All PM's replied I think
I've had quite a few so if i've missed anyone for any reason just PM me again
Currently still available for trade - all offers welcome.
I rarely post on other people's sales threads but have a bump on this.
The Streamliner 900 is hands down the best lightweight compact head i've owned,
If your even considering buying this snap it up immediately!!!!!
Here is my 75 reissue Fender Jazz (Made in America).
Its in excellent condition and comes with a spare scratch plate and Ashtray hardware.
No Dings or issues and comes with a lovely Fender hard case
The Roland pickup is taped on so there is easily removable on trade and will leave no damage to the bass.
I'm moving it on as i've realised Fender basses really aren't for me, although this is the best Fender Jazz i've played.
All PM's welcome and I can sort out more pictures on request.
Warwick Infinity SN - now discontinued - £750
Its not getting much love at the moment so its time to move it on.
You'll find the specs here -
As you can see its modded with a Hip Shot D tuner, and new set of strings.
No issues and in excellent condition.
Its for sale or trade so give me a shout if you have anything interesting. I can add cash for the right bass.
Overcast Sunday afternoon BUMP
Still available at a really good price.
Don't let this one get away, if my Shuker goes soon this might even be withdrawn so grab it before I change my mind.
Always welcome to come and try if you want.
Dreary Sunday afternoon bump
Had a lot of interest in this so I don't know how long this will be around. PM this afternoon and if you make a firm offer I'll stick it on hold for you.