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Everything posted by largo

  1. As a gigging musician that likes to flightcase his amp, does the SL come with a rackmount kit? Nice looking amp but I'm not going to fling a gig bag in the back of the trailer, it'll last 5 minutes !
  2. A Schroeder 410L weighs in at 51lbs and the Barefaced Compact at 26lbs. I'm not sure how much you want to push the cab for loudness, but as I said before I get almost the same volume from my 8 ohm Compact as I did my 4 ohm Schroeder. Maybe even a Barefaced Super Twelve at 40lbs and it's light enough for a one man lift and act as a "louder" cab. Being honest, I found the 4x10 about my limit for a one man lift, taking into account the size and weight of the cab, not sure how the Genz owners find there cabs for one man lifts?
  3. There was a Schroeder 21012L for sale on Basschat that would do the job for you. However, I switched from the Schroeder 410L to a Barefaced Compact last year and can honestly say that it's just as capable and half the weight. And the rest of the band (yes, even the drummer) commented on how much clearer they could hear the bass on stage. My suggestion, get a 0% credit card and buy the Compact, then return after a month if you don't like it. However my money's on you'll keep it.
  4. [quote name='4000' post='1185649' date='Apr 2 2011, 11:03 AM']"original = good, copy = generally pointless".[/quote] Surely taking your point to the extreme means that unless something's an exact copy (which it can never be) then it'll always be original. You should be just as interested in how someone has interpreted to copy a Van Gogh painting, as you are in the original Van Gogh painting.
  5. that's me out too, didn't know what a Kinsman Case was but guessing it's not a hardcase
  6. I've now had 3, yes that's 3 B Strings "stretch" on me when winding them on and I'm looking for help. I've played bass for 20+ years and haven't had this happen to me before. The bass is my Shuker Jazz 5-string and it's had several string changes in the past, with no problems. Mark at DR Neon's has kindly sent me a couple of replacements and these have done exactly the same thing. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Unless the strings are faulty, and at £50 a set they aren't cheap. Heeelllllppppppp......
  7. Anyone heard recently from Alex?
  8. Yep, I use spotify for any songs I want to learn. Unless I've bought it already of course.
  9. I don't think the question about "been laid recently" is such a bad one, being honest. I know a few guys, not musicians but footballers & golfers who were top quality up to 15 or 16 (playing for Scottish school boys and the likes) and then discovered there's more to life than footie & golf, i.e. drink & women and not always in that order, but usually it was. By all means put in the hard work, but live a little as well.
  10. I think it's important to enjoy anything you do, so my "on stage" bass tone is important to me. Like you say it's what I hear. What the sound engineer wants to do regards FOH mix is his choice and I really don't care if it's a completely different tone to what I'm hearing, so long as the band sound good. Does that make any sense?
  11. I'm just glad this is a 4 string. Have a bump!
  12. Sorry for the delay, school holiday time and all that. I'm not sure if I have any pics of my Shuker Jazz at the moment, but I did find this link to my old Sei Jazz basses. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1474&hl=sei+jazz"]Click here[/url] My Shuker is more classic Jazz looking, with block inlays, pickguard etc.
  13. His name keeps cropping up, but I had Jon Shuker make me a set-neck Jazz bass. Has the look & feel of a thru-neck and I bet you wouldn't notice the difference. Amazing quality, and up there with Sei at less money I'd guess. I've also had a couple of Sei Jazz thru-necks built and they are amazing basses too. Or there the GB Spitfire which Bernie would make with a thru-neck like the Rumour-series he builds. I'm actually toying with this for my next bass build. Can you tell I like traditional style basses with thru-necks too.
  14. I might be wrong, but simply drawing a rectangle around the pickups doesn't mean a thing. You'd need the bass to be photographed exactly straight on and the pickups to be also straight on to the camera. If this bass was photographed at the wrong angle and the neck pickup was closer to the high strings (which I believe is common) then you'd get that effect with drawing a box. I think ! I'm with Dave on this one, if it wouldn't stop me buying this bass unless tone was affected.
  15. Hi Dave, yep still playing although it's Weddings & Functions these days. Musical prostitute essentially, see www.bignightoutband.co.uk I'll definitely check out the kids' websites. Amazing how life comes full circle! On the other front, to all fellow BC'ers I know wallybass from many years ago and he's an all round good guy and would happily recommend him as a genuine seller. I got the impression there were one or two people on here suspecting that these basses weren't genuine sale items.
  16. Hi Dave, it's Stephen Robertson. I stay down in Lundin Links. We played together many, many years ago down at Steppenwolf, Hunting Lodge and the likes in Leven. We had Edith Bowman as our singer (yep, her from Radio 1). I still remember you rattling through Space Truckin' by Deep Purple. Good to know your still tub thumping !
  17. Your not Dave Dunleavey are you? Just checked out the ebay listing and it says your from St Andrews and your a drummer. If it is, I used to play in a band with you a long time ago.
  18. Hi Frank, I will do, and thank you very much.
  19. OK, I'm looking for some simple wiring diagram for the following (actually for my house not a cab); I have 4 x 8 ohm ceiling speakers each being wired back to a speaker faceplate, so 4 inputs each to a separate speaker. I have a 2 x 40w amp How do I wire these from the amp to get a 4 ohm load across each pair? Is it wires from speaker 1&2 into output1 and 3&4 into output2? Pretty sure that's parallel wiring !!! I just want to double check. I used to know this stuff, but it's been so long. Cheers y'all !
  20. For all those that have slated the show, or the bands appearing just what would you prefer? This is a live music show with a mix of tastes/artists/talent and although I don't always like what I hear at least the BBC are trying. So, I'm very interested to hear what these people would prefer?
  21. What ! It's only a couple of months since I had the "new" Tour Compact and then purchased a cab on the back of that. You telling me it's out of date already !!!!! I'd be very interested for Alex to come into this thread and detail the changes on the new cab.
  22. I've already had the "Tour" Compact and liked it so much I bought one. One word of warning I have to add. I used to have a Schroeder "carpet covered" cab and instead now use a single Compact. The cab is kept in a trailer with all of the other band gear. For the record, the Schroeder after 2 or 3 years of gigging looked almost like new ! The Compact with Roqsolid cover after a month looks beat up already. Chips out of the painted covering and worryingly, heavy scarring where a flightcase has rubbed against the Compact and the ply is seriously dented. Alex, please, please, please give us a carpet cover option ! I'd happily have an extra 1kg of weight for slightly heavier plywood and a carpet finish.
  23. I know that 4 ohms will give me maximum power output from my amp. However, I have seen numerous posts on boards and in "For Sale" sections saying they won't buy a cab because it's not 4 ohms. I used to be one of those people until I got my 8 ohm Barefaced cab. Truth is, I have hardly had to up the volume on my amp and now have the capacity to add a second cab if I want to. So, I guess my question is this. By having to push more volume through my amp do I increase the chances of it breaking/burning out? Or, is this 4 ohm cab simply a myth that most people make too big a deal of.
  24. Can anyone remember the weight of a TE head, I used to own one many, many years ago and from what I remember they weighed a tonne. I play weddings & functions as well, so a bit of everything and I'm now using Markbass SA450 and Barefaced Compact. Very lightweight and great tone (even the drummer compliments me on it which is a first). Also, and this is important if your playing a lot, it's been very reliable. Only downside is the Markbass has no mute switch (I hate that) and so I have Korg rackmount tuner that does the muting for me. There you go, that's your £1200 spent !
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