark IMO.
  5. It might be switchable like the Barefaced 2x10. That's pure conjecture mind you, I have no evidence for that.
  6. I used to use Allianz. They are very reliable except (and this a biggie) they don't cover electrical failure. I've personally never made a claim, but I know people who have, and there was no receipts nonsense. It's been a while since I've been covered, but I seem to remember they cover newly bought instruments even before you've updated your cover, up to 30 days from purchase.
  7. Welcome, to the flat side.
  8. You're posting some really nice stuff here. I wish you all the best with them.
  9. You'll get quite a few good answers, but a generic bit of advice I wished I'd known at the start is: take the room acoustics into account. A mic that sounds excellent in a soundproofed room may well be horrible in a room with your children screaming while playing computer games next door and you don't necessarily know the room acoustics of the people making the recommendations. You may ask me how I know this..... I've recorded some good stuff using a blend of two Aston Elements, one near the bridge, one near the fingerboard. Two would be stretching your budget, but it's what I have and they're good. Maybe two of the Samson microphones above would be similar? At that price I may even buy two myself to find out!
  10. Yes I now realize that tapping isn't the correct term, although it's been used incorrectly enough that hopefully people would understand what I meant. I was talking about a selector switch to convert a pickup between series, parallel and single coil. Even then the terminology isn't correct: the single coil can be a true single coil in the HE/S, or can be split like the HE.
  11. I got it the wrong way round. The HE is silent in single. The HE/S will have a buzz, but there are videos of HE/S that are silent to my ears. Here's a thread on the topic: https://www.talkbass.com/threads/delano-xtender-pickup-question.1329640/
  12. Interesting question. Delano make two identical looking pickups, the XTender HE and the XTender HE/S. I think the S stands for split coil so should be silent in single coil operation. (UPDATE: This is the wrong way round.) Saying that, the video above is of an HE and I cannot hear any buzz at all. I do not know which one is installed on my bass. Sandberg never replied when I asked, which is a shame but I don't think it changes things much.
  13. Thanks for all the replies to this. After some thought I decided that had there been just one pickup I probably would have gone for it, but two pickups already gives me a wide range of tones, and there's a three band EQ to finesse it further. Two switches would make the front of the bass a little cluttered for my taste, but one switch would do my head in at the lack of symmetry The switches themselves would have been cheap, but I wouldn't have the equipment, the confidence or the skills to install it myself, and that's where the cost would be. I must say I'm bloomin' impressed with the bass. It's making me pick it up every day for a practice. Maybe the odd shape of the XTender is a gimmick, maybe not, I don't know, but it sounds really good to my ears.
  14. My wallet isn't thanking you In all seriousness thanks for the data point. Out of interest which setting would you say takes the lion's share of your playing?
  15. I have a Sandberg Custom with 2 Delano XTender pickups. The pickups are both individually wired in series. Love the instrument, and love the sound. Problem is, this YT vid shows the pups with a switch for parallel/series/single and I love all the sounds on offer, and love the versatility that it brings. I'm taking the bass in for a service and am half thinking about changing from series to parallel, or even asking the tech to add a series/parallel(/single) switch for these pups. What do other people think, listening to the video? The Sandberg sounds like the series-wired samples in the vid. Do you prefer the parallel over the series? Would you add a switch to your own bass in this situation? Am I chasing a dragon?
  16. Great vid. The tone reminds me of a Jess Schmidt, which is understandable given Jeff was playing a piccolo bass.
  17. I played this in a shop, and liked it through certain amps, but others it really brought out the string detail that I don't like, so i'd really recommend trying it before taking the plunge: it's not a silver bullet. I don't know if you've seen it, but there's a different Ibanez with a piezo, but with some traditional Barts in addition so you can have a blend of sounds. It's the SRF700. Haven't played it so cannot compare to the SRH but I would imagine it's a more versatile beast (with a price jump to match). Not hollow body but I'm sceptical if that does anything substantial other than look good, which granted it does!
  18. I own a Bassmax and have ported it across from one bass to another. Based on my experience it really needs to fit well to get a good sound. I've always chosen the G side of the bridge and there the sound has been even across the entire range of the bass. I've had adjustable bridges and I don't think that affected the sound at all, and I agree with @DanOwens in that a double pickup would probably not help, although as a counter-argument I've used the BP-100 which has two piezo elements and didn't notice anything, so it can be done.
  19. I've been trawling through the interwebs for hive mind opinion on this and surprisingly have come back with very little information. I've just swapped strings on my bass. By and large I'm a happy customer, but one thing is really off-putting and I'm not sure if it's my imagination or not. When for example I bow a G on the D string, the G vibrates in sympathy. Now I know this happens on all strings but on these it's really, really sensitive and is very loud, and happens even when I'm playing the G in passing. I've seen posts say this is just a property of the bass, but none saying it's a property of the string. Is it so? It happens on all resonances and harmonics, with the fundamental being really rather obnoxious. It happens when plucking, but with various subconcious muting techniques I can keep it under control. Am I imagining it, or could it be just buyer's remorse? Changing back is a possibility but rather a bigger deal than an electric so I thought I'd ask here for advice. Could a type of strings make it a problem? Can I fix it because other than this I'm happy with the sound? Now you may ask what strings I have on the bass. This is a point of contention as I'm not sure the strings I bought are the ones I received. However I believe the seller sold them in good faith and it's not like I particularly wanted the ones I bought: I'm just messing around trying to find the sound I want. I *think* they are Helicore Hybrids.
  20. Jumping in to say I've just replaced my strings with D'Addario Chromes, basically because of this thread. I'm definitely a fan. When it comes to replace them in 50 years' time I'll definitely buy the same again. Best start saving now. Sheesh they were expensive.
  21. chyc

    Helix rant…

    Being the generous soul that I am, I'm willing to take it off your hands if you pay for my petrol or postage fees
  22. I once got a bad back....... from carrying the rest of the band. Aandathankyou I'm here all week.
  23. These look so nice. Did you make them yourself? GLWTS.
  24. Yum, aged Roquefort. Delicious! ☺️
  25. What are you thinking of doing with a DAW? Recording? If it's multiple instruments or a mic you'll need something like an audio interface, which these days connects to the computer via USB. Choosing one is a whole can of worms but if you're just starting out, take heart that you can get good ones for not much money. Certainly it's a fraction of what you're spending on your new computer above. Reaper is very efficient. I have a computer of similar vintage to your dying one and am able to run Reaper just fine on it. As others have noted, requirements go through the roof if you have virtual instruments or plugin effects HTH
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