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Everything posted by largo

  1. largo


    I'm sure you have a logical reason, but I still don't get that you want a clean amp & flat response cabs when by EQ'ing the amp you can get the flat response you are after. Unless you plan to bypass the amp's EQ section at some point.
  2. largo


    All I was trying to allude to tbonepete was by adding a simple EQ section to the amp say, then your whole rig could be flat response. So why not get an Ashdown retroglide 800 amp a couple of Ashdown 2x10s and use the 12-band graphic to provide a flat response? That's what most people use amp EQ for, giving them the tone they require. Yours just happens to be a flat response tone, mine might be boosted at 400hz others maybe prefer smiley face.
  3. largo


    Could you not just buy a 48-band EQ or similar and EQ a flat response into any cab you choose? Glue the sliders once it's done and your cab will always be flat, in fact do it with amp in the signal chain too and you can guarantee having a flat response.
  4. largo


    Are IEMs flat response?
  5. largo


    Because 12's are rubbish and 210's are the future?
  6. largo


    Just buy the 2 Vanderkley 210mnts that Bassdirect have for sale at the moment. Might be seen as boutique by some but ticks all your boxes.
  7. Playing in a 5-piece wedding band I often find that the "bleed" from our bass bins is so loud that I can barely hear myself on stage. I know one cure is to turn up & maybe even turn the subs down but it's not just me but the overall "bass" of the kick drum, keyboard left hand etc. I then end up with a very middy tone on stage just to hear myself a little. Anyway, these are powered bass bins a pair of DB Sub 15d cabs so not cheap rubbish! Any suggestions? Short of different subs, I wondered if a soundproof heavy duty blanket draped over the back of the bins would help? Might overheat the amp though. Answers on a postcard.
  8. Just bought a couple of cables from Geoff aka Conan. Great guy to deal with and very fast delivery. Would highly recommend. Thanks again.
  9. Where do you stay Mr Pablo. I'm in Fife too and would like to offer you ten of the finest Scottish pounds for your cable. Or of it's easier to post I'll offer you ten of eBay's finest Payment Pals. Cheers.
  10. Cheers OBBM, I'll be honest I can't remember but will check tonight when I get home. Are the NP-4 wired differently? Or, would going to jack to speakon leads be better. Quite like the look of the Trace amp in the used section and I could use the same leads. I'll let you know tonight as there could be an order on it's way if I only have NP-2 connectors.
  11. You don't happen to have jack to speakon leads for this too, do you?
  12. Got a weird one for you amp gurus out there. Got a Markbass Momark which has worked fine for years. Last nights gig only getting output to one of my 8ohm cabs. Tried new cable still nothing. Tried swapping cables and each cab works fine so happy the cabs are ok. Tried daisychain cabs and both work fine from a single speaker outputs on amp. Fine on both speaker outputs. So it's only when each cab is connected to its own speaker output on the amp it doesn't work. Any thoughts & yes, Monday morning I'll be emailing Markbass tech support too. Cheers.
  13. That's what we've done using the Terallec, programmed scenes 1-10 with slow fade at 1 to frantic at 10. I know I just step thru the scenes to match a song tempo, the slow ballads are 2-5'ish and faster goes 6-10. Scene 1 is a subdued lighting for when the band are offstage.
  14. There are others too, there's also the Terralec Foot 4 which we use in our band and it's worked faultlessly for the last 5 or 6 years.
  15. Do you mean something like this? [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/stairville_led_foot_8_dmx.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/stairville_led_foot_8_dmx.htm[/url]
  16. I presume you've tried turning the Low or especially the Mid-Low up on the amp?
  17. It's probably someone like Harry Styles. Maybe doesn't play an instrument but he likes the ladies, the drink and courts a wee bit controversy. A young Jagger perhaps.
  18. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1434896550' post='2803657'] So, with no monitors how would you suggest they should have setup the PA so as to hear themselves & not get feedback? Just curious as to me it sounds like they were making the most of a bad situation. I'm by no means a sound engineer so would actually be curious to know. Thanks. [/quote] Still no answer to my original question, just two replies saying they should buy monitors. Reasonable reply but doesn't answer the question. So, band turns up, monitor doesn't work and they have to make the best of a bad lot. How would you setup the PA in this instance? Still curious.
  19. So, with no monitors how would you suggest they should have setup the PA so as to hear themselves & not get feedback? Just curious as to me it sounds like they were making the most of a bad situation. I'm by no means a sound engineer so would actually be curious to know. Thanks.
  20. Could it be that by turning down you don't feel the bass "hitting" you anymore. No cure that I know of I'm afraid.
  21. I had a Schroeder 410L a while back, with the 2 angled 10's and 2 front firing. Great cab but was swayed by the Basschat "flavour of the month" to try a different setup. It's taken a few years and a few different setups but I'm back to the 4x10 again. Funny thing, progress!
  22. I wouldn't be overly concerned as it sounds like it's a bit more than a typical garden shed. As for theft, I know we all cherish our gear but what's the odds of someone wanting to take a couple of large'ish cabs. Bulky, difficult to carry & no idea of sale value.
  23. In my gigging experience with 4 & 5-piece Rock/pop covers bands I've never found a 2x10 to be enough. 2x12 are fine. I've tried 15s that claim to sound like 4x10s, 12s that claim to sound like 4x10s and guess what I'm back to using? 4x10 or more like two 2x10s. You can't go wrong with a 4x10 in my opinion.
  24. From a scientific approach, surely it's just as easy to add or subtract bass although we'd need to know the definition of bass. So long as the cabs aren't a limiting factor, then personally, I'd rather start with too little bass in my sound and add some until it's what I want to hear. Again personally, I think too much bass overpowers everything and causes stuff to vibrate & rattle hence why I start with less and work up. Others, I'm sure would rather start with too much bass and reduce until it's what they are happy with. Back to the original poster... If you want smaller cabs and happy to make 2 trips instead of one then I'd consider the BF Super Compacts as an option. However, if the idea is to carry in one trip I think 2 Compacts would be more awkward than carrying the single CN212 and so would stick with what you have. Just my opinion however.
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