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Everything posted by largo

  1. I'm struggling to see "venom" in any of the posts. Differing opinions maybe but each to their own I guess, that's what a forums for. I agree it's great for the manufacturers to be involved and answer questions about their products. However, it has to be appreciated these guys are in it to sell their brand of cabs as well.
  2. One of the issue I have is that the bass through the FOH becomes so loud & bassy that it drowns out my on stage sound. In turn, I then turn the volume up "on stage" to hear myself and/or increase the mids to cut through. All I get is grief from the guys on stage that my sound is mid heavy. I now prefer to have a speaker stack close to my ears which means the FOH doesn't affect what I'm hearing so much.
  3. I didn't know Rory did bass work. I only stay 10 minutes away but have never visited his workshop for fear of walking out with one of his acoustic guitars.
  4. I do have to admit that the "look" of my gear is a factor when making a purchase.
  5. Surely it's not the fact they are louder but stay cleaner longer that's the big factor. Personally I don't care if a BF 2x12 is louder than a Berg 2x12. Just turn up a notch on the amp. Got to admit though, with the Gen3 range I'm very tempted. Smaller & lighter is never bad so long as the tone is still there. I do wonder how long it will be before the other high-end cab manufacturers follow in Alex's footsteps and develop a high-excursion speaker though.
  6. Are you sure it's the amp and not a loose jack connection at the guitar end? I've had that happen before.
  7. Only ask because our guitarist, come "knows it all" sound guy, says it's normal to run it at full and has asked for this last couple of gigs. I always set it at half myself. He says I should always run my bass volume at full as well Not sure why there's a knob on the volume, maybe I should just get a switch fitted instead. Thanks again for the replies. At least it's not just me.
  8. To the original poster, I'm sure Chris McIntyre in Edinburgh fitted the Luminlay dots to a friend of mine's bass.
  9. I have a Markbass MoMark TA800 amp, which has a line out level knob on the front. Should this always be set to full to send to the desk?
  10. What about the Vanderkley 210mnt. Not completely vertical but width-wise their exactly as wide as my rack mounted amp. Red fronted to go with the amp as well.
  11. What amp/cab were you playing through? If it was a 4x12 I don't think it unreasonable the bass player having an 8x10. If it was a 1x12 then I'd be off the same opinion as you.
  12. Cheers Alex, although Tolex on a couple of BB2 cabs would look absolutely amazing.
  13. Looking forward to it Dood. Just for the record, I'm not a BF basher. I used to own a BF Compact and it sounded great but the sound passed my ankles and the cab got well beaten up travelling with a load of flight cases in the trailer. It seems like Alex has sorted the sound problem out and the finish on the Gen 3 cabs. Really interested in trying a couple of BB2 cabs stacked but nothing to do with the weight. Cab size, finish & tone are my deciding factors. I'll probably wait for the Gen 4 options, you know the Tolex finish ones... You heard it here first One other question, in my naïve little mind a component that "moves" a lot will wear out more quickly. And my interpretation is that the latest BF speaker shift more air by moving a lot more on the z-axis than other equivalent speakers. I'm sure some engineer will come along and tell me I'm wrong.
  14. Totally agree Conan and each to their own. If at the end of the night I didn't feel I could ask a band mate to help with my gear, I wouldn't really want to be part of that band. But that's just my feelings. I didn't say my band enjoyed lifting heavy things, but we do it because (in all our opinions) that's part of what being in the band is all about. We all carry in & out the PA, drums, keys, amps etc. By the way, we're by no means a "young" band anymore. I'm sure I'll be told otherwise, but I do wonder about the thin-ness of the ply being used on some of these cabs now. Standing up to the rigours of the road.
  15. Point taken about the @home stuff. We do tend to arrive as a band and all help each other get gear into a venue so weight, while a factor isn't really the deciding factor. My rig is still relatively lightweight though.
  16. Do you guys (& girls) play in bands? I'm all for lightweight but if something's too heavy get someone to help, easy. If someone else from the band won't help, then you're in the wrong band!
  17. And take your band(s) along as well because what sounds great in a shop might sound completely different in your band context I'm old enough to remember the days when your local music shop would let you take gear to try out at a gig before committing to a purchase. These days, sometimes all you can do is buy & sell to get the combination that's right. I'm still looking but getting there, I think.
  18. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1430297437' post='2759883'] Are there music shops in Glasgow? Make it a day out. Go to the next Bass Bash, run by ACG and over to east of you. There are other BCers in Ayrshire see where they are gigging. Go and check them out. I think you could be over thinking this. In reality if you're playing at home anything will sound OK, but if you're intending to gig you'll need to go down the larger and expandable gear route. I'd get a modular rig that you can use at home and in a band. [/quote] This.
  19. Try flightcasewarehouse.co.uk
  20. As for behemoth, what about a 6 x 12 that has the punch, response of 2 x 810 fridges and wide enough for that valve amp on top. 6 x Super Compacts in the same box?
  21. I like the 19" wide idea, lightweight amps will still fit on top but so will "proper" amps I would definitely be interested in a "wide boy" version of cabs. It was actually a deciding factor in my cab choices last time round. I was tempted with a couple of SC on putting them on their side for this very reason. My suggestion, a 4x10 with top 2 speakers angled upwards. Like those Marshall 4x12 cabs. Or even a ST with the same idea. A small, lightweight cab is useless if the sounds at your ankles.
  22. What? You didn't go with TKS or Barefaced.... somethings not right in the world....
  23. Not the same person, but I almost got stung by someone else in a similar deal. What p**** me off most was that I had to jump through hoops to setup a bank account in the UK with ID and all but I later found out that you can get a bank account & sort-code for these Western Union-style accounts. Looks completely like a bank account but operates nothing like a bank. The scammer just opens an account, take the payment & close it again with only an email address for ID! Are the 2 sort codes similar? Google them and see what bank comes back. I really do hope the OP gets his money back.
  24. I'll throw-in Ashdown as well. Had to use their after care twice and absolutely superb. Once was sending the amp back & got it before the next weekend's gig. Other was a fuse that they just sent to me FOC.
  25. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1428970576' post='2746648'] The BF Retro 210's would be a better comparison to the Hartke, and (IMO) the BF would easily be the outright winner. [/quote] On what? .... not if it's shiniest looking cones
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