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Everything posted by largo

  1. At the top end of your budget, but Jon Shuker might always be another option. I've got a couple of Jazz-a-like 5 strings from him. A red-sparkle active & a sonic blue passive. You can see them both on his website at [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/jbassgallery.html"]http://www.shukergui...assgallery.html[/url]
  2. Look at the GK Neo 112-ii cabs. Great value, build and importantly tone.
  3. John is an absolute gent. Gave me plenty of great advice when I first got in touch, even though I told him it would be a few weeks before I could place an order due to lack of funds. When I did order the circuit, it arrived within a couple of days. Absolutely impeccable soldering, it looks fantastic and instills confidence that it's going to do the business. A half later and I had removed my old circuit and screwed in the new one from John. Sounded great through the practice amp and after it's first gig on Saturday, sounds just as good through the main rig. Has certainly improved the tone from my bass. Thank you again.
  4. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1392799341' post='2372778'] Tech specs are one thing but take them at face value [/quote] I may be reading this the wrong way but are you saying we shouldn't believe the specifications given on websites?
  5. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1392656918' post='2371165'] This question has been answered: [/quote] Has it? I've trawled this topic and can't find the answer. What I was trying to get at was, surely a 2x10 at 18KG is no longer lightweight, if the Standard 4x10 is 21Kg. I would suggest the Traveler 102p should now be called a Standard 102p.
  6. That all looks good. One question is, and I have been known to be completely but isn't the "Traveler" range so called because it was compact, light & easy to transport. So, why of all the products was this made heavier! Can you tell I had my eye on a couple of the 102P cabs but will probably look at other options now it falls into the same weights as other cab manufacturers. 2 or 3KG makes a difference!
  7. So long as the Markbass website is accurate with it's product specification including weight then I think it's then the buyers decision. However, if Markbass claim their cabs are lighter than they actually are, just to get a sale then IMO thats a whole different thing. In fact, isn't that against the law, misselling and all that? The fact their website says that "Products are subject to change without notice" doesn't mean they can get round this. A product change should be reflected on their website in a "realistic" timescale.
  8. Nice suggestions, just tell him to get another amp! How many of you guys wouldn't be offended if after spending a couple of grand on an amp & speaker you were told it wasn't suitable for the band, by the guitarist of all people and to go and get yourself something more suited to the gig. I can't believe I'm saying this about a guitarist but, poor guy.
  9. Cheers guys, thanks for the advice. Got a few things to try now.
  10. Hello all Wee bit of background first.... My current rig is a Momark 800W chassis, in a TA800 configuration. Using a couple of GK Neo 112-ii cabs, which should be plenty loud enough in a 5-piece function band. I recently moved from using an active bass with 2xJ pickups to a passive bass with PJ pickup configuration. Pickups in the new bass are a set of Nordstrand PJ5 pickups and sound great. Anyway, not sure if it's coincidence but I now have to really push the volume on my amp to be heard. Active bass was gain=6/10 master=3/10 to be heard nice and clear with the band. New bass and I'm at gain=8/10 and master at 6/10. I'm actually scared that I'll blow a speaker as I seem to be pushing so much more volume just to hear myself. So, any suggestions.... Something I should live with? The amp will go to 10 after all if I need more. Get the bass checked? Could it be a dry solder, bad wiring, dodgy pickups, low output pickups. Can I check pickup output with a multimeter somehow? Get the amp checked? Should I look at new more efficient cabs? Maybe the passive bass is showing defficiency in my cabs? Pair of Berg 2x10's or Vanderkley 2x10's if they come around? Any advice or troubleshooting would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
  11. Jif, or is it Cif these days. And then some furniture polish for the neck. I wouldn't bother with wire wool, more hassle than is needed.
  12. I've got the the Line 6 110. A great wee amp for the house. Would probably handle small acoustic gigs as well.
  13. I agree with skej21, a nicely written article which then comes to the conclusion that you have the right cab and others should buy the same as you. For the record, I have a stacked 2x12 setup and think I prefer the tone, power & air-shifting from a modern 4x10 be it less efficient or not. And there's nothing beats the "feel" you get from a 8x10 when standing in front of it, whether it's efficient or not.
  14. Or just like PCs, modern bass amps will become modular so we can swap out faulty components ourselves & not have to go to techs for repairs. Maybe Markbass have the right idea.
  15. Get the Vanderkley, for purely selfish reasons. I'd like to go for 2 of these myself (or at least try them out) and having never heard them I'd welcome a review. BTW I used to own an original Schroeder 410L cab which was probably the best single cab solution I've owned to date. Not really sure why I got rid of it being honest, a case of mistaken GAS. Dare I say, BF not being the holy grail of sound after all. For me anyway.
  16. Has anyone emailed Markbass yet to ask?
  17. Having a horizontal top to your cab so an amp sits on it without sliding makes more sense than a "kickback" style amp, where you can't sit your amp on top. So, a normal shaped cab but the speaker angles up slightly so you hear it better.
  18. I think a standard "rectangle" box with an upward angled baffle & speaker behind the grill is a great idea and wouldn't affect cab depth too much. It only needs to point upwards maybe 10-20 degrees, not 45 or anything. And a bug bear of mine, a cab that's wide enough to sit flush with a standard 19" rack-mounted amp. That's all, cheers.
  19. I had a GB Streamliner that lasted a week, wooly & undefined mush. I've now got a Markbass Momark TA800 which I assume is similar to the LM Tube tone but with a single channel and a mute switch ..... gets my vote ....
  20. I wouldn't say I'm narrow-minded but... If he was playing a 6-stringed guitar (which is essentially what he's doing just an octave down) as opposed to playing a 6-stringed bass I wouldn't even say this was average.
  21. Surely if you go post-EQ the sound engineer can still adjust bass/mid/treble not just the volume, so I don't see the point. That's why I go pre-EQ and give the sound engineer a "flat" feed to get the sound for the Front Of House. Sometimes nice to have a wee chat and tell them the sort of sound I hope the audience will hear from the bass as well.
  22. Bugga! I just got an enquiry for my cabs but needed the 2 as replacements. Ah well, good luck with the sale & have a free bump.
  23. Surely this is what insurance is for? If you gig as much as you say, then I'd have a backup bass & amp at least kicking around anyway.
  24. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1386777291' post='2304391'] 15 years ago I used a peavey 4x10 + 1x15 stack. Today I can get the same power/depth/grunt/whatever from one 15/12 inch speaker in a small light cab, its called progress [/quote] Nah, I don't believe you....
  25. Is "loud" & "shifting air" the same thing? I just rehearsed with an Ampeg SVT 350 & 8x10 cab and that wasn't overly loud but I could feel the bass as well as hear it. I'm still dubious if 2 x 12" BF Compacts could do similar. Call me old skool!
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