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    Fleet, Hampshire

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  1. I also have Blackstar’s Unity 500 210 combo and ACT 250 extension cab. The 500 on its own will deal with most gigs and has a lovely full sound with some tonal options with the settings. It is not massively heavy and both cabs stacked look quite fetching with the Blackstar logo. It is just a nice and easy bit of kit to work with and has volume behind it/them.
  2. Thank you for all your advice and comments. I went in a completely un-expected direction and have this coming……without trying before buying…… 2014 G & L Tribute L2000 which was advertised on BC. It has been modded with an East MMSR pre-amp, some switching mods, upgraded tuners and a new nut. I’m looking forward to trying a different style of neck than the SRs I’m used to. Thanks again to everyone that commented
  3. Brilliant thank you……you have thrown a cat among the pigeons with the Z7 review as I really like the mint one from a colour point of view
  4. Thanks Terry, I was leaning more towards the Z3 anyway…
  5. Thanks, I have read about some Sire QC issues as well so it appears to be just luck of the draw and sometimes you get that Friday afternoon bass.
  6. It’s good to know that I’m not alone in the leap of faith. Does anyone have any experience with the newish Sire Z series compared with the Stirlings? Are they a million miles apart? I watched the Andertons YouTube on them but I’m a little suspicious of their content as they seem heavily pro Sire with some of their previous videos.
  7. Lozz, thank you. Not worked out horrifically or just “not right”? Did you return them or sell on and any issues if you returned them under the “this is not for me” reason lol
  8. Folks, Exactly as above…….do you always try play a bass before deciding to buy it or do you sometimes take a leap of faith? I has some serious GAS for either SIre Z3, Z7 or a Sterling Musicman Ray 34. I know there is quite a price difference’s between the Sires and the Stirling but I am lusting after something with the Musicman single pickup vibe. My current basses are all Ibanez SRs so I also understand that there will be some quite profound neck width difference between them. So which one? (can’t afford a real EB version) then would you order it or would you never buy new bass without seeing it it worked for you first?
  9. I had an SR1820 with the big singles which I really regret getting rid of. I’d have another one in a heartbeat.
  10. I have just sold my old Peavey VB810 and I am looking to downsize especially in the weight dept for a cab for my Hartke LH1000. It will need to be 4 ohms and I don’t want to risk blowing it so it must be capable of handling a fair chunk of the Hartke’s wattage. I will be using it for smaller stand alone gigs but with PA support for larger so speaker configuration I’m also not sure of but I do fancy a 212 of some sort. It’s for rock and pop 4 piece band. To be honest, I have no experience of cabs other than the more “budget” brands and certainly not the likes of Bergantino, Vanderkley etc. What’s a good bang for buck, decent sounding, lightweight cab maybe 212 in the £500 used range that would be a step up on what I have used before?
  11. This is my only regret……kit comes and goes which is sometimes a good decision, sometimes bad and the same can be said of bands and opportunities. Time, however, is irreplaceable and unfortunately you only notice the lack of it when it’s running out.
  12. I have a Peavey VB810 which I I love playing through. Built to be indestructible and heavier than most cars. Got it from Iggy Pop’s bass player so has been around the block a bit.
  13. Mr Grey’s Jailhouse Jukebox or MGJJ for short playing rock and pop covers.
  14. British Legion near Wokingham. Tickets in advance only so should be a more refined affair lol.
  15. Hiram, you lucky devil…..you must’ve got out before the latest pension shambles! Do you miss it or were you in the TJF camp and glad to get out? I can’t wait to go now as work is getting in the way of band practices and gigging lol.
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