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Everything posted by ClassicVibes

  1. I've always thought the most interesting album that a band has released was the one after major commercial success. This is not to say they're the best of their career but something vastly different from before or even after. I will give a few examples that in my opinion, were a change in direction but still a good album. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik > One Hot Minute Nirvana - Nevermind > In Utero Metallica - Black Album > Load Stone Temple Pilots - Purple > Tiny Music Smashing Pumpkins - Melancholy > Adore
  2. I only buy a bass if it's the one I'm actually buying. There are too many variables even if it is the same bass that you then buy online. I went back on this recently and learned the hard way, having to return something I played in store but purchased online. Funnily enough, I'm strongly against buying used now for the same reason. Either I've been very unlucky but I have come across so many chancers trying to sell me something that clearly did not function properly. I would always play these basses first, in person, but spot the problem every time. I've had broken allen keys in saddles, neck bows bigger than a banana, frets which could slice your fingers, tuners that required an iron grip to turn and basses that weighed 3 lbs heavier than advertised. The seller is always upset when I point these problems out...
  3. It's all products that make it to the UK. $100 in the States, £100 in the UK.
  4. That's the thing. I've tried lighter 34" scale Jazz basses but I still had the same problem of it being 'hard' to play. My back starts to go after an hour and these aren't heavy instruments. One was 8.3 lbs the other was 9 lbs. I'm not sure if getting a short scale will rectify my issues of being worn out after practice and having a bad back.
  5. What is the opinion on the Hofner Club bass?
  6. If it was a real grounding issue, the hum would be very loud and make the bass unplayable so it's not that. By touching the strings to make the hum disappear means that the grounding is fine. The problem is poor shielding which emphasises the hum.
  7. The song in question was released in 1990 so it would have been recorded to tape. The link above is the original bass track used for the recording. If any overdubs were done, you would hear the punch in. See if you can spot any.
  8. The reason I ask is because I've been having issues with standing up for long periods of time with my 11lb Jazz bass. I'm not sure if it's the 34" scale or the weight (or both) but I'm usually exhausted come the end of rehearsal. I have a heart condition so can tire quite quickly and of course, years of lugging equipment around has weakened my lower back. I'm 5'11" so I'm not small by any means and have no problems playing a 34" scale. My question is would playing a short scale be easier on myself and not as tiring? Does anyone have experience of the Maruszczyk short scales? I'm liking the Gretsch Junior Jet:
  9. But when he touches the strings, the bass goes silent so I'm pretty sure it's not a grounding issue.
  10. On the flip side, here is rock bass playing which is very tight:
  11. If I needed a DI, I would get one of these: http://orchid-electronics.co.uk/classic_DI.htm
  12. The thing with these vintage Fenders is that the ones that are in better condition means they might not have been played much so MIGHT be a dog. Lovely bass though.
  13. How much easier to play are 30" scale basses compared to 34" scale? Is the neck and body smaller? Are they more lightweight? My short scale experience is very limited.
  14. It's a world first - a wall of death with cars.
  15. Here is a great example of slap playing done well. Two things - the bass and drums are ball clenchingly tight and the slap passage, played during the guitar solo, is very tasteful.
  16. That reminds me of a pub gig I played when I was using my new wireless system. There was a social club directly opposite over the road. Halfway through our set, a woman arrived from said social club and shouted to us at the end of one number, "Whoever is using the wireless system, turn it off because you're ruining our bingo night!".
  17. Little expensive for my liking - I prefer not to pay over £20 for a set of strings.
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