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About ryancowell25

  • Birthday 05/07/1979

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  1. Absolute bargain. I’d be all over this if I didn’t already own the sonic farm bass head which has the intergrated DI These sound incredible.
  2. Bought an MXR octave pedal - great coms and swift dispatch - highly recommended
  3. These are great - very tempted to get a second one
  4. Of course if it’s £240 deposit and then £15 delivery on completion of build they have smashed this.
  5. I’m a huge Barefaced fan and gig regularly with their cabs. Got the email and clicked on the link with excitement……… Hopefully a bit more info to come
  6. This used to be mine Body was from https://www.guitarbuild.co.uk/collections/bass-bodies-standard
  7. The Japanese Metroexpress Sadowsky basses are fantastic. I own one and it's by far one of my favourite Jazz basses i've played and incredibly light. GLWTS. Definitely not to be confused with current Metroexpress offer. Some info here from when they were released and I would imagine there aren't loads of them about after production moving to Germany shortly after their first run. https://www.notreble.com/buzz/2018/01/30/sadowsky-reveals-the-metroexpress-bass-series/
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