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    Fleet, Hampshire

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  1. I had an SR1820 with the big singles which I really regret getting rid of. I’d have another one in a heartbeat.
  2. I have just sold my old Peavey VB810 and I am looking to downsize especially in the weight dept for a cab for my Hartke LH1000. It will need to be 4 ohms and I don’t want to risk blowing it so it must be capable of handling a fair chunk of the Hartke’s wattage. I will be using it for smaller stand alone gigs but with PA support for larger so speaker configuration I’m also not sure of but I do fancy a 212 of some sort. It’s for rock and pop 4 piece band. To be honest, I have no experience of cabs other than the more “budget” brands and certainly not the likes of Bergantino, Vanderkley etc. What’s a good bang for buck, decent sounding, lightweight cab maybe 212 in the £500 used range that would be a step up on what I have used before?
  3. This is my only regret……kit comes and goes which is sometimes a good decision, sometimes bad and the same can be said of bands and opportunities. Time, however, is irreplaceable and unfortunately you only notice the lack of it when it’s running out.
  4. I have a Peavey VB810 which I I love playing through. Built to be indestructible and heavier than most cars. Got it from Iggy Pop’s bass player so has been around the block a bit.
  5. Mr Grey’s Jailhouse Jukebox or MGJJ for short playing rock and pop covers.
  6. British Legion near Wokingham. Tickets in advance only so should be a more refined affair lol.
  7. Hiram, you lucky devil…..you must’ve got out before the latest pension shambles! Do you miss it or were you in the TJF camp and glad to get out? I can’t wait to go now as work is getting in the way of band practices and gigging lol.
  8. I love gigging………it keeps me sane and after 30 years of frontline emergency work shows me that there are still good people who celebrate happy events which balances out the horrors and sub humans that I have dealt with. My 3 band mates are from the same line of work and we all say the same thing…..gigging is the absolute polar experience to what we do as a day job. It’s something I do for me and the band is our little gentleman’s club without aprons and funny handshakes. For me, it adds the context to all the practice and I can’t imagine playing bass and not performing.
  9. Ex-NHS Renault Trafic minibus with Unwin rails and a vinyl floor. Came with 7 individual removable seats but usually only have 3 in the back plus the three up front which caters for the 3 kids and 5 dogs. With all the seats removed, it’s a normal Trafic SWB van. Takes the band PA, some lights, my gear plus the drummer’s kit. It was the wife’s main car until I started to work from home, she loves it and says it’s no more difficult to drive than a big car but kid and dog proof.
  10. Thank you
  11. So I have bought a pack of 4 x 15cm metal rulers from Amazon which I am going to use the way Verb described above but tape them to the body. I’m then undecided whether to use a very sharp chisel or teardrop burr with a Dremel to extend the width by 5mm as I don’t have/feel confident to use a router.
  12. It’s time to make some room and get some funds towards a new digital mixer so for sale is my 1999 original British made Ashdown ABM C115-500 combo. The combo is marked as made in 1999 and was serviced at Ashdown last year. This is from when these were made in the UK and is pre-EVO and has the original white buttons. I changed the valve as part of routine maintenance and everything works as it should including the VU meter. The combo was put out 525w at 4 ohms with the extension cab or 325w on its own through a 15” pre-blue line driver. The combo is in amazing condition for being 21 years old and is a classic The combo is not class D and the drivers are not Neo so this is not lightweight kit but is solid, quality made and sounding. I have gigged once and the combo has only been used as my home practice rig apart from that. I would be happy to meet at a mutually agreeable location for some petrol money or collection from Bracknell, Berkshire. Grab yourself some old school grunt that you can use at home and also gig with.
  13. Brilliant advice….thank you
  14. Does anyone know where I can get a routing template for an EMG 40 sized pickup in the UK? The only ones I can find are in the US and are silly prices to ship a piece of acrylic or wood. I did think about whether I could make my own but would prefer a laser cut accurate one if possible. I want to change the pickups in my Ibanez prestige and they are custom sized Bartolinis and apart from having some more custom made, routing out slightly to an M4/EMG 40 size appears to be an alternative option. The length of the cavity is fine, just the width is a few mm too narrow.
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