Hi all
After a great deal of research i'm hitting a bit of a brick wall regarding lightweight poweramps.
Heres my situation -
I'm currently running an Avalon U5 into two 8ohm Barefaced cabs (Compact and Midget and for bigger gigs Compact and Compact). I'm doing this via the poweramp on my Genz Benz streamliner 900 (bi passing the pre-amp)
My problems are two fold -
1. Using a Streamliner as just as a poweramp is a bit over the top.
2. I have the U5 and streamliner rackmounted. The streamliner rackmount kit is ridiculously heavy and has now ruined the idea of having a light weight portable rig.
Therefore I want to swap this out for a lightweight poweramp (9lbs and under with roughly equivalent or more power).
I'm struggling to find anything that will chuck out enough power in stereo at 8ohms.
I've been looking the crown Drivecore 1000 and 1500. However i'm unsure if I can run them mono bridged into two cabs (the barefaced cabs have only one input each).
so -
1. Can I run a poweramp bridged into two 8ohm cabs? - maybe via a Y splitter or something like this
2. Would the drivecore 1500 be too much for my Barefaced cabs or should I stick to the 1000 If I can do the above?
here are the crown specs
Alot of questions but if anyone can help me out its the basschat community. Alternatives and any suggestions most welcome.