2006, France. Music bar. I'm depping in a seven piece blues band. Alain, the keyboard player, whilst technically brilliant, was a nightmare to play with. He'd spent the previous five years in a jazzy trio, drums, rhythm guitar and him so, he'd played all the bass, all the solos and couldn't help over playing. You wouldn't have even noticed if me, or the two guitarists and the harmonica player had left the stage. We got to the end of the first set. I unplugged my bass (active) popped it on the stand and went out front to have a smoke. The first thing I see is two feet, waggling, about 18" off the ground. The harmonica player has him pinned up against the front window, screaming at him in french except for the English words. " My fu#k#ng solos" 😂
I was told he'd left after the next gig with a "no time to really commit to a band" excuse.